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Generic Name: Olmesartan Medoxomil-Hydrochlorothiazide

Brand Name: Benicar HCT

Benicar HCT Drug and Medication User Reviews

The pass 3 months my blood pressure started going all over the place. I couldn't pass my CDL medical exam because it was getting up to 170/120. Been on it for about five days now it's finally stabilizing to around 118/78. I passed my exam today that was the only problem I had with my exam was the blood pressure.

Effective, no side effects, affordable

I am, overall, a healthy person. In two different occasions due to some toxins and Steroid shot combined with stress, my blood pressure went to the roof (220/120). Doctors prescribed various medications and none could lower the blood pressure to my normal values (~125/80). This medication (Benicar/HCT) brought it down within a day. That was about a year ago. Since then, I started with a pill a day (40/12.5) and within few months reduced it to 1/3 of a pill daily. My average blood pressure has remained 116/73, based on 3 readings each day. This medication works very well with no side effects.

used this for a year or two. worked at lowering my blood pressure from the 155/100 range to the 120/80 range. however...it cause immediate pain/bloated/burning in my stomach so much i hated taking it n wanted to get off of it, which i did at a later time changing prescriptions. i would not recommend or take again di to side effects from taking it!

I was prescribe Benicar HCT 20-12.5 for H.blood pressure and my BP have been 120 or lower/by around 70 I'm 62 years old and very active this medication works grate,the only side effect that I notice is My weight went down from 174 to 163. my guess is that my body flushes by going to the bathroom often....I'm very satisfy with this medication.

I take Benicar 40 HTC. It works great for me! However, since the summer is now here, I have been out in the sun. Now I am covered in bumps and rashes through out my body, especially my arms and legs. Anyone else have this problem?

I experienced weakness when I first started taking it, especially lightheadedness when getting up too fats from a crouching position. My doctor cut the medication in half, and I have had no problems since then. I have been taking it with no side effects for approx. 9 months. My BP is under control.

I have been taking this medication for about 6years, works ok...downside, frequent urination, if in sun for a while,takes several months for tan to go away, eyesight has gotten worse with each year. Now wearing prescription glasses after taking for 2nd yr. Weight gain and hard to get rid of.

I have been taking med for 3wks. Extremely dizzy, lightheaded, pain in my neck and pressure in the back of my head, blurred vision. Right arm numb. frequent headache's Dr. gv me 3wks of samples. I do think this is right for me. going to Dr. tomorrow

i am taking this medicine since last fifteen days. I have developed dry cough which is very annoying.

Good, not great med. it does it's job but does have chronic side effects, ie frequent urination for a few hours after taking each day due to the HCT compound. Some hair loss, mild but annoying.

After 2 mos I experienced the following: ringing of ears, rash, weight gain, eye issues. After stopping use 24 hours I started urinating again, eye symptoms stopped, itching stopped.

It lowered by blood pressure but it caused diarrhea and a mild nausea. A lot of urinating I was starting to feel dehydrated.

Blood pressure has been exceptionally stable without side effects.

Benicar caused the fewest side effects compared to several other hypertension ARB meds. No coughing!!! Libido, while nowadays mostly dormant, is not completely dead unlike other meds where libido was zero.

after just 3 pills, developed extreme head pressure and headache. So much head pain I discontinued w/o doctor's ok.

has my blood pressure under control