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Generic Name: baicalin-catechin

Brand Name: Limbrel oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have taken this drug for 8 yrs. with good results.

I can't take NSAIDS. Used Limbrel for at least 10 years. Now, it's no longer available. Halted by FDA due to concerns with liver damage and possible pulmonary effects.

I have now been taking Limbrel 500 mg twice a day and I can honestly say it has worked wonders! I was in chronic overall pain almost 24/7. Went to dr. after dr. to try and find out what was wrong only to come back to the same answer, "nothing". I went to a new dr that gave me the Limbre and will forever be grateful! I just pray it keeps working!

I have advanced shoulder & clavicle osteoarthritis and some in OA in my fingers and lower spine. Already had bilateral knee replacements. Long time pain management patient who cannot take most NSAIDs except for Celebrex without digestive and intestinal distress. Only low doses of opiates have helped me deal but these are losing effectiveness due to tolerance issues. My pain doc gave me RX for Limbrel 500 two months ago and it is truly a Godsend. The pain is really so much less severe and I also have more energy for exercise,work and play. Also sleep sounder and without those late nite pain wake ups most nights. I am hoping I can forestall any future surgeries/joint replacements indefinitely because of Limbrel. I have had no side effects and being an allergic/asthmatic had been worried but it also seems to be helping that too! My primary care physician was impressed by my lung function and no wheezing. I have reason to believe the bioflavonoids in Limbrel can ease inflammation from asthma, an unintended advantage.

After ten days on Limbrel, I became very sick with a fever that spiked up to almost 104 and very bad flu-like symptoms. I read the reviews on this site an RXList and noticed several other people reported a similar experience. I called the pharmaceutical company that makes this med, Primus and was immediately connected with a doctor on staff. He advised me an allergic reaction to this med is very rare and told me to get a chest x-ray immediately. I called him back after receiving the results (allergic pneumonia) and he confirmed this was an allergic reaction to Limbrel. Warning: my doctors (GP and Rheumatologist) do not think the Limbrel caused me to get sick and told me it is much more likely to be a viral infection. I am thankful to everyone else that wrote reviews about their similar experience with this med as I think this allergic reaction is much more common than the company is acknowledging and sharing with the doctors that are prescribing it.

Limbrel keeps the inflammation down. My hands are usable and the pain in my back is minor. I can sleep. I haven't had any stomach problems with Limbrel, but I did with prescription strength Ibuprofen and Celebrex. It helps both my fibro and my arthritis.

BUT! After taking Limbrel 500 for almost 2 years I have a problem. It worked so well for the arthritis of the knees. It was the miracle I was looking for. I started to experience a lot of stiffness & pain in my knees after sitting for a while but once I started to move around it went away. I could walk without pain. But It became worse to the point my Doctor wanted me to go for PT. Before that happen I had to under go thyroid surgery. I had to stop medications a few days before & I didn't start back on them until a week after surgery. During that time I began to notice that the stiffness & pain I felt after sitting had gotten so much less. I could get up & start moving around right away. I decided to go back on Limbrel a few days ago. Within 2 days, the pain & stiffness returned. I have now been off it for 2 days and can already feel relief. I am sorry to say that my miracle has stopped working. I have not seen any complaints like this & just wonder if anyone else has had this experience.

Within 2 weeks of beginning treatment in 2008-2009 I almost died. Went to Stanford Hospital and discovered I had eosophillic pneumonia. This was the most severe allergic reaction I have ever had. Luckily I am still walking around today due to an emergency and very timely, antihistamine dose. (This came from the Stanford doctor treating me.) Not knowing cause, I went back on after leaving local hospital the first time. Immediately ended up back in local hospital after resuming the Limbrel. Ended up transferring to Stanford Hospital and went off Limbrel again. Went off, then after diagnosis went back on and discovered it was the Limbrel causing it. Had to immediately begin prednizone again. It took less than 2 weeks from my first pill to have this severe reaction. It did help nerve pain from neck surgery before it caused my severe allergic reaction. End result, 2 admittances in local hospital and then Stanford. In hospital about 10 days. Stanford did numerous tests before discovering what was wrong and I discovered the source of this severe reaction after I went home for the 3rd time and resumed taking Limbrel. I had an immediate reaction within 10 minutes and could barely breath again. Put back on prednizone. I will never touch Limbrel ever again. I am allergic to numerous foods of the type high in this natural compound, the so called healthy foods.

Limbrel has given me my life back! My knees are bone on bone and were very painful. After starting Limbrel (took a month before i could see any difference)I can now actually walk up and down the stairs with NO PAIN! It also keeps my finger joints from being so stiff and painful! I LOVE LIMBREL!

I have had great experience no side effects and has helped tremendously for the pain I havent had to use anything else at all

ankle swelling severe hypertension

Taking Limbrel for 8 months it helps elevate approximately 75 percent of my pain from a broken L 1. No surgery just wore a full torso brace for 4 months and 3 months of Phys. theray. I have now had recurrent diarrhea for 1 month. Going for colonoscopy just to be safe. I am stopping Limbrel to see if that is the cause.

Started taking Limbrel several months ago. Had severe reaction but didn't realize it. Flu like symptoms, high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, joint pain, dizzyness, shortness of breath, heart racing. Went to ER twice, had all kinds of tests done which was unnecessary. Chest X-ray cat-scan, all kinds of blood work, urine test. Each time symptoms were gone in 24 hours. What a waste of my time and insurance company money. Started losing my hair, tired all the time and muscles very sore. First two bouts I was told it was the flu. I stopped all meds until felt better then started the Limbrel again a week later, it happened again. Then I was told it couldn't be the flu it is the summer, it must be a virus. I became very concerned. Went to see a infectious disease Dr at Long Island Jewish Hospital. Took all results with me from ER. She had no answers for me. I just happened to do to my primary Dr for my routine physical and she did blood work and liver results came back elevated so she took me off the Limbrel. I then started researching on the web and found this site and I was so grateful I was finding people with the same symptoms. I read the fact sheet that came from the pharmacy and didn't mention any of these symptoms. This is so unsetting. I have been off of Limbrel for a week and feel great. I'm still losing hair, which I'm praying will stop and I hope what I lost will grow back. Thank you all for writing. FYI I'm calling the FDA today to report this. I hope everyone will do the same. I thought it was a medical food so it should be food for you.

I have been on Limbrel for approximately six years. It improved my OA pain so much that I was able to exercise and do hand work again. For the past five years I had been able to get off of all other OA medications except for the Limbrel. A year ago I took a nasty fall and the OA in my spine and right knee flared so bad I couldn't walk. For a short time I needed Mobic as well, but was able to again recover and am on Limbrel and tylenol now and have regained my mobility to the point that I was able to take a walking tour of Italy and did just fine. The medication is a godsend for those of us with OA. It is worth the $50 a month to not be in pain all the time.

I was prescribed Limbrel for knee pain, and several years later was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Although I have flares of pain, I have avoided surgery and have adequate cartridge 5 years later. I'm 62 and feel Limbrel prevented disease progression.

Limbrel leaves the side effect of constipation, bloating, and gas. I feel like I gain 10 pounds with each tablet.

Has anyone developed stomach pain with Limbrel? I have been on it for several years…and for several years have seen doctors for stomach pain. I had to go off for tests and a surgical procedure and the pain is gone. Could it be the zinc?

This is the only medicine I have been able to take for my osteoarthritis that did not give me a bad stomach reaction. If I miss a dose, I can feel the difference within 6 hours. I have taken this medicine for six years and have had no side effects. The only issue is the price is exorbitant and insurance does not cover it. I don't understand why the manufacturer does not push for OTC or acceptance by insurance. If I found something else that worked and was cheaper I would switch in a minute.