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Generic Name: Oxycodone and Acetaminophen

Brand Name: Percocet

Percocet Drug and Medication User Reviews

Bone spurs in my neck and arthritis in my lower back. Doctor have me 7.5 325 dose. Hardly touched my pain and it wore off in a couple hours

I've been through about at least 6 surgeries in about 3 year span and I was prescribed this medicine one time and it worked and I wasn't a level 10 anymore I became a manageable 6 level . I've took other medicines over the years and Doctors are reluctant to write ANY NARCOTICS even if your in constant pain and severe pain that other otc medicine dosen't help with . I have #7 coming up and I know that he won't help me manage my pain that caused the surgeries , but even from the pain of surgeries. I just hope specialists remember that their job is to help their patients with any pain and make them as comfortable as possible

Hip surgery. It relieves my pain greatly but makes me incredibly nauseous, to the point I would rather be in pain most of the time than feel so sick.

Prescribed post shoulder surgery, with multiple procedures, including shaving and drilling bone. Worked wonderfully. During week one, only 1 pill required most often, and 2 rarely. Marijuana smoked and in cookies and gummies helped to reduce the need for "conventional" pain meds. Zero need for Percocet after 10 days. Onward, a 10mg THC gummy or cookie after dinner worked to help ease pain, and enable mostly pain free sleep. A very small joint once or twice a week helped with pain too, and enjoyment of a THC high.

I take this for arthritis and it has helped me for over 15 years. I couldn't take the newer meds, like celebrex, because I had bad reactions to them.

I have ehler-danlos hypermobility, fibro, shogrens,sjogren syndrome, herniated disk in neck and back, chronic rib pain and all over body pain where it hurts to walk lie sit and breathe.. i have been on this over a year x3 a day and because of this drug I am still able to work 6hr shifts and function most days somehow. (Although I am gradually getting worse still) I cannot get out of bed without with and I cannot sleep through the pain without it and I definitely cannot work without it. I break them and use half to take edge off so I still live in chronic pain but not as unbearable but it keeps me on a lower dose and rides me through the day. The side effects are low but I still get a little loopy if I haven't had any food and take a whole one. I wish more ppl understood how life altering pain is and how this type of treatment can give you the ability to function. Even my family is uncomfortable knowing I take it but I know without it I would not want to suffer. I cannot even tolerate lying on a dreamcloud bed my body is so bad most days.

I am able to live my life with this drug. I have severe pain from RA and this drug allows me to get off of the couch and be as normal as I can be.I have already had my knees and a hip replaced. I am grateful for this help.

Taking this medication gave me my life back. Before I couldn't go places or play with my grandbabies.

I have worked in factorys my whole life standing most of the time I have real bad sciatica nerves on both side it's bad

Have been taking this for 4 years. On 5/325 3 times a day. Have had multiple joint replacements. My back is inoperable with severe Osteoarthritis. My feet, my hips my neck, shoulders are all bad. There is no pain if I remain still but once I move or walk it's goes to a 8 or 9 pain level. I once took too much for pain after I had both knees replaced years ago. I had a bad case of nausea that taught me a lesson . I respect it's power. I have Narcan with me all the time. Anyone taking this daily should have Narcan with them. I am grateful for my pain clinic for their understanding. Xray's don't lie. They take urine samples every 2 months. If they detect any THC they will cut you off. Marijuana is legal here in Colorado but I tried it for pain many years ago and found it ok but not predictable. Another thing is I don't drink alcohol. Don't even think about mixing those two. The only side affect I have is the constipation with Percocet. I take vegan base laxitives. With out this I have NO quality of life.

The reason the dea is coming down on perocets is because it's easier then trying to stop drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin from other countries. Its job security and less work . That's my personal opinion and I am probably right.

I suffer from chronic neck and back pain along with depression. the depression came when the chronic pain came. i started to not be able to work and function at all. for fifteen years all i did was try to get through my work day and get home to just lay down. I could no longer do the things i enjoyed doing anymore. i was no longer living any king of life. i went to specialists, doctors, everybody, and got no answers. finally i found a doctor who put me on antidepressants and percocet and i cant tell you how much this person saved my life. i was at the point of thinking of taking my own life when this doctor finally came into my life and saved me. between the combination of the meds i now live again. i enjoy life and am doing things i havnt done in years that used to make me so happy. thank god there are doctors out there that still care about saving people. i take 10/325mg of percocet 2pills three times a day and i am like a whole new person. i had side effects at first but they are gone now. my anxiety is down to nothing and my depression is pretty much gone. thank you so much to this doctor who has saved my life.

I used to use it for horrible menstrual cramps before I found a supplement on Amazon called period lyte that works wonders for me. I loved Percocet because it greatly reduced my pain however I did have side effects that also made me hate it, unless of course that was also my horrible period. It made me dizzy and nauseous.

I broke my tibia and fibula and tore all the ligaments attached to my foot. Also crushed my foot. They had to put all these plates and pins and screws in my leg. I take 1 every 12 hours of the percocet 5/325. So twice a day. It is effective for pain in about 30 mins and last for a good 5 hours. I would recommend it as a rapid way to reduce pain and works well with ice packs. Ibuprofen works well too but they won't let me take it because I have severe osteoporosis in my foot and I'm supposed to jog 1/2 mile a day to break up the scar tissue and to rebuild the bones in my foot. It works well after running a 1/2 mile. But you'll probably still need some ice if you can't take NSAIDS. It really doesn't do anything for swelling.

I have RA and have had horrible reactions to the biologics. My oxycodone gave me a decent quality of life until the "opiate epidemic" when my primary care physician could no longer prescribe it for me. I had to then go to a pain management group where my medication was cut to less then A quarter of my old dosage and now I am in constant pain,hunched over, partially bed ridden and have to travel over 100 miles every 2 weeks,take my script to the pharmacy at least 5 days prior to my fill date so travel is out, vacations, etc...What a shame that real compliant patients are now treated like criminals made to jump through hoops and practically revolve their lives around getting the medication they truly need, while the drug dealers are dancing in the streets and rolling in money. From what I gather, 1 of my pills costs 30 dollars.I have to pay out of pocket around $150 a month not including travel expenses because my insurance will not pay for opiates. I know I am not alone in my plight and there should be laws that allow for people in my position. Canada has A "rule of exception" for auto immune diseases and true chronic pain patients. Even my dear friend who is in stage 4 breast cancer is fighting for her morphine but the doctors have switched her to high doses of fentanyl which just does not work for her. It's a crying shame and more dangerous than the morphine she was on. We need people to unite and advocate for those of us who really need these medications.It is unfair to make so many suffer because others have issues and the "pill mills" now push the shots. I tried it once in my neck and shoulder and talk about pain, I cried for three days straight and my fingers were numb for months. Never again. I know I am not alone. Anyone else out there with this issue?

I've tried many many pain relievers for my back, 3 hip replacements, total knee replacement and after 24 years in the US Military, I have pain every where. This is the only one that works for me and I had liquid morphine while in the hospital that didn't work as good as this does for me. I call it "My miracle drug".

I have taken this for years....5 a day...now because of the government launched opiate crisis it's getting so hard to receive. All kinds of hoops. The only reason there's an opiate crisis is because of the ACA. When you add about 25 million Medicaid/Welfare recipients to the pharma roles you get lots of people on narcotics. Ridiculous that people who've taken this drug for years now must crawl for medication !

My doctor prescribes this to me regularly for my fibromyalgia and endometreosis pain. I don't find it really helps at all and I have tried lyrica, cymbalta and so many others. just looking for some relief.

It works, and woesnt upset my delicate stomache. I have O Arthritis from head to toe. At least Im ot in a wheel chair by 18 as predicted. Percs keep me moving. Havent noticed any side effects.

My body is racked with OA and this is the strongest med my doctor will write, it's not extended relief and drops off like a rock after 8 hours, the government has got the doctors so afraid to prescribe any pain med, but if they were in pain they would get their supply of what they needed.Typical govt,BS. My doc has now started cutting pack on the monthly amount, which leaves me hurting, just to satisfy their needs. What get's me the prescriber has a record of our usage, and we cannot get them a day ahead of time, and have to go into see them every month and waste $100, and the taxpayer is getting the doctor's richer off of Medicare, but seems that if you live in West Va. there is no problem getting anything you want and quantities you want, but the honest people have to suffer.