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Generic Name: Oxycodone and Acetaminophen Tablets

Brand Name: Endocet

Endocet Drug and Medication User Reviews

neck & back pain

I am familiar with Percodan and Oxycodone but when i see that Endocet is like Tylox. Basically it is weaker than Vicodin even the 5/500.

I take it for ongoing pain due to severe scoliosis and two resulting back and neck surgeries. It has keep my pain to a manageable level sometimes completely eradicating the pain. I have not had problems with it, the only side effect is occasional constipation which I have found taking daily probiotics has remedied.

side effects

I get nauseaus, i get joint pain, my urine is dark in the am (more than usual) and frequent headsches

don't seem to work

I had been getting Percocet for several months now due to knee surgeries. When my husband took in my RX for Percocet this time, the pharmacy substituted Endocet for Percocet. They said they could not get Percocet and that Endocet was the same generic as Percocet. WRONG! All generic drugs are not the same. After three pills I experienced serious agitation, nervousness and urinary burning. I will never take these pills again and do recommend anyone trying them.

It has reduced my pain level when needed

I have been on Endocet 10-325 for a while now for the treatment and to control my lower left back pain. I've been in several accidents injuring my lower back. Endocet works well. I am currently prescribed #180 10-325 per month, or no more than 6 tabs per day. I only take it PRN. About the guys saying that soon there will no longer be Endocet 10-325 due to the FDA reducing the amount of APAP in ALL CII and CIII pain meds. Endocet is not going anywhere. You see the FDA is putting a limit of the amount of APAP in Endocet, Lortab, etc. The max amount of APAP allowed starting in 2014 is 325mg of APAP. So that mean no more 10-500, 10-650, 7.5-500, well you get the picture. Anyways I hope this helps.

Taken though pain management for years know after taken many other forms of pain meds some did nothing even had trial of pain stimulator which did not work for me. I am now finding out that Endocet 10/325 is not going to be around much longer have spoke with 6 different pharmacies and by 2014 it will be gone the FDA is lowering the Acetaminophen levals but no one will confirm leval yet been 4yrs plus on pain meds and to major surgeries for neck and numbness left side and some parts right side with severe nerve damage. Has anyone else heard anything on this happening and i have found out Oxycodone doesn't do the same as the fillers are different and that is what most are pushing as replacement or the 6 i talked with.

After trying all other (celebrex, lidocaine ointment & patches, etc) I find endocet is the only thing that releases me pain & allows me to continue working.

I took for pain control after knee surgery. It worked okay, but I couldn't stand the itching

work for my knees and back pain

I have a chronic pain situation and there are days where this medication will not ease the pain away, I understand it is to mask the pain but frustrating when it barely masks the pain. I've tried other pain medications that my doctor prescribe for me and way too many side effects with the other medications and not willing to deal with the side effects i expierenced. I will keep using this medication because I don't have any of the uncomfortable side effects, and I am sick of being a lab rat. I am on other medications and have auto immune syndromes that only allows certain medication options. So very small window to work with as of now.

Caused severe itching all over my body

This medication really eased my pain and help me rest well.

When I took it for the first few days, it worked great. However, I believe the symtoms of my very painful back pain that generates painful as well is breaking though the Enocet. I was on Oxycodene 15mg along with a long lasting Oxycontin 40mg, this long lasting was of no help.!!!! The Oxycodene 15mg it helped some, but I still had on a scale of one to ten that the pain was relieved about a 5-6. My PCP asked me do I want to stay with Oxycodene, or something else. I picked Enocet 10/325, but as of this writing the pain is still breaking through. Since I already have a month's supply, can the Doctor write another RX for Oxycodene 30-40 mg QID, and return the unused (*Pain Management (I don't like them in general)protion to him and write me a new Script for Oxycodene.? I believe so? since a different drug and need a sroner pain killer.?