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Generic Name: Seroquel for Bipolar Disorder (quetiapine)

Seroquel for Bipolar Disorder Reviews

"I thought writing this was important as there are so many negative reviews on here. I was so close to giving up, and every single medication I put into my body would send me into a borderline psychosis. I had the prescription for Seroquel for a while before I could convince myself to take it. I am so glad I did. Still adjusting the dosage so I am not 100% where I need to be, but a low dose of this has given me a sense of hope that I haven't felt in 7 months. I was so broken from anxiety/ADHD, and I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel from Seroquel. Felt effects within the first few days and still improving with dosage adjustments. Don't give up!"

"This medication has saved my life. I was having the worst episodes ever: high, low, high, low, no sleep, totally impulsive, on the downward spiral to self-destruction. Spending money, running around town at all hours, telling off people at work... then the crash. Sobbing in my doctor's office, she wrote the script for Seroquel. I had zero faith because all the antidepressants, etc., she'd tried me on never worked to calm the chaos/PTSD reactivity in my head. I was ready to end it all. Thank goodness I filled the script and took it. I slept! That in itself is a miracle. I kept my job, and I'm hopefully on a journey to wellness. My mind is calmer. I can think one thing after another in a logical order instead of a cloud of white noise and traumatic memories flashing. I think with this med and some good PTSD therapy, I might have a second chance... at life. I don't care if I gain a little weight... I want to live without constant chaos. So grateful."

"If you have Bipolar Disorder type II, please learn as much as you can about this condition from professional, reputable sources so you can make informed decisions about treatment and management options. This is a treatable, manageable illness, take hope in that. After 20+ years struggling to 'cure' myself 'naturally' and being miserable, dangerously depressed, and dysfunctional, I finally decided to try psych medication. I found a doctor who SPECIALISES in this disorder and is up to date with the latest research findings in this specific condition. If you don't like your current GP or Psych's attitude, find someone else! I started a combo of Lamictal (AM and PM) and Seroquel (Only PM - makes you drowsy). I kept a daily mood diary, and it took 3 months for my mood to fully stabilize. To help the bipolar depression, we added bupropion and N-Acetyl Cysteine, a supplement (all based on clinical research!). For 5 years now, I’ve had my life back. Deciding to take this medication saved my life."

"Seroquel is an excellent choice for stabilizing the mood and improving sleep in the context of a bipolar disorder. I have bipolar II mood disorder and recently experienced chronic sleeplessness and angry-agitated moods. The day of my medical appointment, I became overtly angry in two separate social circumstances. These angry reactions are very hurtful to those who experience the triggered anger. Seroquel, an antipsychotic and mood stabilizer, calms down the CNS agitation, reduces negative thoughts, and improves quality of sleep: very important for our overall health and well-being!"

"I was put on Seroquel 4 months ago. Before that, I had really bad, uncontrollable mood swings throughout the day. After about 3 months of struggling, I experienced a severe depressive episode where I thought people at work were out to get me. My mind was racing, I had a high level of anxiety, and was extremely stressed, combined with deep depression. I spent 24 hours in the hospital where they prescribed Seroquel and a few other medications. Seroquel has completely saved my life, along with the support system I have. I had occasional low moods for about 2 months, and then my dosage was increased. I'm now taking 200mg every night and am about 90% stable. I was initially diagnosed with Major Depression with Psychotic Features but later diagnosed with Bipolar II. If you're experiencing mood swings, intense anxiety, or a racing mind that's out of control, don't hesitate to try Seroquel, it might give you back your life like it did for me."

"I have struggled with depression and anxiety for about 14 years (I am 27). The past 2 years have been the hardest. I have been suicidal every day and had lost all hope. For about 10 months, I have been on: Lexapro for 3 months, then Effexor for 3 months, and now Pristiq for 4 months. I have also had regular talk therapy with a psychologist. About a month ago, a psychiatrist prescribed Seroquel 25mg as an add-on to my Pristiq. The past 4 weeks have been the best I have felt in many years. I feel much lighter (as in, the heaviness of depression has lifted), much more positive. I haven't been ruminating about the past. Seroquel has truly made a world of difference. I truly think it's very possible I could have ended up suicidal eventually without it. It's only been 4 weeks, but hopefully the effects continue. It's worth a try if nothing else has worked."

"I have bipolar mania with stages of depression. It has been like this since I was very young. It comes along with episodes of mood swings. I am on 25 mg of Seroquel now and have been on both 50 mg and 100 mg. 25 mg does great things for me. No more sleepless nights. No more intense spending sprees. No more major anxiety most of the time. A lot less depression and a lot less irritability I experienced as well. I get tired and a little unmotivated in the morning, but I have coffee and breakfast and I'm good. Weight gain is the other concern but I have controlled it with walking good amounts each day. Well worth a try and definitely something to consider for a bipolar patient."

"I have Chronic Insomnia, Mania from Bipolar Disorder. Seroquel is effective for my insomnia and mania/mood swings. I take my 100mg dose of Seroquel at night at 9pm. I find that taking my dose at this time significantly reduces the groggy side effects in the morning, allowing me to wake up feeling refreshed and well, ready and with the energy I need to start my day. I also do not experience the Seroquel “munchies” that many report to experience. I am not a doctor or a practitioner of health and medicine, therefore, it is not my place to recommend others to take this. It is also not my place to tell others not to take it. For me, it had a very beneficial effect on my life and functionality. My experience has been positive, but it may not be for you. Also, everyone take your meds as prescribed. If you don’t feel a benefit, don’t stop it on your own terms. Express this to your doctor. They know more than you. Set alarms to make sure you take it consistently daily."

"I too gained masses of weight taking Seroquel but lost it all (35lb) in 6 months by healthy eating & being AWARE of the pitfalls. Seroquel does not make you gain weight. Seroquel makes you crazy HUNGRY craving all the bad stuff - salt/sugar/fried food for me. The secret is to ANTICIPATE your munchies. Prepare a large but healthy snack in advance or save half your evening meal and have it at bedtime just before you take your meds. This really worked for me. Taking my meds on a full stomach took the cravings away."

"Started at 25mg, felt groggy in the AM, but it passed after a week. Then increased to 50mg. My moods are stable, but I don't feel drugged up. At least I'm sleeping well now. At this dose, it still lets me express emotions. Doesn't interfere with my daily activities at all. Just wish I'd taken it years ago."

"Got diagnosed with bipolar disorder three months ago, and started on Seroquel 50 mg at night. It has helped me a lot, and I feel like a totally different person (in a good way - I've suffered for 10 years!). At first, I just thought I was in a 'normal' phase (not manic or depressive) - but the depressions usually sneak up on me after a few weeks when I've felt normal before. Not had any side effects, other than restless legs syndrome, but I've had that before, so it wasn't a biggie. This side effect has also almost disappeared after a few months. Was so scared of weight gain, but I watched what I eat, and work out a lot, instead I've gotten skinnier and healthier. Thumbs up! I got my life back!"

"I got very sick and was put into the ICU for a very long time, which caused ICU Delirium and Depression. I had been on Cymbalta, but they changed it to Seroquel. My friends who are nurses make jokes about how awesome Seroquel is for shutting patients up and making them comply. I felt awful on this drug. Leg spasms, drooling, worsened diabetes, etc. They didn't tell me that they'd put me on it. When someone finally told me, I demanded they take me off of it, and the drooling and spasms stopped almost immediately. And I was able to stay awake and think more clearly. And able to participate in physical therapy. I didn't notice any mood improvements and in fact, I was incredibly depressed, but being in the ICU is traumatic, and I had a machine breathing for me, and I was trying to process having almost died. I would recommend trying just about everything else first. I've told my doctors they're never putting me on it again."

"When first diagnosed, another medication was prescribed. I then researched Seroquel. Being an insomniac, I asked my PCP if I could try it. It made life so much easier. I began to control my agitation with others. I used to fly off the handle, and what I call 'my crazy' would come out. If looks could kill, I would be guilty of numerous killings. I am able to be in situations that are less than desirable without offending anyone. It was a challenge being around others who were not as intelligent and immature, whereas now I recognize how I should interact with them. My true personality is seen rather than the perception that followed me for the majority of my life."

"I have affective bipolar disorder and took Seroquel for 12 years. I started at 100mg, and for the last 8 years, I was on 300mg at night. I had psychotic suicidal depression. Yes, it made me sleep well, except towards the end there were restless legs. However, it never stopped the depressions from recurring, and I couldn't sleep with it during the bouts. A year ago, a psychiatrist abruptly stopped it, either cold turkey or over 5 days. Immediately, I developed tardive dyskinesia (TD), a debilitating progressive neurological condition. It was very uncomfortable, painful, and no, I would not recommend it. I am 63 years old, starting a new life, homebound, super self-conscious of my face, and avoid meeting people."

"This drug absolutely did not work for me. Well, the sleeping part worked... I never slept so much in my life. Instead of waking up from 12 hours of sleep feeling well-rested, I woke up angry and wanting to punch someone in the face. Sure, I can have anger outbursts, but only while on Seroquel did I want to punch someone. Started low at 25mg, and my doctor kept increasing my dosage to 100mg. At 100mg, I would sleep 18 hours straight, and my days and nights were blurred. The anger caused me great urges to drink alcohol, which is ironic because I don't even like alcohol. Eventually, I just stopped cold turkey, and to this day, I have never woken up as miserable as I was on Seroquel. Also, I gained 60 pounds in a little over 2 months and had severe impotence. So definitely not for me."

"This is my 2nd time on Seroquel, and now that I actually know two shits about mental disorders, I really do like Seroquel. I've always had a terrible time falling and staying asleep, which it helps with greatly, and it puts my ridiculous bipolar tendencies to rest. I recommend Seroquel if it works for you. I've never had a single negative side effect from it, but some people do. Every brain is different :)"

"I have Bipolar I Disorder, and was prescribed Seroquel for insomnia and anxiety. At only 25mg, it helps me sleep like a baby. I get 8 hours of the most restful sleep I have ever had. It also helps with the racing thoughts and screaming voices in my head. I cannot thank God enough for bringing this medication into my life."

"Thank you everyone for sharing your views. For those that Seroquel has helped, how many weeks did it take to feel relief from the agitation? I have been on this for a week and don't feel less agitated yet, only too drowsy to yell as much after I take it for a period."

"Seroquel has been nothing short of a miracle for my depression, anxiety, sleep, and mood. I take 800 mg at night around 10 pm, and it has helped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. The side effect of weight gain has been significant, but I’ll gladly take the trade of being fat."

"I was afraid to go on Seroquel because of the weight gain aspect that I heard complaints about. I have been on it for several months now and have not gained much. I am sleeping better than ever. It is a little tough to get out of bed in the morning, but once I get up, I am fine. The best thing about this medicine is how calm I feel on it. My anxiety is pretty much nonexistent at this point. I have BP1 with psychotic features, and I have not had any episodes at all since starting it. I would recommend this to anyone who needs help with stability with their bipolar and anxiety."

"I love Seroquel but not the XR type. Helps you to sleep well at night and wake up feeling great. Gives you major munchies at night and woke up with Reese's Pieces all over the bed. Does help with a lot on highs and lows. So for me it's worth a little weight gain. Overall this medicine has changed my life."

"I have been on Seroquel off and on for three years. I have tried other meds for my bipolar disorder, but nothing has worked better for me. I feel the only drawback is waking up in the morning with a cloudy head and dry mouth."

"After suffering all of my life with depression and then later in life (20-33) with severe anxiety, insomnia, and a general feeling of restlessness to the point I thought I was going to 'crawl the walls', I was prescribed Seroquel. I quickly found out I had to take my dose at bedtime due to being so sleepy when I took it during the day. Seroquel has been the ONLY medicine that has worked for me to ease the symptoms of my Bipolar Disorder 1. A Big Thanks to Seroquel for making life easier for me!"

"I can now see my own signs of mania or depression (having had Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for six months). With that said, the meds are not miracles, and after some dialectical treatment to add to my “toolbox”, Seroquel really helps. When I am restless, having racing thoughts, and feeling moody, I feel well-balanced after about 48-72 hours of using coping skills and adding Seroquel to prevent lack of sleep, which can worsen thoughts, moods, eating, etc. For me, it’s very helpful to have self-relaxation skills to manage my reactions. I give this medication, after months of skill work, an A++. My experience is not to say it is 100% fluent to all bipolar sufferers. The good thing is that DBT is not a medication so it won’t hurt to try it as a “tool”. The side effects are mild. It does make me drowsy, and I sometimes get an oily face, yet I can accept that over extended episodes. I also have to keep drinking lots of water as dry mouth is mild and I do feel thirsty."

"I suffer from Bipolar II, take 200 mg Lamictal daily, and was prescribed 25 mg Seroquel to take at night to help me sleep during hypomanic episodes. My psychiatrist claimed it would calm the racing thoughts, help me fall asleep, and hopefully make me think more clearly during the day. After taking it, I would still be awake for a couple of hours trying to sleep and still having racing thoughts. In the morning, I had the worst experiences trying to wake up. I wasn’t trying to wake up early or anything, like 11 on my free days, so I could sleep in, and even then I could barely open my eyes enough to turn off my alarm and would immediately fall back asleep. After finally waking up, I felt groggy and disoriented throughout the day. I couldn’t think straight and was unable to focus during my classes. Not a good experience. I only took it a few times and decided it was only having negative effects, so I stopped taking it."

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  • Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
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Patient resources

  • Seroquel drug information

Professional resources

  • Seroquel prescribing information
  • QUEtiapine (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Seroquel XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Schizophrenia