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Generic Name: Nortriptyline for Smoking Cessation (nortriptyline)

Nortriptyline for Smoking Cessation Reviews

Pamelor (nortriptyline) "I had smoked for 36 years and had tried to give up with patches etc. After taking this drug for less than 3 weeks, I was well on my way to stopping, and have since given up completely. It stops the desire, but also the anxiety."

"I've smoked for 40 years. Tried to quit before and never was successful. Somehow, taking this medication, it seemed easier. I have been smoke-free now for 2 months. I took the medication for 1 month prior to quitting and then went cold turkey. I take 75 mg daily when I go to bed. I have been instructed to take this medication for a full 6 months after quitting. Cons: dry mouth, flatulence, lower sex drive, some weight gain, groggy in the morning, increased appetite, harder to urinate (dribbling). Pros: no anxiety around quitting smoking, seemed easier this time, medication is covered on the drug plan, I feel committed and have been (no bargaining with myself to have 'just one'). It works! Pros outweigh the cons because I have quit. Cons are temporary!"

"My husband has been smoking for forty years and is on this medicine, he was able to quit smoking cold turkey. Other attempts to slowly wean off cigarettes were never as successful. He is also on other medications, but it is probably this medication that led to his success."

"I vaped for about 2 years and smoked before that for a few months... I can honestly say the withdrawal is WAY better with nortriptyline, I take nortriptyline for anxiety and depression as well which it's helping with as well. But I tried to quit before without nortriptyline and the withdrawal was unbearable, with nortriptyline you barely feel it. And you crave it way less.. works like magic."

"6th time trying to quit, took for 1 month before stopping, then stopped. Took for 6 months after I stopped. Still smoke-free 7 years later."

Pamelor (nortriptyline) "I smoked for seven years. I took this medicine and stopped smoking cold turkey and haven't thought of it since."

Pamelor (nortriptyline) "Stopped smoking 6 days ago without the anxiety I usually get while trying to quit."

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  • Reviews (559)
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: tricyclic antidepressants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Nortriptyline drug information
  • Nortriptyline Capsules
  • Nortriptyline Solution

Other brands

Pamelor, Aventyl Hydrochloride

Professional resources

  • Nortriptyline monograph
  • Nortriptyline (FDA)
  • Nortriptyline Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands


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  • Chronic Pain
  • Burning Mouth Syndrome
  • Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
  • Depression