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Generic Name: Pramipexole Dihydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Mirapex ER

Mirapex ER Drug and Medication User Reviews

RLS is why IU use this drug. I take 4 times a day and now I am having trouble finding the name brand again. I went thru this a year ago when they switched me to a generic which will not work for me.

I'm a 44 year old female,and have had RLS for over 10 years. I have taken different medications for relief but over time I've had to have increases. My doctor prescribed Mirapex ER 1.5 and it works really well. Am currently trying for an increase, but am happy with the results. My RLS is pretty bad and couldn't imagine not having this medication.

This drug has been extremely effective in managing my Parkinson's. It has relieved the stiffness and restored the fluidity of motion in my limbs and virtually eradicated my drooling. The only negative is the cost, which runs close to $450 for a 30-day supply (1 tablet a day), regardless of the strength of the dose. I haven't yet found an insurance company for Medicare Part D that includes the extended-release version in its formulary.

Was given this medication for SEVERE fibromyalgia Syndrome. It had no effect what-so-ever. Just another of the myriad of "Guinea Pigged" drugs tried on me with no effect.

I tried this medication for RLS and started at .0625mg 1x at night, 1st nightno sleep, doubled dose to .125 2nd night, no sleep, incrased dose to .1875 the third nighht with the same results. Increased to .25 the foouurth night with no relief. Dr. did not authorize increasing the dosage any further. It may have eventually given me relief but I could not continue taking it and getting no sleep. I was originally instructed to take each doosage level for a week but due to the ineffectivness at relieving my symtoms, aI was unable to do that. It was a disappointing experience.

I am a 55year old male, who was placed on this medication by my Neurologist due to sudden onset RLS/PLMD. The previous medictaion I was on last only about 4 hours and the Sx returned. Mirapex ER hjas d/c all these Sx, but I now have chronic severe insomnia, and nausea each day w/ stomach bloating. I am happy with the results except for the side effect which means another call to the Neurologist.

Although it took a while for the Mirapex to kick in and relieve my hand tremors, I was happy to know that there is something out there that can offer relief without breaking the bank.

I was taking 4.5 mg daily at 6:30 am and it wears off at about 2:30-3 pm. I informed the doctor and he has me 3.0 mg twice a day one at 6:30 am and second one at 6 PM. It seems to even out the effectiveness and reduces the tremors. There no side effects. The only negative is the cost for 60 tablets with insurance is about $284

To beginwith I had trouble with the falling asleep side affect. Then the timed release pill came along. we doubled the dosage and the side affects settled down quite nicely. the restless leg syndrome, and the parkenson's didn't bother as much. I am very happy with the results. My insurance will make me pa a high copayment. when one is on a fixed income it is hard to make the copayments. I have this drug and 7 others. Thank you.

I am taking Mirapex because my Doctor told me I have Parkinsons Desease. I am not sure I have Parkinsons but I will question him when I see him this month. I am wondering if when I take a nap I wake up finding things right in front of me when I am sleeping but they(the things) are gone.

I have trouble with Restless legs and have suffered with this condition for a few years..I had tried alot of different things but nothing helped..My doctor gave me some samples and immediately I got relief..it has been a wonder drug for me...

This medication has been the best for my restless legs. After three weeks noticed pain and tightness in legs and ankle swelling. Taking only .75 mg at night. Will try cutting back to lower dose.

I am taking mirapex for restless legs. Sleepless nights for many years. After knee replacement surgery, I kicked it out of place in the recovery room. (Back to surgery!) Woke up with brace on my leg and taking mirapex for the first time. Have been taking three times a day; recently cut out a,m. dosing, because I suspected it may be causing daytime sleepiness. ( It is prescribed for every 6 hours, but except when hospitalized, I've never take the 4th one.) Four years of GREAT sleeping!

The relief I get does not last 24 hours, I take half my pills in morning and half at night.I take 4 pills at.125 ml each daily.

mirapex has been good for me for about five years. now i hear things like -it won,t let you lose weight and also causes edema i n feet and ankles. i have haad these problems for two years or more. i feel i should try another drug now.

at first I could walk again, was great then I started to have rash that started at my legs and just spread kinda like using the wrong soap when I stopped using the mirapex it went away in aday but it helped great on the cramps