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Generic Name: azilsartan medoxomil

Brand Name: Edarbi

Edarbi Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been on Edarbyclor for 3 months. I can get passed the muscle spasm but the GI symptoms are out of bounds. My lower abdomen is a mystery. I thought I was having ovulation pain from my only ovary (post hysterectomy) but it may just be an overactive GI system. I get nausea, diarrhea and bloating. I’m hoping its just something from my diet that can be controlled. I want this one to work so I’m going to stick it out if my labs come back decent and I cant do an elimination diet.

Edarbyclor is not a good BP. Med. It caused problems from day one. On it 7/3/2020. Itâ??s been a nightmare. It seemed to almost cause my kidneys to not function properly. It caused microscopic red blood cells in my urine. I urinated like Iâ??ve never in my life. Frequently and urges so strong. I went to urologist many times in 7 months. Had all the special urinary test done. Burning before and after I urinated. I thought it was a infection. It was the Edarbyclor. Pain and burning in my back. Do not take this medication. It will cause you many problems. Raise your blood sugar. Low potassium due to urinating all day and night. It will ruin your sex life. You will have pain that mimics Prostatitis or Prostate issues. Your doctors will think your crazy. Nothing helps no antibiotics. Not cutting it in half. Dose is 40-80 mg. Only thing helps is when you stop taking. Donâ??t let doctors tell you itâ??s a side effect you can live with. Itâ?? needs to be taken off the market. The diuretic is what is dangerous. You will not sleep. You will pee all night. This is the story of my life. The side effects will kill you. Thanks

I was prescribed Edarbi 80mg about 3 years ago after my doctor referred me to a nephrologist when the diuretic that I had been taking caused my potassium to drop too low. It kept my BP normal, sometimes too low but has overall been a nightmare - rapid continuous weight gain, extreme fatigue, extreme edema and even kidney issues. For 3 years I went to all types of specialists trying to find out what was wrong with me. I prayed and prayed and finally the thought that it was the medication crossed my mind. I stopped taking it and I lost over 10lbs in 1 week but my blood pressure rose. So I took 1/2 a tab and it kept my BP normal. Then I decreased to 1/4 tab and it still kept my BP normal. This medication is being prescribed to many in too large of a dose and it made my creatinine levels so high that kidney function decreased by over 50%. Since decreasing dosage, the weight is coming off without effort after gaining uncontrollably for 3 years, no more extreme fatigue, no more extreme edema and my creatinine levels are going back towards normal. This drug as prescribed to me was toxic to my body in so many ways. Yes, it controls your BP but it can also ruin your life by causing other problems. Like my new nephrologist stated, most medications are controlled poison. I realize now how toxic this drug can be and plan to get completely off of it after losing more of the weight. My fertility rate dropped from way above average before the drug to way below average after being on it for 3 years. Before taking the drug, I asked the doctor if it affected fertility and he said that it did not. But I am sure that it was this drug that decreased my fertility level to a point where it would be almost impossible for me to conceive. I wish I had just stayed on the diuretic and took potassium supplements. Now diuretics alone won't control my BP. It's as if my BP became dependent on this drug. Edarbi may work for some but it has been a nightmare for me. Reported side effects to FDA

Prescribed 4 different ARB drugs.Edarbi 40mgs only drug that works for me.125/83 seems to be the constant now.Better than 140/96.No side effects either.

I was prescribed 40 mg Of Edarbi after the Losartan recall. The Edarbi is very effective. So much so that I had to cut my dose in half then to a quarter tablet because it brought my bp and heart rate down so low I had no energy and was having bouts of extreme lethargy and lightheadedness. I also experienced weight gain of about 12-15 pounds. I stopped taking the Edarbi about 6 weeks ago and I no longer am experiencing the side effects and the weight is coming off fairly quickly. Edarbi is an effective drug but even for some a quarter of a 40 mg tablet is too strong for some patients and the pills are too small to cut down any further. There are only 2 doses available—40 and 80 mg. The drug companies need to consider a smaller dosage, maybe 20 mg so patients who need a smaller dosage can split the tablet in half if necessary to 10 mg, or even less if necessary because a little Edarbi goes a long way

Drug makes my heart flutter feel like abnormal rhythms. Getting ready to see the doctor again in a few days. Not really happy with the flutters which creates more anxiety. Wish I was back on my regular drugs maybe that will happen.

I have been taking Edarbi for a month after being Dx. with HPB 150s/100s My 1st dose 40mg x1 a day. I took it for 2 days and it crashed my BP to 90/60 I stopped taking it and started taking my BP 3x a day for 7 days my BP stayed under 140/90. Edarbi is a very strong pill. I have been forced to crack the pill into quarters and I hope that I am getting 10 mg. (as best as possible I am using a pill cutter but it is not exact) at this dosage I am able to maintain 120/80 day and night.

Started with and have been on Edarbi 80mg for two weeks. Lowers my blood pressure but causes dizziness after bending over or standing up.

Unbearable leg pain, constant nausea. Started at 40mg, then went up to 80mg. Did not lower blood pressure effectively. Gained 8 lbs in six weeks.

It lowered my blood pressure without any side effects for 3 years now.

Was on this for two and a half weeks. Lowered BP to much and dehydrated me. Muscle cramps and very dizzy/lightheaded overall did not feel good on it. Did not like it went to a different drug.

Switched to Edarbi due to side effects of other bp med.Started at 80 mg but switched to 40 mg/day. Highly effective with no side effects. BP typically below 120/80, more like 115/70. Good med.

I was started on the 40mg and my pressure dropped slightly, now I am taking 80mg and I have feel better that I have in a while.

Controls by BP great, but having terrible back pain and sometimes strange taste in mouth.

Caused chronic kidney problems and gout - before taking it I had none of these problems. Not recommended!!

Did not control BP well, hard to get below 150 systolic. Fatigue an issue. Leg cramps an issue. Worst, was the eczemma/red circles of peeling skin around both eyes--which took months to finally figure out that this drug was the culprit.

feeling sick to my stomach, awful taste im my mouth.feel like a z0mbie. Pill works but the side effects are awful

started edarbi 5 days ago due to weight gain from previous med. Gained 3 pounds in 5 days on Edarbi had severe pain in right side and lower back. Unable to sleep due to pain. Will call Dr. today and stop taking.

After many years of different drugs for high B/P without great success, doctor put me on 80 mg of edarbi. By the fifth day I was so weak I could hardly stand without holding on to something - incredible muscle fatigue with accompanying bouts of abdominal, back, and leg cramps/spasms. Six days later when it was still present and life altering, I phoned the doctor to report that I could not go on like this. She told me to take 1/2 tablet and monitor and let her know on Monday (a week from call) then she called back to say maybe it was the Paleo diet I was on. I did not believe that for a moment as I am eating healthier than I have in years. AND I saw the reports here of the same issues I was having. It brought my B/P down dramatically - even low - so it works on the issue, but if these awful side effects do not go away by reducing to 1/2 tab, I will refuse to stay on this medication.