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Generic Name: bimatoprost

Brand Name: Lumigan ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on lumigan for ten years. I have darkened eye lids. I have severely blocked ears and Neanderthal eye brows. I need to take an antihistamine every day to counter act even more swelling. But the antihistamine causes higher pressure in my eyes. I can’t drive at night because of ‘night blindness’, I have constant discomfort in my audio channels. Can’t even wear hearing aids, hearing loss caused by the congestion in my ears and swelling of my ear channels. All in all, not particularly people friendly. Tried antibiotics from Dr but to no avail. Now on Monopost. Hoping I will loose my side effects from Lumigan…

Lowered eye pressure, but eyes were, always glassy, irriated and burny feeling. Had to stop for a day or two to get relief. Top outer eye lashes were getting really long, wife made fun of me. Had to take special eye drops to keep redness down.

Drops caused very red, discomfort in the eyes along w/shoulder and neck pain.

Reduce my eye pressure from 17/18 to 11/12... however, ear congestion, swollen lymph nord and strange vain swollen below my tongue at the base of my mouth...all on the left side.

I developed hypertension and severe right shoulder and arm pain after 3 weeks of administering the drops into my right eye. Both urgent care doctor and ophthalmologist say there is no causal relationship, but I, and apparently others disagree. Stopped 2 weeks ago and symptoms very slowly resolving. How long before I am back to normal?

Lumigan has helped bring my pressure down well, although at the beginning it irritated my eyes a little bit recently it’s been painful to put the eye drops in and it has been making my eyes sore and sensitive with occasional sharp pains which is unusual because I’ve been on the medication for multiple years now and this has only recently started in the past month

Wakes me up at night with EXTREMELY dry eyes, nose and throat - The other day I experienced a very scary episode of vertigo or dizziness - and within an hour of that, a â??cloudâ? around my line of sight. Going to have a talk with my eye doc....

has anyone experienced muscle/shoulder pain from Lumigan - only been taking it a few weeks

I took this drug twice and it caused chest pain, shortness of breath, shakiness, eye pain, redness and dizziness. It reduced the pressure in my eyes but the other symptoms not worth the pain associated with the medicine. Went to more natural measures to reduce pressure in my eyes...works without the side effects from these drops.

Been on luimigan for 5 years. it does lower the eye pressure. BUT. Longer eyelashes, yes indeed. Unfortunately they are growing the wrong way! leaning towards the nose. But only the new ones! the last month, my skin is turning red where the lumigan drips out of the eyes and touches it...looks like the miracle of saint whatever where she bleeds from her eyes..really disgusting.

I have been on Lumigan for 5 months now. Previously was on Xalatan for 5 yrs. My pressure is great at 16. The main side effect that bothers me is rapid eye movement, mainly after I install the drops. My dr told me it is probably a preservative. I install the drops 1 hr before bed. Haven't seen anyone else complain about the rapid eye movement but I would rather be on Xalatan.

I have been using Lumigan for glaucoma for 21 months. It has been effective at reducing my IOP, although I've had to add a second type of drop to lower it further. For side effects I had red, irritated eyes for the first couple weeks, but it has subsided. I've also had very pronounced eyelash growth from about the 3rd month onward.

I was previously on Xalatan for 5 yrs now I have a different dr & he gave me Lumigan. I prefer Xalatan however the lumigan lowered my pressure even better than xalatan. I do have a dark spot under one eye & worried about my low sugar with lumigan. I believe cost wise they are about the same.

with in 6 weeks of using lumigan eye drops i now have the following side effects light sensitive, blurred vision and increase blood pressure. 2 months after stop taking these drops I still having the same symptoms. I thank this drug should be taken off the marker.

Had been using both Azopt and Alphagan, and Lumigan was added for one eye that was worse than the other. This addition was completely effective in bringing pressure down to target.

After the first use, my eyes were red and blood shot. Looked like I had been on a bender. Did not help any with pressure

I was diagnosed with Glaucoma a four weeks ago. My Eye doctor put me on Lumigan. My eyes got very red,itchy and hurt, then the headaches started severe headaches. I went to the ER and the drops were causing this plus I had what was called Allergic Conjunctivitis from the eye drops in both eyes. The ER doctor ran some tests. He told me to go off the drops and the headaches were migraines from the eye drops. I was at the point were I was suffering for days. My eye doctor put me on Combigan now after three doses the headaches are back. Six days with no drops, my eyes cleared up and no more headaches.. Makes me wonder. I'm getting a second opinion as soon as I can. How can drops help with these terrible side effects? I had none of this going on before starting these eyes drops.I'm too weary now to try any more of these kind of eye drops.I don't want to go blind. But there has to be something better.

I use both Lumigan and Azopt and my pressure has come down from 40 to 15. Lumigan once a day at bedtime and Azopt twice a day. There was slight burning and blurring until I got used to it. There are no problems now and I just hope it continues to work.

Besides the usual side effects, I have experienced real bad diabetic neuropathy. Prio to using this the neuropathy was under control using lyrica. Now it is almost daily.