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Generic Name: hydromorphone (PF)

Brand Name: Dilaudid-HP (PF) injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Well I was prescribed 6 boxes of amber amppoules a month. So that's 20 MG per day. I was very surprised when my local wallgreens agreed to order this for me. As long as your not tolerant to fentanyl, this is and will allways be the most amazing opiate pain killer ever to have been manufactured. I strongly recommend that you get permission from your doctor to use this drug I.V. Feels like a full body orgasm. When it comes to potency, Dilaudid is right up there with Diacetyl Morphine (Heroine)

I have chronic pancreatitis and any time I have a flare up ending in a hospital stay they use IV dilaudid and its always worked for me and my pain until it wares off then im yelling for more :(

I simply cannot use any kind of opiate. When I have severe,excruciating pain in my lower back, I do go to an ER for a 2mg Dilaudid IM injection. ALWAYS I end of shaking like a leaf (violent shaking), getting a pounding headache, and need to sleep for a whole day. My pain actually increases! If one is opiate intolerant, I would not recommend using Dilaudid in any form. I went to the ER last night. I came home and wretched. Today I am in much worse pain.

I was taken to the ER for excruciating pain due to a kidney stone. I instructed them that morphine does not work for me, I needed Demerol, as I had learned from a previous surgery. They said they didn't have Demerol, and gave me Dilaudid. Although I felt a warm feeling and very dizzy after the injection, it did nothing to minimize my pain. It did effect my responsiveness in general and I was no longer able to yell because of the pain. I repeatedly kept saying that I was still in as much pain, but the hospital staff just ignored it and told my family they doubted it. They did not believe that the drug was not working. I have since learned of a friend that neither Morphine nor Dilaudid worked for either. I think the word needs to get out so they do not think this drug works for everyone.

I wouuld like to know how long it take Dilaudid to leave your system! I've been off it a month and it still shows up on drug screens

This is the only medication that has help me since I have trouble with my shoulder pain.

Fell at work and was taken to the emergency room, was given a 2 mg shot of Dilaudid, pain was gone from my knee that resembled a small pumpkin. Word of warning, drug deadens the pain receptors in the brain, but the damage to the area is still there, any use of area can result in flare-ups of greater pain,such as bending the knee or standing without support.

I have had to go to the ER when my back and neck pain has not been manageable with my home pain meds and was given Diaudid-HP (PF) inj which did the job, but did not last a real long time.

I have a chronic back pain issue. I have had to go to an E.R. several times when the pain has been completely unmanageable - absolutely excruciating. Each time that I have been given either Dilaudid 2mgs IM or IV, I end up having difficulty urinating, having violent shivering and shaking that lasts for hours, very increased anxiety/panic, and pounding headaches. I, as well, will have internal hallucinations, (seeing colors, shapes, images) and develop constipation. I, simply, cannot use Dilaudid. I regret the fact that when my pain is "out-of-control" I return to an E.R., knowing full well that I will get some short-lived pain relief but also will get all of the symptoms that I have mentioned.

No doubt the drug is powerful. I was given the drug via IV. It is important they inject the drug slowly as any faster than 90 seconds caused me extreme dizziness and made me nauseous. It also is short lived. I was better served by a combo of long acting OxyContin and shorter term oxycodone.

I have RA in my spine and MS. I take Oxycontin and Oxycodone on a daily basis, but when I overdo some days I have to have extra help in managing the pain. I have to go to the ER and get a shot Dilaudid. It helps me very much so that I am able to come home and get some rest. It does keep me awake for a while though. Some people go to sleep on Narcotic, they keep my awake so I dont take them to close to bedtime, but on the nights that I need a shot I usually stay up until about 2a.m. or so. That is the only problem I have with this drug. It is one of the best pain releivers I have found though that allow me to relax and not have the horrid pain that I sometime have.

I was in ER for shortness of breath, chest knotting pain and could not lay flat without chest knotting up. I was injected with this medication TWICE along with anti-nausea drug within 15 span to stop the knotting of muscles in my chest so I could lie flat for cat scan of chest. Immediate vomiting and then severe convulsions (no memory of all this - my husband said took several hours before I calmed and could talk without stutter or stop involuntarily convulsing)I now have kidney infection and pain. NEVER TAKE AGAIN!!

It takes away pain and everything else. My mom was on this and she slept the whole time. Would wake for 2 minutes at sifferent times. She halluncinated, became very agitated and combative. Had a blank stare on her face. She was completelt out of it!

I was given this med to help relieve the pain after having a liver biopsy. It made me so sick that I thought that I was going to die!!! I would have rathered endured the pain than taken this med! This drug should be banned!!!! It took 5 days for me to bounce back from all of the nausea, dizziness, and loss of appetite.

I was given this injection when I was taken to the emergency room for severe stomach cramps and bloody diarreah. It turns out, I had food poisoning which resulted in infectious colitis. After the nurse injected this into my IV, within a minute or two the pain went away.

The quaility of potentence of the medicence its potent, although you must be quailified to inject the meds. Overall pain relief is excellent but there's a short life of the med. so in addition I suggest a break through pain med, like an oxycodone.

I was in the ER with severe migraines. they injected me with this and another drug to help with the vomitting. the only thing i felt during the injection of dilaudid was my face on fire, my body shaking, my hands ands feet sweating, and severe diziness. i thought the nurse was trying to kill me. within 2 minutes the pain was gone, but the experience fo being injected with it was horrible! it also made me very sleepy. i would be carrying on a conversation and then pass out right in the middle of it. i think the worst part of all was the consipation when i got home. will never take this again

I have just changed from Morphine 25ml to Dilaudid 5ml and will probably be "bumped up" slightly Sept 1st. The last 2 weeks has given me more relief than I have had in I truly cannot remember when. I am grateful to everyone at my Pain Clinic. p.s. this is my 1st time here and perhaps I may not be on the correct Dilaudid site - I have an epidural pain pump. As of now I am still having to maintain with 300mc Fentanyl patches every 72 hrs. and oral morphine tabs. 30mg. 1-2 every 4-6 hrs. no more than 6 per day. I have had my pump for 1 1/2 yrs.