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Generic Name: Ramelteon

Brand Name: Rozerem

Rozerem Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is pretty technical, but I'm a retired ICU nurse and prefer to rely on science! I used Ramelteon 8mg to wean off Ambien/Zolpidem 10mg after 6 months of nightly use. (adapting protocol from 2006-2007 NIH study) I weaned off within 2 weeks and continued to use Ramelteon as recommended. Number of hours I slept decreased after each Ambien/Zolpidem dosage reduction. Frustrated, I finally researched the study by Rozerom manufacturer (verified by subsequent NIH study). Dosages used ranged from 8 to 64 mg. Most successful groups used 8 and 16 mg. Less success reported with higher doses. Clearly 8mg was not enough for me. I've suffered from chronic insomnia, difficulty falling/staying asleep, my entire life. I increased my Ramelteon dose to 2 tablets (16 mg) and slept normally. It takes a few days to build up in your system, so each night, the number of hours and quality of sleep improved. IF YOU ARE COMPLAINING ROZEROM/RAMELTEON 8MG DOES NOT WORK, YOU ARE, IN ALL LIKELIHOOD, NOT TAKING A HIGH ENOUGH DOSE. The manufacturer needs to consult the data from their own study and update the dosage to include 8 AND 16mg.

This was horrible for me personally. I took a pill last night at 10pm and I haven't been able to sleep, it's now 2:17pm the next day. It's kept me awake but in a state I can't drive or go to work. My eyes are so heavy, I am having blurry vision, and a brain fog. 100% do NOT recommend.

I suffer from both chronic fatigue and insomnia, and my psychiatrist recently recommended this to me. I've given it a chance a couple of times, but every single time I did, I spent the entire night completely restless, anxious, and sleepless. I went through waves where I was unsure of whether or not I was even asleep. Definitely doesn't work for everyone. Really didn't enjoy my experience with Rozerem.

Howdy there, I have just turned 20 years of age and I started having problems sleeping since high school around freshman year(15 years of age) due to my body clock being horribly out of balance. I would wake up 5am and run cross country/track the go to basketball practice and then on to school and from school to work no breaks in between. Get off at 11pm and go home do homework and in bed at 2am. Repeat. I did that through freshman year through senior year. I could handle it then but when I got to college the workload would eat my sleeping time so I would go maybe 2 days of no sleep. Needless to say I had no circadian rhythm at all. I tried a series if medications Trazadone 50mg 2 tabs at bedtime - made me see dead people. I thought I was going crazy, and I felt stoned often during the day. Sampled Ambien 5mg 1 at bedtime and I missed school and work that was a no go. Lunesta 1 mg, I almost wrecked my car driving to school and I stayed sleep in classes till maybe lunchtime. Also my athletic performance dropped significantly while trying to find a decent med because I was so exhausted. Temazepam 10mg, it was good but I would binge eat and sleep walk at night and I gained alot of weight. Then Rozerem (ramelteon) at first I didn't notice a change and the pharmacist dispensing the medication informed me that this medication takes time to work it's not something that works in 30 minutes. It can take 2 weeks to 1 month before you see a change and I took about 3 weeks before I noticed myself getting sleepy right when the sun goes down and thats when I knew this was that medication to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. I take it every night and sleep like a baby all night long till my alarm goes off, I do need a cup of coffee to wake up. But I do not feel groggy about 1 hour after waking up. I am relieved I found this medication to help just note it takes time to work. Patients is key with this medication.

This drug does not help me sleep at all. If anything, it keeps me awake. I'm writing this at 6:25 am. I still have not slept at all since yesterday. In addition, Medicare won't approve payment for it. A 90 day supply is at least $270, depending on where you purchase it. I'm extremely dissatisfied with it.

I take this nightly, 4mg and I love it. It did take 2-3 weeks of consistent use for it to reach its full potential. Now, I take it and am asleep within minutes.

First of all, I read all the reviews here before deciding to give my own feedback. There are many factors that come into play when it involves taking a new medication as well as your own health issues. 1) If you are coming off another medication as you are taking Rozerem, the sleep issues you may be having could be because you are going through some withdrawals.2) Depending on what you were taking before(as to compare), this drug is not sedating. You will have to go to sleep on your own and Rozeram helps you to achieve this. If you are use to being sedated in order to fall asleep, mentally you won't allow yourself to fall asleep naturally. 3) This medication works better when it is built up in your system after several weeks. Taking it a few days, usually will not give you the full effect. 4) Rozerem effects different receptors than an antidepressant. Most antidepressants work with serotonin. 5) Any medication may or may not work for you. We all have different issues or health problems. Just because this medication didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else and it could be life changing. So, making comments as to "Do not Use" or " Don't waste your money", are irreverent. My experience has been good so far with Rozerem. I was taking Trazodone for 5 years. At the point , I started taking Rozerem, I was only on 12.5 of Traz. I had trouble sleeping the first couple of nights as I knew my body was trying to get used to no having the Trazodone and trying to adjust to Rozerem. After that, I started sleeping better and it keep getting better as the weeks go on. I feel like myself, not drugged like I did on Trazodone. I will update again as time goes on. I am hoping to take this short term and sleep on my own again. If you are low in serotonin or dopamine , this won't be your answer for a sleep aid.

I was able to fall asleep with this drug, 8mg, but it gave me nightmares and the following day I was so groggy and dizzy I could barely function. I will not take it again.

I have had chronic insomnia for over six years and it gotten progressively worse to where I thought I might have to quit my job. I had tried trazodone but I didn't like the side effect and other otc drugs either didn't work or left me feeling groggy. After doing some research I decided to try 15 mg of mirtazapine and I immediately slept like baby. And I have had no problem staying asleep. I've worked night shift for 35 years so I cut the dosage in half and that leaves me feeling more refreshed for work. The only problem is now my appetite has gone into overdrive and I've gained alot of weight in just over three weeks. Fortunately I'm a slim guy so its not as much of an issue for me. It's been a life saver for me.

Rozerem has been absolutely wonderful for me! I was having trouble sleeping and nothing in the world seemed to help. My doctor warned me that Rozerem takes 2-3 weeks to see results. At the end of week 2 I started sleeping like I did when I was a teenager. I have had no side effects or nasty hangover effect the next day. Rozerem does not make me fall asleep by any means but it seems to have put my sleep cycle back in balance.

I have been taking Rozerem for 4 nights now. It does not help me fall asleep, it actually takes me longer to fall asleep, nor can I stay asleep. I also have been having to get up a couple of times every night to go to the bathroom. I never had a problem before with that before. I won't be taking this any longer.

This sleep medicine did not work well for me. I still woke up every 2 to 3 hours. I also had very bizarre and disturbing dreams. I won't continue using Rozerem.

I saw some scary reviews of this drug and was reluctant to try it. It was prescribed by my neurologist. I am an epileptic and when I donâ??t sleep, I have seizures. Regular melatonin stopped working. I went up to 20mg and no sleep! I tried this drug Christmas Day and slept like a rock! I think it is a good medicine and I highly recommend trying.

Taken fr five days, all it seems to do is make me get up and urinate more than ever. Does not get me to sleep at all. Stopping it now and going to get MD to try something else as this was a "bust"!

I am a strongly wired individual and its hard for me to get to sleep. My doctor prescribes 8MG Rozerem an it helps me get sleepy and sleep through the night. I often go to bed late and taking a full Roserem is too strong so I take just half a pill. If I am really struggling I will also take a couple Benadryl capsules and that pushes me over the edge. I also find this combination calms me down and I can relax some before getting drowsy to go to sleep. The reason I don't just take a full Rozerem is that it literally is too strong and I will be yawning in the shower and slow to get going in the morning.

Worthless! No effect whatsoever.

Doesn't work for me, I was on Ambian 5 mg. and it worked just fine. My insurance would not pay due to my age. I guess the insurance company is smarter than my doctor.

Doesn't work for me. If Melatonin and benadryl help you sleep, then most likely this drug will to. If on the other hand, those drugs do not work, then this one isn't going to either. I fall into the latter. Ambien by far has been the most effective for me for my chronic sleep issues. I don't wake up groggy or have the weird behavior some have stated taking Ambien. Everyone's system/situation is different so you have to just find which one works for you. There is no "one pill fits all".

I developed a chronic disruption of my circadian as a result of a brain surgery to remove a pituitary tumor. My brain cannot tell night from day, so it doesn't know when to sleep or be awake. It's a neurological/ endocrine complication. I was prescribed some seven different sleep medications from Ambien to Trazadone. NOTHING WORKED. Rozerem works because it binds with melatonin receptors in the brain, thus substituting for the melatonin that is not being released at the right time. The only issue I have is that I need to take TWO during the night because it only lasts for about 3.5 hours. To take two, I have to have prior authorization for the insurance company to cover it, and it is EXPENSIVE! So that is a pain to have to reauthorize every year. Unless you have this specific type of circadian rhythm disorder, don't waste your time. Try something else.

I followed all instructions and yet had no elief