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Generic Name: adalimumab

Brand Name: Humira subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

After a few days of being on humira I experienced EXTREME dehydration during the night. I wake up every couple of hours with my lips stuck to my teeth. I continued the medication for a total of 4 doses (8 weeks) for Crohn's. It did nothing for my Crohn's. I have been off the humira for a month and I'm living with extreme dehydration. Has anyone else experienced this and when will this side effect go away. I'm not sleeping well at all!!!

I’ve been taking Humira for about 5 yrs now. It works very well for me. No side effects and I don’t have flare ups anymore. My doctor wants me to take a second med with it but everything that I’ve been on had too many side effects. The first few yrs I was taking the injection that burned so bad I dreaded taking it. But thank god for the citrate free version that is like night and day. No burning whatsoever!!

I take for my psoriatic arthritis and I have ibd as well and I'm in love with this medicine. I have improved mobility, I don't have to worry about watching what foods I eat due to ibd symptoms. This is my wonder drug.

I have suffered from psoriasis since the age of 10, l am now 55. I think l have tried most treatments available, at one stage l was in hospital for three weeks. I have now been on Humira for 11 years, l have had no side effects and its changed my life!!

After taking the medication for the first month I felt great and the best I have felt in years. However, after the first month there was no relief after that and inflammation levels were raising and pain intensified.

After my 4 injection no nerve pain or inflammation it's all gone I still can't believe it I'm 5 months in and I'm off all my dmards and Painkillers and muscle relaxants. Thank you NHS??

My husband had a problem in his nails and been treated for many years for fungal infection until he was diagnosed with arthritis psoriasis and HUMIRA was applied on him. Was like magic for a year. His join pain disappeared and his nails become clearer also a little scar diaaapeared. After 1 year inyecting HUMIRA every two weeks he is in a severe shoulder pain and his nails started getting uglier again. He is sleeping a lot and feeling some knees pain too. I wrote his doctor about a week ago but no answer yet. Iâ??m very concerned

For me I saw no improvement for 6 months then it started to work and after 8 months I was completely clear. No side effects notices so far, been on treatment for 9 months.

caused heavy legs,frequent urination, diarrea, coughs,inability to sleep.low energy, neausea.Im worse off than when i started, only used a month then stopped due to issues.

Medicine does not dispense.

My grandmother died from this medication. She was receiving injections over a couple of months and died of internal bleeding on March 18th, 2019 in the hospital. The bleeding started the day before, so it killed her quickly. Internal bleeding IS a side effect of this medication. Maybe she was a rare case but Humira, in my eyes, is extremely dangerous. My grandfather couldn't bring himself to do an autopsy to prove this BUT she was in decent shape for her age until she started Humira. I'm 100% convinced it caused her death.

Hair was falling out and frequent nose bleeds. Dr. had me discontinue after only a few injections. I am on Remicade and so far no re-actions.

I was on methotrexate and it quit working for me. I tried Embrel which still left me with swollen elbows but bette than the methotrexate at that point. I was frightened from the reviews on Embrel. My doctor recommended Humira and at first it was like a miracle. No joint pain for two years. I only took a shot every six to eight weeks. (40MG) For some reason it seems to have lost its effectiveness. Beginning in June 2017 I started having symtpoms I di dnot have previously. neck, fingers, wrists, toes, knees. Has anyone experienced this? I researched if the product had changed its chemical composition;all I could find is that they changed the sting factor of the shot. Has that made a difference or did my body become immune to it.I am now doing shots every two weeks and still having pain. Has anyone had a similar experience. Jeffery Congdon, North Carolina

I used enbrel for years I thought it worked humiria is the best. It cleared my psoriasis up in quick fashion. And my joint pain is completely gone, thank you

The cost is outrageous. With insurance and the humira copay it still ran 500 a month.

Shot is very painful. Very weak next 5 days. Bloody stools after injection.

Humira shots are randomly very painful. (Lack of quality control?). I switch to cosentyx for other reasons and I can feel absolutely no pain at all with Cosentyx injections.

I have severe psoriasis, 85% of my body is covered. After the first injection I started seeing results! Which is amazing! After the 2nd injection, my shoulders were extremely painful and my arms and hands were both tingling and numb. I notified my dr right away, she said it was a side effect but I would get use to it. After my 3rd injections things got worse, after the 4th injection, my back started having severe pain and my legs went numb on the tops down to my knee. Needless to say, I called my family dr and she said it was a serious side effect from the humira and she stopped it right away. Now Iâ??ve been off of it and Iâ??m still have severe numbness and tingling in my arms and legs and now I have to see a specialist. I donâ??t recommend this medicine for anyone. The side effects are really not worth it.