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Generic Name: Levothyroxine Sodium Anhydrous Injection, Powder, Lyophilized, for Solution

Brand Name: Levothyroxine Sodium

Levothyroxine Sodium Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have a long history of medication side effects. Some of them were very serious. So I resist medications until they are absolutely necessary. I am grateful to have started Levothyroxine in January with no side effects. My TSH is now within normal range. Very grateful.

I have been struggling with sublical hypothyroidism for 3 years or so with my TSH gradually rising. I knew something was wrong... I was so bloated, everything swollen all the time, depressed, tired and gradually gaining weight while eating extremely clean and working out 6 days a week. I went from being a college athlete at 155 pounds to 190 pounds in 3 years. No matter what I did, I woke up so tired and SO bloated. I finally went to an endocrinologist a week 1/2 ago and she prescribed me 25 mcg levythyroxine with a TSH at 6.4. I have taken it for 5 days and weighed myself this morning and I weighed 178 pounds. I dropped 12 pounds in 5 days on this medication. It's literally falling off and I feel like an entirely new person. I have energy, I can see my chin and my pants fit. I truly forgot what it felt like to feel normal. I just assumed that I was getting older and my body was changing. I literally cannot wait to wake up and take this medication again. I can't wait to see how I feel in even a week or a month. If you too a struggling, find and endocrinologist that can truly help you because my life has changed.

I had been prescribed this medication for my hypothyroidism. I had been prescribed this medicine before Thanksgiving, but on Jan 1, I decided to make my resolution to take this like I had been prescribed. I had been taking it for 2 mos, but saw no improvement with my condition. About a week ago ,I had started having feeling like I was suffocating, chest pressure, trouble swallowing, could only sleep for about 3 hours a night, high anxiety, no appetite, high blood pressure, crabby, and just plain feeling sick. I had tried to get my Dr. To prescribe an anti anxiety pill, I was feeling so depressed. If this med was to supposed to help me in the long run, it sure feel short. I have been off it for 2 days now, but still am having breathing trouble.

High tsh discovered in hospital during routine blood test.No symptoms. Three years on differing doses and nothing but bad side effects.Anxiety,depression and very shallow sleep .So ready to stop for good and hopefully get back to normal.Told i have hashimotos since then but i dont care. Just want to be myself again!

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at age 5 and was given medication at age 11 with a start of 88mcg. As a child it was really hard taking the medication but my mom was very consistent in making sure I was on the right track. I don’t recall feeling any different then if I was off it. As I got older that dose was not working anymore and my period was all crazy. I got a new prescription of 100mcg and just this year it stopped working for me and it resulted to Hashimoto Thyroiditis. My new dose is 125mcg and it definitely hasn’t been working for me. I haven’t got my period in over 3 months, I’ve been having muscle ache and weakness, I get extremely tired ( im only 20), I’ve been having mood swings, been constipated, and the list goes on. Im not a big person and I’ve managed to keep my weight stable to about 127-135max (im 4’11). Every body is different and for some people it works just fine and for others your body becomes dependent of the medication.

Excruciating leg cramps.

I have not had any problems taking this medication. So far so good. My thyroid is under control.

My Doc. gave me this medication, my thyroid results was already in the high range,he would increase and decrease. Now I also have all types of problems,brain fog,ECT>....It goes on and on.I dont know what to do.....

Before taking the generic While on This med for years and going to Mayo Clinic When blood tests came back normal, The endocrinologist insisted The unusual anxiety I was experiencing must be in my head. I began seeing only the PCP there, and over a period of about 18 months my TSH numbers were a roller coaster. I finally decided to clean my system out and only take the generic which is less potent and I am on the lowest dose available. At one point I again became very anxious for no obvious reasons and turned out I was hypothyroid again so I had to increase my dosage slightly. My thyroid has been OK for the last year in normal range I just retired and continue to work out 3 to 5 times a week religiously, incl pilates, cardio and strength training. Over the past year I have gained approximately 15 pounds and regardless of food intake do not lose weight?! In addition I have a gun sweating profusely intermittently as if I’m going through menopause hot flashes recently So when I work out I sweat twice as much. My hydration is fine I drink sufficient amount of water and other non-alcoholic beverages to keep myself hydrated. The fact of the matter is that we are putting drugs into our system and I guess just have to accept that this is how it’s going to be.When I asked PCP that I take the more natural route, she explained there “really was no natural remedy for hypothyroidism, that the Armour Thyroid was certainly not natural!” I’m working with my acupuncturist to see if he can help this situation.

I had a partial thyroidectomy in 2015 due to a nodule and hyperparathyroidism. I had my last child in 2019 (37 and I am now 39) and I have had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism since. My levels were fine but due to having all the symptoms my endo decided to put me Levothyroxine 25mg. I was so nervous due to reading all the reviews on all the sites. First day - I felt it immediately! A surge of energy. It blew my mind honestly. I couldn't believe how much energy I had. Then I was afraid it would go away lol. I did experience diarrhea as well. Just about every time I ate something but it wasn't nothing to really complain too much about, except that there was No holding it - whatsoever. That did dissipate after 2 weeks. As far as sleep - I still don't sleep deeply. I felt as if I hardly slept at all the first 2 weeks. I take melatonin though so at least I was able to get to sleep lol. I gained 5lbs in the first week of using Levothyroxine. I'm waiting to see if the weight comes off or if gaining will be my curse lol. I'm also waiting to see of I lose my hair. One person commented that taking Levo is much like taking a Hydrocodone lol and I believe the energy feeling is why they said that. I agree. The energy is nice. I wonder if this is how I'm supposed to feel normally?! It also has increased my libido. Sex has been better as in that I am more aroused and made climax easier. Bonus. This is my 3rd week and the only difference I notice is it is harder to get up in the morning. I don't wake with all the energy as though I never even slept as I did the first 2 weeks and my mood swings. One minute I am watching t.v. and fine and the next I am sad or mad. I don't like that. I hope it goes away and I pray I don't get any heavier and lose my hair. I am hoping I am a success story because I do like the way it gives me energy again. Which is the whole reason we started me on it. I hope I was detailed enough. I read hundreds of reviews looking for the best details

I have been taking levothyroxine for a long time now, it works so well,I would highly recommend.

I have Hashimotos. I started on 25 mcg now on 75. When I combined this medication with a eating plan that cuts out all gluten and sugar, the results are outstanding. Hair loss occurring and some leg pain, but it may take time to adjust. Gluten and sugar are major triggers for inflammation pain, weight gain and fatigue when you have thyroid issues. You cannot rely on a pill to do it all.

I have been taking Levothyroxine since 2012 we are now in 2021 it makes me feel tired I have weight gain up and down easy and fatigue

I normally use Synthroid but my NP switched without my permission and is based only on TSH test results which is entirely inaccurate. Have been taking Levothyroxine 88mcg for over a month and still gaining weight, retaining water, and fatiqued.

Dry throat/mouth, acne, headaches, low back pain ever since i started this med

A feeling of well being, fatigue seems to be leaving, I feel much better when it comes to memory. I also feel sharper like I once was mentally. This has been a blessing so far. Only been on this about 15 days.

I've been taking it since I turned 60. It's been working but I notice weight gain.

My doctor keeps lowering the strength of this drug. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid about 35 years ago. He initially took me off it completely and I gained about 50 lbs in 3 months and was totally exhausted. I have lost all my hair but a few wisps. It is devastating! In this rural area there are few competent endocrinologists. I feel like a guinea pig. My dosage went fro 180 mcg to 112 mcg and I have no energy...am very depressed. Annie G.

hair loss-weight gain-sore throat-itchy skin-dry mouth-so many things, i suppose i have to wait for it to kick in! had radio iodine treatment twice.. i wait.

Gained approx 2-3 lbs a mo since starting Feb 2019. Sept 2019 gained 13 1/2 lbs, very uncomfortable, clothes not fitting, metabolism way off. Hair loss is more than before starting levo, now including length which has dramatically shrunk shortened). More than a few pimples have surfaced in the last year, didn't have this as a teen. From the minute amount of knowledge I've acquired, under the impression thyroid medication can be customized for the T-3