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Generic Name: besifloxacin

Brand Name: Besivance ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Besivance is wildly expensive, as are the other 2 medications required for my cataract surgery, pre and post surgery. The ophthalmologist's office contributed this as a sample, otherwise I probably would have just had to live with the cataracts. The consistency is like a thick goop. It became crusty and left residue on my lower eyelashes which made me think it had gone bad. I wish I didn't have to worry about taking it again when my other eye soon will be operated on.

It is super thick that doesn't dissolve inside your eye. Considering the price tag, I don't think it has a good p/p rate.

I had an allergic reaction after two drops - my ring finger and ear lobes got swollen & itched. Removed gold jewlery Dr. never heard of such a reaction. Stopped drops. Took bnaydryl which helped itching. Now trying Polymyxin B Sulfate. After two drops - no reaction yet. Will report back. Taken due to pre cataract surgery.

Used with prolensa after cataract surgery. After using it twice I broke out in hives on my head, face and neck. Paid $60 for 2 drops.

This medication was used following cataract surgery. It is very thick, and did not last for the entire treatment period. The cost is outrageous! Medicare formulary, even with additional drug coverage, does NOT cover this medication.

Used to prevent infection after eye surgery. All went quite well and I had no ill affects from Besivance.

This medication is very thick and hard to administer. Received 3 different eye drops after eye surgery. All were 5ml bottles. I have ran out of the Besivance far quicker than the others. Cost is expensive.

had a very bad reaction to this! swollen eyes and very red!!! Beware!

Had cataract surgery. This is a drug that is on a very few, if any, formularies. A very small bottle (5 ml) is supposed to hold 37 drops. Not a chance. MANUFACTURER'S (Bausch+Lomb) Discount coupon "reduced" price from $176. to $71. BUT NO REFILLS UNTIL WELL AFTER DRUG IS GONE. REFILL COST = $176.00.

Used along with Lotemax and Prolensa following cataract surgery and IOL placement and have had excellent results. Some burning for the first few doses following surgery but that stopped after the firrst day. Right eye turned out with almost 20/20 vision, now on second eye and hoping for same.

Used for pre and after cataract surgery. Drop control difficult. Either not enough or too much comes out. White substance with white bottle tip make it impossible to see. Vision very blurry.

I had an inflamed tear duct and the Dr. flushed it out and gave me a sample of the Besivance to use. From the first use I felt awful. Terrible taste in mouth,eye redness, nausea,and just feeling unwell. I didn't connect my symptoms to the eye drops until two small pills which I take daily got caught in my throat and it took me forever to get them down. This was only after two days of use. I immediately stopped the drops and felt like my old self the next day with the exception of my throat still being sore. I'll never use these drops again!

I was given this drug for pink eye by an eye Dr. My eye immediately became much worse instead of better, very red, swallow, glued together and even some blood. It got worse fast, it was BAD. Only put it in a eye 2 times. I switched to vigamox and it started getting better. After 3 days my eye is still trying to recover from the side effects of taking besivance. The vigamox was prescribed by a family Dr. and has much better results. Would not recommend besivance.

had a cataract phaco iol surgery, its gud and well tolerated

From the first use I felt much better. In less than 3 days my eye was back to normal. Great results and very easy to use.

side effect rash

Severe redness eye pain and overall depression and miserable on this drug after retinal surgery. Do not use this, drug you may be miserable on it! "Zymaxid" is way superior with no side effects. I could barely function for a week and realized it was the "Besivance" reaction! Eye pain was severe and overwhelming until I stopped then I was fine. Use at your own risk!!!!!!

my six year old daugther has pink eye symptoms, dr gave me this drops on monday and by this morning i noticed a rash on her after i put the drop in her eye....same thing hapened this evening, i'm calling the dr in the morning