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Generic Name: Quetiapine Fumarate Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Seroquel XR

Seroquel XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

for Insomnia - my mind had refused to sleep - didn't feel i was thinking about too many things when i laid down but anyway, i could no longer fall asleep - had become tolerant to all OTC sleep meds - was prescribed Seroquel - was on normal release versions, 25mg, 50mg, 100mg - at 150mg we tried the XR version - took one more jump to the 200mg xr to get me steady sleep - knocks me out like clockwork now - non-XR versions didn't do a lot for me- i take it 3-4 hrs before bedtime - that's the XR process -- the long delay in waiting for it to help,at lower mg's, caused me to lose my job - wish i could have started at a higher dose - at least i'm getting some rest - some days its drowsy effects linger into the late morning - side effects early on were swollen gums, some liver discomfort, extended time between having to urinate, and constipation - good luck with it - was the scariest time of my life, not being able to rest

I have schizoeffectice disorder (schizophrenia + mood disorder). In the beginning I hated this drug, but after a month I didn't feel like a zombie at all anymore except for the first few hours after I take it each night. Some people always feel like a zombie while taking this drug. I no longer get hypomanic or depressed (for the most part), and I don't hallucinate. I do still have some paranoid delusions but I snap out of them quickly. It also helped with my insomnia. One issue I have is that if I don't take it on a completely empty stomach, it doesn't work well. To feel the full effects, I have to take it on an empty stomach.

I got prescribed this by my psychiatrist while I was in the ward. I tried the quick release and it did not help whatsoever. Weirdly enough my hallucinations were terrible and the voices were super intense and loud. I was diagnosed with bpd. I havent been taking this overly long but i have noticed I'm overly tired In the mornings and almost feel like I'm hungover for the first couple hours I'm up. Cant sleep without it, the sedative really is nice and the XR version is way better than the quick release. I feel very empty and numb still. Hoping to see changes In a few weeks. Also gained 8 pounds overnight. I came home and was 124 and went.up to 133. Very dry mouth and blurred vision when taken at night for me.

I took Seroquel XR along with Amitriptyline from at least 20 years for depression. This combination worked for me until last year when my nurse practitioner took me off amitriptyline and increased my Seroquel XR to 400 mg. It's worked wonderfully for me except for night sweats and constipation. For the constipation I take magnesium.

This medication helps so much with my anxiety. I take half a pill and feel not sedated, not dumb, I feel calm, my social anxiety goes away, it’s a miracle drug. I’ve been on so many medications and this is maybe the best one I’ve ever taken

All I can say is WOW! This has been such a game changer for me. I donâ??t obsess over things I canâ??t control, I still have all my feelings, (happy, sad, compassionate,secretive). I like that i feel like myself. I have felt antidepressants made me numb and have no sex drive and I couldnâ??t tell if they worked, or they worked TOO well. I take seraquel alone. I donâ??t take it with anything else. Iâ??m sleeping better, maybe to well. I have to make sure to take it at a reasonable time because I will fall asleep 30 min after taking it. I tend to need at least 12 hours of sleep with it. Thatâ??s the downfall. However for me itâ??s so much better than nights on end of nightmares, and no sleep. I use to have night sweats but seraquel has helped those stop. I donâ??t get at as irritable and imapatient. I find I am able to not be so in my head and more present. I havenâ??t had any disassociation episodes, suicidal thoughts, or anxiety attacks. I FEEL LIKE ME! I love it so much I could cry. I was in such a mental prison before. I felt like I was always climbing an endless mountain with my nails pulled off and fingers bleeding. I was tired and life was hard. Now I have motivation, started a business, have better relationships, able to work more and not be in a â??moodâ?. I love this stuff!

This drug makes me feel very sick. I feel like I have the worst hangover ever when I wake up in the morning. I have to go back to bed until it passes. I've gained 80 pounds on this drug, and all I want to eat is sugar. I can't get any housework done or any type of excercise due to the fact that I'm exhausted 24 hours a day. I sit in front of television all day everyday because of exhaustion and no desire to do anything. I watch other people having fun including my husband as life passes me by. It does help me sleep but it's not worth being ill all the time. My doctor is weaning me off from this awful drug but it's going to take a long time. I have other problems with this medication but they are too numerous to mention.

My treatment with this drug made me exhausted I had munchies gained weight i am the heaviest I have ever been. Worst of all it made me sleep walk I was in the back yard at one point. i have Major Depressive Disorder with anxiety difficulty sleeping I am now on a different med.

I have been on 50 mg of Seroquel XR for 7 years with 1 mg of ativan when I need it. At first the medicine did wonders for me. I could sleep at night, wasn't having panic attacks on a daily basis, anxiety went down, and I felt normal again. However, after being on the same dose of it this long I am no longer getting those affects from it. Also I don't have bipolar or schizophrenia so don't know how useful it is to me anymore. I would say for people who need short term relief from severe anxiety/panic it is very helpful. I would say after taking it for about three or four years then I would get off it. The long term side effects are not worth it.

I have been taking Seroquel for 17 years. I started taking seroquel 25mgs per day and now Im on 800mg seroquel xr per day. It puts me to sleep. I gained 10lbs or less in 17 years. I have developed gynecomastia and cant wear a t shirt without some people mentioning my gynecomastia. My prescribing doctor says I look emasculate and skinny. My other doctor says my gynecomastia is noticeable when I take my shirt off. My doctor recommended that I see a specialist to check for male breast cancer with ultrasound and mammogram and the test is covered by my insurance. The doctor said there were no cancer cells thefore surgery to remove the gynecomastia isn't covered by insurance. I cant afford to pay for the true gynecomastia surgery to remove the hard breast tissue.

I have been taking Seroquel XR 800mg daily for almost 11 years. Before this I was on regular seroquel for many years. It really helps with my racing thoughts and sleep. Sometimes I get hives and have to take an antihistamine. I have recently noticed male gynecomastia and hard glandular tissue growth on my chest.

Very satisfied. I've been taking Seroquel for about 8 years and have had no side effects, not even the weight gain. Only reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is because I still get some depression (mania is completely calmed) and because as much as I love that it helps me sleep, I work nights and can't always get 8 hours so I am a bit groggy for the first few hours I'm up. Still satisfied and I wouldn't change off it.

When I was prescribed Seroquel XR for severe anxiety recently, I wasn't expecting good results. Instead I anticipated getting bad side effects. I didn't like the idea of taking an anti-psychotic medicine. But almost immediately this XR version of Seroquel showed itself to be the best answer for me. It literally makes me 'normal', more normal than I've ever seen myself, and so far none of the side effects I expected have occurred. Not even after the doctor doubled my dose to 100 mg. I am Cool-As-a-Cucumber around the clock, but not lethargic or lazy. I convey my thoughts in a measured and logical fashion, yet my personality isn't dulled. I stop sweating & trembling when around people, I don't fear everything. I sleep well and don't feel so depressed & hopeless when I wake up. And all that crazy paranoia seems to be gone now. Best of all I don't feel like a drugged-up zombie, nor is my vision blurred or my mouth dry - none of the side effects one would normally expect from an anti-psychotic drug. I wish I'd been introduced to Seroquel XR sooner. It doesn't give the same harsh side effects that regular (immediate release) Seroquel does.

Only take this drug if you're terminally ill! Because the withdrawal effects are sooooo unbelievably nightmarish you will certainly wish you could die. Seriously, do your research, google "Seroquel Withdrawal", you have been warned.

300 mg at night for 7 years. Stopped on my own once and for about 6 months I was very manic and wound up in jail. That was 2014. No major problems since I take many other meds but if you try and stop on your own be careful the people you live with notice changes first. For me I thought I felt better to the point of casinos girls cocaine and 30000 in debt that still haunts me.

I've been on this med for a year now and have only had one depressive episode, which I was able to work out on my own without having to see my psychiatrist. No noted weight gain or sedation.

I think this has definitely been effective in controlling my moods, limiting paranoia, allowing me to focus and this has helped a lot for my work/life balance. However, I think it also makes me completely robotic and lifeless and the 'balance' I have in my life is actually me totally placating. I started on regular release and am now cutting myself off of XR. This drug makes me always groggy/hazy. Cannot wake up in the mornings. Pretty oblivious to things outside of myself. Totally uncreative. And, MAJOR weight gain.

Within 10 minutes of taking ONE pill I fell to the floor and became catatonic. I have no memory of what happened but was told I was screaming at people, shaking like I was having a seizure but still talking, and very uncooperative. A complete opposite of my normal personality. The only thing I remember is taking the medication and then someone waking me up the next morning in the hospital. Every doctor that I've seen or talked to said that is not a side effect of Seroquel.

My doctor added this in addition to taking an anti-depressant to better manage my mood. It does help and will help to keep me asleep through the night most of the time.

This medication has helped with the manic side of my depression. it helped control my impulses and mood. it work great with the insomnia as well. the only part i dont like is i have a very hard time sleeping without it.