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Generic Name: Haloperidol for Mania (haloperidol)

Haloperidol for Mania Reviews

Haldol (haloperidol) "If you enjoy facial tics, muscle tremors, uncontrollable pacing, rocking back and forth, stuttering, insomnia, extreme restlessness, blackouts, memory lapses, sleeping 14-16 hours a day, and a complete loss of personality, identity, and all emotions then by all means try this med. Since the injection lasts a month, you can look forward to 30 days of these symptoms. I often fantasize about injecting the doc, who gave me this horrible stuff, with a dose and then releasing him out into the world like he did to me."

"This haloperidol is the worst drug I have ever been given in my life. After the injection, I was immediately not able to speak. My feet started tapping and kicking uncontrollably. Twelve hours later, I had extreme tightening of the jaw, the tightening went down my neck. I couldn’t swallow my spit, and me trying to say my name and birthdate sounded like when a deaf person was trying to speak. Very rapidly, my neck and spinal muscles contracted backward, eyes were stuck rolled behind my head, completely locked up and painful, apparently, this is a side effect called dystonia. I couldn’t get a word out. Thankfully, a doctor gave me the antidote to cure this reaction (Benadryl!!!), and within a minute, my body started to go back to normal, and I started sobbing happy tears. Scariest medication of my life. Please be careful with this one."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I took this once 4 years ago, NEVER took it ever again because I had the worst side effects ever. I was on vacation at the time and I took it because of my manic episodes. I felt soooooooo sleepy yet so restless in my legs and extremely panicky. I had the worst panic attack in my life, screaming my head off at the uncomfortableness in my legs, squirming around like crazy in bed and pacing back and forth. Finally I took a bath and I realized my eyes were yellow! I almost fell to the floor but I made it to the bed and I slept from 7pm to 12pm the next day and even then I was still a zombie. Later that day the side effects wore off and I was able to enjoy my vacation again. Now I'm on a different medication. NEVER AGAIN will I take haldol because it messed me up"

Haldol (haloperidol) "I was given one injection of this with Benadryl by a nurse whom by the doctor in charge was not granted permission to administer the medications. I was sleeping in the ER after four days was woken up by the nurse and told I was a nuisance to him and he and three other male orderlies in the ER told me they were sick of seeing me there. I told him I might have a seizure if it's a drug that wasn't my current medicine and he said he didn't care. Ten minutes or less I had a seizure and the hospital then released me, I found out they were ill equipped to deal with seizures in the specific ER. What a total waste of time! Haldol was horrible for me. Would never recommend!"

Haldol (haloperidol) "I was homeless and sleeping on a park bench after dropping out of college. Woke up one day in a psych ward. I had slept a good 10 hours having been in a bed for the first time in months. Then a younger nurse walked into my room waking me, with a pill and a dixie cup of water, saying "Here, this will help you feel better." I took the pill and fell back asleep for two hours. When I woke, I tried to speak and my lower jaw went into spasms and I lost control of my tongue as it started lolling on my chin, almost like a dog's. I was unable to form words without a working tongue for two hours. 1995"

Haldol (haloperidol) "Was given this crappy drug last summer at the hospital in the psych ward and everyone was terrified of me! I got an injection so I had to go through a MONTH of this horror. I had insanely slurred speech, my voice sounded more high pitched and tired, I slept ALL DAY, I had terrible akathisia, night terrors, nobody wanted me around, I was more anxious than usual and I wanted to die for relief. The side effects wore off completely, 20 days after I took it on the first of August 2020. Never taking this drug again. I’m on Zoloft and Valium right now, so much better. As for this crap, 0/10. Smh"

"In spite of what many people have said about this medicine I have found it very helpful in both treating and preventing episodes of mania. The risk of developing Tardive Dyskinesia is of course a concern but this medicine has been so useful for me. I have received it both by I.M injection and orally as the ten milligram tablets and both routes were well tolerated and effective."

Haldol (haloperidol) "Parent to son with psychotic experiences diagnosed bipolar mania by one doctor and Schizo affective disorder by another. Been on a 3 year roller coaster nightmare. Refusal to take sulpiride and risperidone orally for any time resulted in having depot injections but our experience to date of the depot injections is more negative given the side affects. Like lost personality, tiredness, restlessness. Bouts of long sleeping followed by walking round and round the room. When standing rocking from foot to foot. Inability to engage in conversations. Sense of hopelessness ..We didn't really clue up on the drug and are concerned about the inability to come off/reduce them because a months worth has been injected then topped up."

Haldol (haloperidol) "I was on Haldol for almost 3 years and gained 50 lbs. I was on this for bipolar. I didn’t like the weight gain. I was 137 when I started, and I’m 5’5, and just was weighed at the doctor at 186 lbs yesterday. It got to a point that I was gaining 5 lbs per month, and I wasn’t even eating that bad. Uncomfortable uncontrollable hunger. My body looks bloated, and I am the largest I’ve ever been. It worked great but too bad for the weight gain. I ended up switching to Vraylar."

"Caused muscle contraction in My neck. Very painful and frightening. Was given a shot of cogentin and it subsided. Caused drowsiness, constipation and marked sleepiness. Emotional flatness. It increased My depression."

"It was great while I took it. Made me feel "normal". Took 5mg of this medication for 3 months and was pulled off of it cold turkey because I developed a jaw tic. Well, two weeks later I couldn't eat without throwing up. Went to the hospital and they did normal tests and said I was fine. Two days later I had obsessive swallowing, dysphagia, and dry mouth which lasted until now (1 1/2 weeks) went to urgent care and found out I went from 133 pounds to 116 in two weeks. Not to mention suicidal thoughts MUCH worse than before I ever started taking medication. Been drinking ensure and just started to be able to eat pureed food. DO NOT GO COLD TURKEY."

"I was on haloperidol at a dosage of 150mg which is the highest? I took the depot because it would enable me to get out of hospital. I had bad side effects such as not being able to eat. I would try to eat something and start to feel nauseous. I also had really bad insomnia. My speech was effected to the point that I couldn’t speak coherently at all and I displayed signs of having the symptoms of what Stephen hawking had during his early days of motor neurone disease when he was trying to walk. Time seemed to be moving so slow. I would look at the clock, look away and look back at some point thinking it had been about an hour and only a few minutes would have past. The drug was seriously impacting on me in a negative way which lead me to try to kill myself. Depots do help some people but others don’t have it so good"

"I was put on a once a month haldol injection a year and a half ago. At first it seemed to do its job. I came down from mania/psychosis. But after a few months I entered a deep depression. About a year into the injection, I checked myself into the hospital for suicidal ideation. Ultimate low point. I started seeing a new doctor who kept me on it but I wasn’t ever happy with it. This past month my nurse missed my injection appointed by accident and I ended up going another week without the injection and I felt a hell of a lot better. My intrusive thoughts went away, I can hold a conversation and I’m not always so annoyed. I decided to go back on geodon because I believe this hadol injection is the root of many issues and side affects I was unaware of. The haldol also made me feel like I was in a fog and never really felt grounded. Hoping the switch to geodon will solve my problem. I never want to take haldol again."

"I 100% do not recommend haloperidol. All of the other reviews are correct especially when the research on the injection is done. I experienced Tourette’s and I was tired all the time. I also couldn’t drive and couldn’t eat like I normally would. It doesn’t help with anything at all. If you plan on taking this don't! If you want it out of your system use caffeine and teas, then it should somehow erase it out of your system. I drank an iced coffee in the morning and I was fine after, for example, I somewhat feel like my normal self again. So once again I don’t recommend this medication at all. A report needs to be made. It was recommended by a psychiatrist at a behavioral hospital and forced upon me for my exit. The doctor who ordered the injection, who also prescribed me the pill medication to take on top of it, plus who misdiagnosed me, will be reported ASAP."

Haldol (haloperidol) "This has tremendously helped me when I get manic in addition to my bipolar drugs."

Haldol (haloperidol) "it made me have violent twitching and uncontrolled facial movements.... it made my mania Worse! Gonna get back on Thorazine. .."

Haldol (haloperidol) "The med made me dizzy and caused anhedonia, apathy and depression. Also, stiff muscles and anxiety."

"It made me more stable I got less angry and less excited- that is the point of it I think. I usually take 5-10 drops or at the most 20 drops a day, any more than that causes problems."

"Gave me rebound psychosis and I'm certain it gave me some sort of brain damage. Induces have sedation and motor impairment. Very dangerous drug"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antipsychotic agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Haloperidol drug information
  • Haloperidol injection
  • Haloperidol (Intramuscular) (Advanced Reading)
  • Haloperidol (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Haloperidol Tablets

Other brands

Haldol, Haldol Decanoate

Professional resources

  • Haloperidol monograph
  • Haloperidol (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Decanoate Injection (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Lactate Injection (FDA)
  • Haloperidol Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Haldol, Haldol Decanoate

Related treatment guides

  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Dementia
  • ICU Agitation
  • Mania