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Generic Name: Paroxetine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Paxil

Paxil Drug and Medication User Reviews

I usually don’t write reviews but I had to for this one. The first day I took Paxil I dissociated really bad and had the worst intrusive thoughts. While it was helping me with my social anxiety it was doing nothing for my depression. I was neither happy nor sad. I kept having bursts of energy and at other times periods of extreme weakness and fatigue. Apparently my throat swelled up because of this medication and one night after my dose was slightly increased I dissociated all night and day and my eyes felt completely wacked as if I couldn’t move them from side to side properly. Unfortunately the side effects of this medication were too much to bear and I wasn’t able to fully experience the positive effects it would have had on my anxiety. :(

I ahve struggled with GAD, Depression, Social Anxiety an Panic Disorder for many years now. I tried so many other medicine, and everything made me feel like a zombie. 4 months ago I started taking Paxil and my life changed. I feel better. I feel like I can focus on things other then how anxious I am. My only complaint is that my eyes always feel heavy. Im not tired, my eyes just want to close.

If I missed a dose of Paxil, within hours I had horrible withdrawal symptoms. I was miserable. I had to switch to a different SSRI. This medication was a detriment to leading a normal life day to day.

I’m 39 made me start losing my hair gain a lot of weight but before I couldn’t eat because I was very nervous. I sweat real bad from the side affects. The side affects out way the pros fro me. Especially me losing my hair that’s crazy. Don’t like that I’ve gained 15 pounds so stop this week already cut down half now that into half. Sometimes you just gotta feel anxious I guess instead deal with this mess.

While I found Paxil good for my depression & anxiety....I've gained over 15 pounds since I started. I experienced stiff muscles and overall weakness/shortness of breath which I contribute to it having some affect on my heart. Discontinued for these reasons.

I have panic disorder and I'm a hypochondriac, so any new medication freaks me out. Paxil was difficult to get on. I had horrible nausea, headaches, dizziness, etc. until my doctor suggested taking it at night and it changed everything! Paxil has worked wonders for me and given me a "zen-like" feeling that I've never had before. However, the reason I might be getting off it is the excessive weight gain. My obgyn explained how paxil specifically effects your bodies ability to break down carbs and sugars, so do your research if this could be concerning for you. I've gained about 40 pounds in 4 months :( I love and hate it!

I haven't experienced any side effects. I had really bad OCD and anxiety. It's like it just got washed away. Not many complaints here. Sex drive has gone down. I don't have an appetite anymore. Besides those things are great.

it helped pull me out of a bad reaction to a previous medication. i felt better rather quickly but it makes me want to sleep all of the time. i gained so much weight and now i'm diabetic. i want to go off of it because i feel like the diabetes is worse than any depression. and it's not really helping with depression any more anyway. i think the weight gain made it not work as well.

Took the edge off of my depression and anxiety but not fully. However I went from 120lbs to 170lbs in six months and have angry red stretch marks all over my body. Even two months after stopping the medication I can’t shed the weight for the life of me. I am active and healthy and the paxil was the only lifestyle change. In fact I become MORE active after taking it but still gained so much weight. Diet did not change.

This Paxil prescription destroyed me. I was in my 50s, great physical and mental health, until I started taking Paxil to relieve my intense anxiety and depression that came on during a very stressful life event. I was on it for more than a year. I have been off it for almost 2 years. I stopped, because I felt worse. Brain fog, total emotional blunting, fatigue, severe cognitive impairment, and sexual dysfunction. I still have these debilitating side effects. It has destroyed my very soul.

I’ve been on 20-30 mg/day of this medication for 5 years, since I was 19 years old. It has helped considerably, allowing me to think clearly and function better by boosting my mood and greatly reducing my obsessive anxious thoughts. There are cons to this medication that you will have to consider, however. Understand that the first week on any SSRI will be absolutely brutal - you will feel like an emotionless and robotic husk. This should improve over the subsequent weeks though. The long term side effects that never really seem to go away are what I would consider to be an “emotional blunting” and a propensity towards apathy. SSRIs can limit your emotional range and cause you to feel numb. For example, prior to starting on Paxil, imagine a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is where you feel your absolute lowest/saddest and 10 is your absolute highest/happiest. After you start Paxil, you will only ever experience life in the 4-7 range on that scale of 1-10. So the pros are that you no longer have those terrible lows because you can’t feel sadder/lower than a 4/10, but the cons are that you no longer have the ability to feel your highest/happiest because the best you’ll ever feel is a 7/10. This is a good illustration of how Paxil can make you apathetic and numb because you just feel okay to good all the time - you never feel terrible but you also never feel great. For this reason, I am in the process of switching to Luvox, a different SSRI, with the hopes that I will feel less apathetic. I have been able to come completely off Paxil with minimal side effects. It took a month of tapering my dose down, however I believe that the reason my side effects were minimal is that I am simultaneously starting Luvox while coming off Paxil. I’ve heard that coming off an SSRI without taking a replacement SSRI can have serious side effects. Overall, seriously consider before starting an SSRI. Paxil has worked great to reduce my OCD symptoms but it undoubtedly has its side effects, most notably the apathy and emotional numbness it causes.

I have been on Paxil for 4 days. I have never taken any type of anxiety or depression medication before. I am on 20mg a day. I feel severe, debilitating fatigue and apathy on this. Can't concentrate. Find myself staring into space. Have had odd side effects like twitching in limbs and face. Blurry eyesight. I just want to sleep all day. Difficult even to speak. I don't like this and I'm calling my dr tomorrow about stopping it. I'd rather have hot flashes and night sweats than this.

Paxil was a Great medication for 6 years for me. I began getting very depressed due to my weight gain. It took me 3 tries to come off of Paxil. Awful awful time. I wish All antidepressants were as good as Paxil.

I started taking 20mg at the end of January 2020 and by mid February I was having these surreal moments and having to ask myself if I was really here. I’ve been told it’s depersonalization/derealization disorder. It’s now April and I’m still feeling this way. I was on Celexa for years and never had this feeling. My psychiatrist is switching me to Lexapro and I’m praying this feeling goes away

This was prescribed because I cannot take hormones. I cannot sleep now and somewhat constipated. Hot flashes kinda diminished but not totally. I’m not as emotional either. But, I will stop taking because my sleep is much more important. I read that a certain mfg only made the kind for menopause issues. I wonder how you get that kind?

This is the worst medicine ever. I took it for postpartum anxiety and it turned my anxiety into severe depression which I have never experienced in my life. When I took it I became insomniac, suicidal ideation, feeling deep unworthiness, wanting to leave my family, could barely walk, heart palpitation, nausea, weak memory. At some point, I became so numb and I felt so aggressive which I have never felt before in my life. I took it for 2 months and a half. I was taking 10 mg at a time. Withdrawal symptoms: non stop crying for no reason and ideation. now I am on week 4 fsince I stopped it and the withdrawal symptoms are still horrible. The ideation disappeared but the uncontrollable crying spells, coughing, insomnia are still there. sometimes I really feel like I lost my mind. This is again the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life. It is poison.

Ive been taking Paxil 40 mg for 15 years. Works great. Only side effect I had was weight gain. Was a life changer.

been on this med for 5 yrs its wonderful!!

I have panic attacks,fear of leaving my home, don’t like crowds, I cannot tell it has helped at all except I’m sleepy after taking it.

Works for GAD and SAD with depression. I take it at night, I couldn't tolerate it in the morning b/c it gave me more anxiety in the am but at night totally different. I take it with Remeron a good combo. Side effects extremely low libido, but last longer in bed. Remeron makes me tired, paxil doesn't. 40 mg paxil 30 mg Remeron. w/o these meds my anxiety is so extreme i couldn't do much, just going in a gas station was hard. no medicine will make me like before i got anxiety, but quality of life is improved to resemblance of normality. Also I tried Viibryd it worked for depression but not my anxiety enough. no sexual side effects on that stuff, i recommend it for depression only. getting on it was a pain just like any other i suppose, it's too expensive anyway and not good enough for anxiety imo.