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Generic Name: Minoxidil Tablets

Brand Name: Minoxidil

Minoxidil Drug and Medication User Reviews

Horrible horrible side effects!!!! Numbness of the lips tongue and feeling of tingling in the face! Nausea, headache, hives and more! Overall if I could give it a zero I would and it is a black box drug no one told me that!!! Don’t take this medication unless you have no other choice!

After three weeks on it I started growing a mustache. Had a LOT OF dark hairs sprouting aggressively. Stopped taking it after reading it was related to the same drugs GIVEN for hair growth. Mustache went away after three more weeks. Wondered how many poor women are fighting dark facial hair and have no idea it is their bp med. ??

kidney dr prescribed this drug I had fast heart rate rash under skin like a sunburn cound not sleep because of heart rate do not use

I have VERY difficult to treat hypertension. I have been taking Minoxidil in combination with Clonidine now for 5 years. This combo reduced by BP from 200/100 to 120/60, which is rather remarkable. I do have to take a whole suite of other drugs because of the Minoxidil side effects: Lasix (fluid retention), Metropolol (tachardia), and Enalapril and Potassium. You must be very conscientous of salt intake on Minoxidil and limit yourself to about 2 grams per day. All that extra effort aside to control the side effects, it is a very effective drug for my essential hypertension.

swollen legs

elevated kidney readings.minoxidel brouht my readings to normal levels.

Increased swelling in feet & hands. Gained 14lbs. in 5 days. Only lower systolic pressure a little. Caused angia pain and trip to the emergency room.

My son 35 was given this drug and was on it almost a year during this time he began to retain much more fluid,health deterioration, heart palpitations, chronic cough, fainting....end results severe effusion of pericardium which almost caused his death was in the hospital for 2 month...seem to be hard to diagnosis what was going on but finally with cat scan large effusion was found around heart 2 liters of fluid had built up...most likely it had been building for the whole time he had been on this Minoxidil..he was not aware of this being a side effect and might have figured it out had he known when the symptoms begin. Patients should be told very plainly of this side effect,of course, not all get only a few but it is life threaten...he almost did not survive this ...his heart was failing and hypertensive lung disease had developed as large sack of fluid around his heart caused lungs to collapse in lower part from pressure he was on oxygen for 5 month, developed right side heart failure ..he is now finally off oxygen & recovering well...he had 2 surgeries and a pericardium window was make. He is a dialysis patient and that may be one reason he developed this with this medication but Dr should be more conscious of this happening with patients on this medication. Dialysis 3 times a week is not like taking a diuretic every day to help pull the fluid...he was having severe fluid build up between dialysis and medical people just thought he was drinking way too much which he was not.thankful that he survived this ordeal.

caused fatige, shortness of breath, edema in both legs and feet to the point of leaking, severe pain , unable to stand or walk due to the pain. irreglar heart beat.worked on my blood pressure.

I started this medication a month ago. It has lowered my diastolic pressure considerably but has had minimal effect on my systolic pressure. The only two side effects I have noticed, and am tolerating at this point, are that it makes me VERY tired/fatigued and I am having "itching spells" since taking it. As a bald guy though, I am anxiously awaiting to see hair growth on teh top of my head!

Taking it for 25 yrs (after massive stroke at age 46) - have tried nearly 30 other bp meds (while some/many worked to lower bp, they each had undesirable sides, most particularly depression, sexual, ...). Only sides from minox are fatigue which I can handle and heart racing (very unusual, only 20 or so reported cases of it) which is serious but take Corguard to counteract and no reoccurences of racing heart since then. And hair growth, thickening which, of course I don't mind. It was about 6 months after starting Minox the heart racing incident(s) occurred so it was not immediately evident it was a result of minox. Took some digging in PDR (and consult with drug company) for dr to pin it down.

tired, lazy and body aches in the morning

increases facial hair.

the pills help to lower my blood plessure, but the other hand i'm not a man, and have notice hair growing on my face i don't like that at all and i don't know what to do about that i don't need to shave my face and definetly don't want to look a man.

I'm not sure if it is the Minoxidil but I feel like crap and have since I started using it. Please tell me there is another alternative. I have only been on it for about a week and I can already feel the hair growth.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

works good for bottom number. needed the help with hair growth on top of head. but the best side effect was help with erection problems.just call me bone'er bob!

Although it is working really well for my blood pressure, both my parents had HBP and mine is just hereditary, minoxidil has caused me to have extreme hair growth on my face and neck. I already have very thick hair on my head. This is very hard to control and deal with on a daily basis as I am in a job where I am out in public every day. I cannot afford laser treatments and the OTC remidies are not all that effective. I will be seeing a dermo next month to talk to her about Vaniqa. Maybe I'll be a good canidtate for that.If not, then I guess I will be spending more time at home...

It's helping my BP...but I have gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks. I have worked very hard to lose 30 lbs through diet and excercise and don't want to gain one more ounce. Definately talking to my dr about this to see if there is another alternative med as I cannot diuretics as I am allergic to sulfa meds.