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Generic Name: pegloticase

Brand Name: Krystexxa intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication saved my wife life, im very thankful to have it available

Just had my 4th lengthy infusion and I can see several tophi lumps beginning to fade away. Moreover, I feel much more awake and energized as I think my severe chronic gout for over 20 years had sapped my strength and verve. I actually want to do things again! However, I've had major flare-ups exactly 7 days after each infusion that last for days. I've been assured these attacks will lessen as we proceed. I hope so! My uric acid is now very low, <0.02 mg/l, essentially zero. Just wish they could inject some medicine directly into the tophi lumps, I imagine those would melt away within days. So far I like it a lot and want to continue until all tophi is gone.

On May 21,2018, I had received KRYSTEXXA for my chronic gout flare up. During the infusion procedure, I felt alright. The next day I was feeling dizzy and there was blood in my urine. I ended up going to ER department and discover that my oxygen level had dropped and my blood pressure had elevated and I was losing my Red Blood Cell. I ended up getting a blood transfusion and was hospitalized for 4 days. I almost die. I do not recommend that procedure to anyone.

I have had my 8th infusion. They told me I would have flares. Flare is an understatement. I have been on high doses of prednisone just to walk. Have no sign of any relief just increased pain. Holding onto hope that time starts to change this.

Had high uric acid since I was 18. Attacks began in my late 20's. Tophi formed in feet and right patellar tendon, visible on a dual energy CT scan. I've intermittently been on Allopurinol and now I realize my own fault, I should've been on it permanently. After Krystexxa, I'll return to Allopurinol for life and never deviate. My Krystexxa treatments have been very positive after only three months / six infusions total. No infusion or allergic reactions noted, just the usual sluggishness from taking the required Benadryl before each time. I can tell that the tophi are slowly disappearing and I'm anxious to see the results after a 6 month course. Feet feel great in between attacks. My rheumatologist has me on a low dose 15mg / week methotrexate to hopefully prevent my body from forming antibodies against Krystexxa. So far, that appears to be working because my uric acid levels are undetectable. I'd suggest anyone considering Krystexxa to discuss with their rheumatologist the possibility of concurrently taking a low-dose immunosuppressive drug for the same reason. Because if you develop a resistance, it's game over and you can't try it again. Also, you will have some of the most wicked gout flares you've ever had for the first few weeks / months of treatment. Mine started two weeks after first treatment but have since calmed down. Colchicine / Motrin helped the flares, but didn't eliminate them. Try and see the attacks as a positive sign - the mobilization of those evil crystals being broken up. This drug isn't cheap. I'm getting billed over $28,000 per treatment, which insurance is covering. Check your coverage and get the financial details worked out first.

My doctor suggested I take Krystexxa to help with my high uric acid .I have gotten 3 dosage and it has done nothing for me but raised the uric acid. I guess my case is different from many because I do have a cornic kidney disease. Just wondering where I go from here .

Had gout ever since I was 18. Got worst over the years to where I would get flare ups every two weeks. I was on convention drugs such as Allopurinol, colchicine, etc... but those did little for me. Krystexxa dropped my uric acid level from 12+ to under 1.5. Been on Krystexxa for the past 12+ months and it has changed my life. My tophi deposits on my joints are gone. I feel great! Can walk 2 or 3 hours with my wife at the mall now, whereas I couldn't even do 15 - 30 mins before. You will go through a rollor coaster hump (exteme gout flare ups) the first few weeks or even months, but after that, it's smooth sailing. Stay on it and don't give up even if it feels like it's not helping. Once you get throug that stage, it's all smooth sailing from there. Wished I would have known about this 5 years ago. Thank you, Savient.

Completed my 2nd infusion. Uric acid dropped from above 10 to 1.5 at time of my 2nd infusion. Overall have been feeling much better my feet which hurt badly feel so much better. I have had gout flare ups in my hands and toes but overall feeling great.

are these post all bogus?? the stock was at 8 now its at .50 wow this stuff must be good!

I have been on this drug for four months, eight infusions and it has NOT help me yet. I have had continues flareups and in sever pain. They tell me it will work eventually!!!

For years, every doctor said ther was no hope for me and now I am a new man. The infusions are far from home and consume half a day every two weeks, but the result has been life altering -- definitely worth the effort. Thank you Savient, for providing this relief from decades of suffering.

I have been bed ridden for 3 years with tophi the size of a Himalayan Yak balls, 4 weeks on Krystexxa and bam! No more gout, no more gout, no more gout. Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you Savient. This is truly a miracle drug. Hooters here I come!!!

What a great drug that helped me in last month. Great job.

never imagined it would work this well

waste of money. insurance only picks up 10%. too expensive. used over dr. objections.

I do not have word to describe this. After suffering for almost 3 yrs, thanks for my daughters constant pressure and her connections, I am on Krystexxa now. My doctor can not belive how drastically it reduced my uric acid level within 6 weeks.

extraordinary! changed the quality of my life.