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Generic Name: Tolterodine Tartrate

Brand Name: Detrol LA

Detrol LA Drug and Medication User Reviews

It did magic for me. I does give me a very dry mouth and that's my only complaint about this medication.

After reading about the side effects both here and from other sources, I have stopped taking Detrol LA. The most worrisome possible side effect is how it affects the brain, especially relating to dementia. effect. For the little help I noticed, it's definitely not worth the risk to me.

I have been using this and its generic for years for bladder spasms. If I go a couple of days without it I feel spasms then feel like a UTI is developing.It works great for me. I don't notice any side effects.

overactive bladder

I only have one kidney on the right side. It has a kidney stone in it that has not moved in over 6 years. My last visit to my doctor was 2 months ago. That is when he started me on Detrol La. Since then I get off and on bad pain over the right kidney area. Can this be due to the Detrol. The pain even hurts if I touch the area where the pain is. There is no problem urinating.

Irritation, feeling like I have an UTI. Have to take cranberry tables to relive symptoms. Symptoms are worse after I get up. Have more problems now compared to before I started taking this medication.

This drug makes me constipated. Bowels will not move when I take Detrol la

One Detrol LA sent me to the ER about to have a stroke.

A effective medication. I have be on it for several years. I wish that it wasn't so expensive, as I am on a fixed income (senior).

Makes you feel tired,Have dizzy spells,and is not effective

Does not solve the problem - still leaking and still wet a diaper after rising in a.m. Some of symptoms actually worse.

I had been having daytime accidents when I couldn't get to the restroom on time. Detrol has worked great for me. Now, suddenly, my copay per month went from $30 to $85 so I will have to find something else as I cannot afford this. $85 will buy a lot of incontinence pads, anyway.

It so far has not done any thing for me wonder if I am waste my time and money

Only when I bounce do I have a sudden urge to urinate and Detrol helps much better than the cheaper stuff although the more I use it the more hair I seem to be loosing. Idk. It may not be the meds. although the drying effects of detrol has me concerned that it could be making hair loss increasing much more rapidly.

very irratic behavior

I have been dealing with IC for five years and this is the ONLY drug I've taken that will take care of the pain. IC is so painful that normal life is impossible. I can put up with a little dry mouth.. I highly recommend it.