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Generic Name: Posaconazole Oral Suspension

Brand Name: Noxafil

Noxafil Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am suppose to take 4 - 100 mg 2x a day. Is this a common dosage? Isn't this alot?

I had mucormycosis from peritoneal dialysis. It worked exceptionally well. Only draw-back for me is the cold hands and feet. When put in warm water, it feels like the water is boiling hot, need to wash in cool water. Not wonderful in the shower!!!!

This is the only drug I can take with no side effects. I can 't have diaflucan, vfend, due to side effects.

I have been taking Vfend for 3 months and have experience all of the side effects, the last one was double vision that hit without warning. My doctor is prescribing Noxafil in hopes that I will not have all the side effects. The side effects list for Noxafil appear to be more debilitating than the side effects from Vfend.

I have had many side effects while using the drug. First, drowsiness. I feel tired quite a bit. Headaches are common as well as muscle aches (my legs esp). I have thrown up a few times too.. it is impt to take this with enough food. Otherwise, stomach upset results. I take Prograf as well and it is important to LOWER that dose while taking Noxafil. Some lung pain has occurred, but I am not sure if that is from this drug or an infection. Lastly, trouble sleeping.. not sure if that is from Noxafil, but it has happened since taking it.