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Generic Name: Oxcarbazepine

Brand Name: Trileptal

Trileptal Drug and Medication User Reviews

Well, It s the FIRST drug that make me sleep whitout bzd!

I just stop taking trileptal cuz it was making me cried so much and my mood swings gotten worse with trileptal. I told my psychiatrist that I stopped taking trileptal cuz of my mood swings and me crying so much !!!! I won't go back on this medication ever again !!! Its too much meds and I feel so much better without it !!!

Trileptal gives me absolutely no side effects apart from the occasional headache and nausea. The main reason I will be leaving this medication is weight gain/water retention. I've retained so much fluid in just 3 weeks of taking 300mg daily. It should be listed as a possible side effect since so many people experience this.

Been taking oxcarbazepine for over 3 years now for bipolar 1 and it works really great. I felt it immediately and almost like a buzz in the beginning. I take the max for my mania at 2400mg a day (1200 morning and 1200 night) but I still have had no side effects whatsoever. Helps me keep my mania under control and I'm actually managing my condition now which is what it's all about. Depakote worked ok but did weird things to me. Lithium was ineffective and made food taste weird. And anti-psychotics are hell on me and actually make me psychotic. Oxcarb has been a revelation. I guess it doesn't work for everyone but for some of us it works like a charm. A real blessing for our incredibly challenging lives.

I've tried other meds for Bi-Polar but Trileptal has worked the best. I've been on it for about a year now, the only issue that I'm having right now is the my white blood cell count has dropped. My doctor is re-testing my wbc to ensure that it hasn't dropped any lower. If it does, he wants me to try a different med, which I don't want to do as it takes several weeks to get your levels right and also can put me at risk of having another episode.. which we all know is no fun! Keeping my fingers crossed.

This medication is not it for me, ive had so many drug interactions with other medications. Ive experienced the worst of the side effects as well. When taken with fluoxetine (prozac) i experience longer, more severe seizures. My body is always low on sodium, and im always in pain because of muscle spasms. Of course, i dont place 100% blame on the medication, my doctors suck and didnt warn or inform me of the possible drug interactions and severe side effects.

On this medication for Bipolar. It works really well for my mood. I have continued to experience some side effects, such as being a little unsteady on my feet when getting up or turning my body, but it's not bad (especially since I'm clumsy anyway). I have also experienced some mild blurry vision. However, overall, I am really impressed with the medication's results.

I take this medicine for bi polar disorder. It has been amazing. I have not gained weight or had any significant side effects to speak of like with every other medicine. It really helps me with mania and irritability. I do try to take the biggest amount of my dose at night though, due to daytime sleepiness. 900 mg at night 300 mg in the morning. It works for me.

Tn pain

This medication was supposed to be a cleaner version of Tegretol. After taking it for 4 weeks my girlfriend noted that I was very irritable and I could not sleep at all. This medication did not work for me and I do not recommend it.

Taken for Bipolar Depression: This was the first medicine prescribe for my recently diagnosed bipolar depression. Yes, I had stopped cycling as often, however, within a week I was increasingly irritable and had a personality change. It got to the point where people I worked with commented on my personality change. Since changing meds, the irritability has completely gone away.

Bipolar 1. Been on this med for 8-10 years. Suffered low sodium at 117 and had to be hospitalized. It should be 135. Trileptal and Lamictal the culprits. Be careful on this drug. I've gone down from 12200 to 600 mg and have 2 points below normal range on sodium. It has been a miracle drug for me so I'm gonna see if I can stay on it at a lower dose and keep a check on my sodium

Works well, completely controls seizures, doesn't make me sick, tired, or sleepy like other seizure control meds. Downside, blood sodium levels are low. Need to really supplement my diet with a lot of salt and drink Gatorade daily. Small price to pay for seizure control

Extreme weight gain

I have depression, Anxiety, and very bad mood swings. Ive been taking Trileptal for my mood swings for over a year now, and it has made such dramatic improvement on my life. Not only did it stabilize my mood, but also worked to treat my anxiety as well. The first week or so taking it, I was a bit dizzy and groggy but after that those symptoms went away, and in weeks my mood was stable and I was on to continuing a better life style.

excellent !!!

I take this for mood regulation/depression and let me say it is an absolute blessing after my first couple rounds of trying other antidepressants and psychiatrists, thank goodness for this last one. I take 600mg in the morning and 1200mg at night. After years of being a restless/light sleeper I can take the evening dose and in a half hour be sound asleep with no grogginess/drugged out feeling when I wake up a good 6-8 hours later, simply amazing.

I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. I was prescribed Trileptal as a mood stabilizer to help slow down the constant racing/obsessive thoughts. However, after some adjustments I found the right dose (150 mg) in letting me slow down and focus. I gave satisfaction four stars because you can only change the dose by 75 mg and I feel if I could take between 150 and 225 I would be in an optimal range. Also, I did have some side effects when I was around 225-300 mg. I had constant ringing in one of my ears and I felt my mind slowed down so much I could barely hold a thought. Overall, a good medicine to help slow down racing thoughts if you're diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder.

I began having nocturnal seizures after sinus surgery about a year and a half ago, the ER doctor and neurologist put me on Keppra 500mg twice a day. Keppra was horrible, I have bad headaches, I felt like I was in a fog the entire time I took Keppra, which was a year and a half and I was constantly angry ALL THE TIME..Keppra nearly ruined my life, I had to change neurologist to get the help I needed and get my medication changed..Now I am on Trileptal 300mg twice a day, this medication has helped me be me again, I am no longer angry and my head is clear and I feel normal again. I helped me on day 1 of taking it. I am happy with my decision to change neurologist to get the help I needed even though Keppra helped control my seizures, the side effects were worst then having the seizures.