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Generic Name: Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Rayos

Rayos Drug and Medication User Reviews

Insurance doesnt cover, more expensive than prednisone. I hurt worse since taking this (3 months) and had more flares since my Lupus dx 1 year ago.

Diagnosed with Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and doctor was able to recommend low cost program for Rayos. Initial dosage of 10mg daily for a few days, then tapered to 5mg daily provided substantial relief from from symptoms. Have been taking Rayos for almost a year with no noticeable side effects.

After taking Rayos for 8 days I felt no better nor did the medication work Since it was in form of samples from my doctor i tried it. I went back the cheap and reliable predisone, 5 mg at night and felt immediately better. I cannot believe the price. I could never afford it!

This medication has truly help my severe pain in my feet. However is does cause weight gain which is one of the side effects.

Easy to use, but things got much worse. Not sure if it is related, but suffering more joint pain too.

Weight gain and shaking results. Spite my sugar as I am a Diabetic. I have gained 8 pounds in 1 month.

Tried this medication to control a auto-immune flare. Within 2 days of taking 20mg my bowels have stopped working completely. It hasn't touched my rash yet and I don't know if I will stay on it long enough to see if it does. Considering it is a steroid and obviously causing increased appetite, I cannot see how the severe constipation will be manageable. I had just fixed my digestive symptoms and things had been running smoothly and daily for a year. The dr. will probably try to give me something for the constipation, but there is nothing healthy on the market. Miralax used to work for my dad and it is made completely out of propylene glycol (which if you don't know is one of the chemicals they use to cure the wood electrical poles on the street) No thanks I'll take my chances with the dermatomyocitis. I had it half under control without any of these pharmaceutical poisons the dr.'s are trained to shove down out throats.

I have taken several different types of prednisone steroids with no improvement and many side-effects until Rayos. I felt better within an hour of taking my first pill. I take it every day at noon with my lunch. I am pleased with this medication so far.