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Generic Name: bendamustine

Brand Name: Treanda intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

After 4 treatments (total of 6 required) I have had diarrhea anyone else experience this? I am on Treanda and rituxan

My dad was diagnosed with MCL 7.5 years ago and was on Trenda. Of the three MCL drugs over his 7.5 years the Treanda was the most effective. Dad passed away after 8 years battling MCL.His last drug was Imbruvica and was unfortunately ineffective. He was the first person in the state of Iowa to try Imbruvica. Many advances has taken place since the first of his diagnosis. Our family is proud that dad tried two experimental trial drugs. Treanda was his first trial drug and today it is on the market due to people like my dad, Duane Duit.

This medication is working ok, but, i am having a very big side effect problem with upper and lower GI issues, such as, severe GERD and Bowel issues while taking this med.

first treatment greatly reduced dangerous lymph node in neck after fourth treatment began experiencing diffuse skin rash starting on legs and expanding to torso and arms; rash and itching somewhat controlled by steroid cream and benedryl; worried about 5th and 6th treatments and expanding rash

I have CLL my white count was 255,platelets were low and I did one round,It did bring my white count and lymph nodes down, but my numbers still weren't were they needed to be.I got a serious infection and couldn't continue untill the infection was gone,after the infection was gone three months later I did three rounds and my numbers are now great.It's been 17 months and I'm still doing good.I have lymph nodes that are coming back so I''m excited to take it again.I was very pleased with the results because my numbers were so bad.I was given medicIne for nausea, and was alittle tired but this past year I have my energy back.i prefer this chemo over others I've had because I have had the past year and a half to do things I couldn't do before.By the third round I was feeling bad but I 'm glad I stuck it out, well worth it.I also use alternative things with this and feel it helped after chemo.

Platelets r my problem. After treatment 2, platelets are up to 52 from 10, and WBC are down to 5 from 13. I have experienced burning in my arm during IV and this week arm has stayed sore to touch. Hopeful.

dr. called me today after PET scan. i'm at week 14 of an 18 week schedule. non-hodgkins lymphoma. combined rituxan with treanda. large tumor is gone. two older tumors from first round of chemo are down to two specks. have two more chemos to go. hope this report is encouraging.

Started my treatment of cll with treanda and Rituxan. My wbc count was 383. after four rounds of treanda with rituxan, i'm down to wbc of 5. minimal side effects. It's been good!

After 8 years of watchful waiting including about 4 years on Chorambucil, I got put on Treanda. The % of leukemic cells went from 62-65% down to 17% after only 4 treatments. Had no side effects, did not lose any hair. I don't know how long the good news will continue because I only got 4 of the 6 recommended treatments before my insurance (COBRA) ran out, but I feel good and now pay for a port flush and a blood check every 6 weeks. My white cells count was very low, but hopefully will improve. Doc said I may not need 6 treatments because 4 did very well. We will see.

i just started this med,im a 39 yr old male been through chemo n 05 also,its my 3rd day i have felt very very good,better than 05 treatment

I experienced lots of fatigue after each of the first two treatments. I could fall asleep just sitting and I did it all the time. I did not expect the nadir to begin immediately so it was hard to deal with. Treatments are every three weeks for two one hour treatments. Next one is this week. Ugh.

The first 3 treatments were easy, only a day and a half of nausea and 5-7 days of fatigue. I needed the neulasta shot after my 4th, counts not recovering as well. Also after the 4th the fatigue held on for almost 3 weeks. Still functioned fine, just not as enthusiastically. Still have my hair, and no mouth sores so far, 2 more to go. Before my 3rd treatment we did a scan and no sign of disease, seems to be working.

Have had 3 2 day treatments so far. Low WBC counts-waiting on those to come back up. No real problems with this drug, other than some fatigue. It really helps to drink lots of water-6 to 10 bottles a day. I call it Chemo-light.

My husband was Dx in Jan 2004 with MCL. Since that time he has been give many different treatments. The Treadra was started in July since aggressive tumors (12 CM in Chest) returned. He has recieved 3 cycles with Rituxin as the 1st day followed by 2 days of Treanda with a follow up Neulasta shot. He has extreme fatique, poor appetite, and weight loss. The upside is his Petscan 2 weeks ago (after 2 cycles) shows tumors shrinking drastically. He has low platelets (15,000) most of the time and has been given a reduced dosage of Treanda. He will have at least 6 cycles and hopefully knock it completely down to an indolent state. This is the best response we have seen of all drugs he has been give.

Warning- Do not take with allopurinol. Company has reported 1 death from Stephens Johnson syndrome- skin disease.

The biggest side effect I have experienced is extreme fatigue. The first treatment took about one week to recover; the second treatment has taken almost two weeks. I will find out next week if I will have a 3rd. The first Neulasta shot gave me spasms of pain controlled by Tylenol. The second was insignificant as far as side effects go but kept my counts up. I have had slight nausea, loss of appetite with the Treanda and hope the scans next week prove it is working.

The only problem as greatly increased urination during nightime, and loss of sleep from this.