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Generic Name: Sodium Bicarbonate 5% Injection

Brand Name: Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium Bicarbonate Drug and Medication User Reviews

Eating alka seltzer probably means low sodium levels. I'd suggest having a electrolyte test run 2 times a year or more. Once the sodium levels get up too high it may suppress potassium. Keep everything in balance.

Someone pls help! I tried the baking soda and now my urine is a dark green but my stomach is hurting like crap and I don't have bm s any more. Pls tell me what to do!!! I just tried it once and it even hurts to walk/move

I just started taking this medication as prescribed recently from a specialty doctor from the VA medical center, Charleston, SC. I'm on my 1st week, so I have yet to notice significant changes or noticeable differences since not taking it before. The doctor prescribed it to lower some acidic levels in my urinalysis reports to see if this will work. But WebMD is showing how this drug interacts with others, as in taking Lisinopril or even lower dose 81mg aspirins. By taking this with the other meds, it decreases my kidney function while it may increase low blood pressure, so be sure to check this drug with other meds you are taking


I am in menopause and have cravings to take bites of alka seltzer until it is gone. I have been "eating" it for about a year now, about 1 pack (2 tablets) everyday. Could this be doing anything to my health?

I suffer from frequent indigestion. baking soda mixed with water, ( as per instructions) works nearly all the time and much quicker than antacids you buy in the store, which I find are only about 40% effective.

The side effects are terrible. I have swelling in my hands, feet/ankls, bloating, gas and puffiness and weight gain.

HIGH POTASSIUM --prescribed 2 650mg tabs twice a day due to high acid level in blood, after 3 days potassium level was normal again. Hope it keeps working.

Rash on upper body and arms that is very itchy.

prolonged diarrhea

My urologist told me that this would not raise my blood pressure. He may not have realized that I have hypertension. My blood pressure has increased.

I take this, along with Potassium, Calcium, and other vitamins because my electrolytes get out of balance due to chronic diahhrea (celiac sprue disease).

I have had kidney stones and infections & diarrhea for the past 3yrs something awful. To the point ICU almost had a heart attack,potassium levels all out of balance,Electrolytes so messed up.They have put me on this medicine and for the first time everything has balanced out. The past 3 yrs have been a nightmare.So hats off to this med.& God.I can live a normal life out of ICU & the hospital.

not sure

am just starting it