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Generic Name: bisoprolol fumarate

Brand Name: Zebeta oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Weight gsin, I am not eating more in fact less. More difficult to breath with exertion. I plan to discuss with my doctor as this maybe a serious problem. My heart rate is really low in the 60's and I think it is affecting my already poor metabolism.

My problem is the weigh gain!!! First six months on this medicine, I gained seven pounds!! Hope a lower dose can correct that; it's hard enough for a WOMAN in mid-40's to maintain or even lose weight! I recently noticed hands/fingers "fall asleep" at night also with swelling.

I take my dose at night. Have no negative side effects, and the fringe benefit of lowering my intraocular pressure so well that my ophthalmologist took me off Lumigan

i take 5 mgs and it has lowered my fast heart beat. however, eventho my bottom number is good my top number remains high. I have no side effects.however, my other bp med is not working as well.

I had a double bypass 3 years ago at the age of 39. I have been taking this at 5 mil since then and after giving it a little time in the beginning, it has worked wonderfully. I only realize how well it works when I forget to refill my prescription and run out....then I am miserable.

frequent urination

I have been on zebeta for treatment of high blood pressure. My bottom number is fine, however the top number's normal is between 145 and 158. What could be the couse of that?? My doctor has also put me on a "water pill". Still my top number is too high. Why?

I have been taking zebeta for high blood pressure for several years. At first it seemed to work well,however my top number has been running high, my doctor prescribed triamterene w/hctz 37.5/25 a few months ago. However my pressure is still running about 135 over 71, pulse about 65. Do I need to be concerned?

I can no longer get the 5 mg and now I am told they are not making the 10mg. Generic does not work. any syggestionis

Taking only 2.5mg for almost a yr. now for slightly high BP & palpitations and works very well for both. Too bad I have to cut the tablets for this dosage as they're not available at that lower strength. Taking at bedtime greatly helped with tiredness /dizziness.

Have tried the Zebeta for 3 weeks and it's been really great, I started taking it in the AM, but then after reviewing the other users notes,I take it at bedtime. I do have a little dizziness now in the morning, but nothing like on the Bystolic. Thanks to My2Cents for PM suggestion.

After about one month into the medication I began to swell in my legs, feet and around my waist. I was so effected that i had to stop using and my swelling went away.

I have been on this medication for two months. It has made a remarkable improvement in my life with no noticeable side effects. I saw my doctor after experiencing what I call "noticeably concerning" heart symptoms. EKG was normal, however the echocardiogram revealed an extremely pronounced MVP condition. I was asked to wear a halter monitor for 24 hours to record cardio activity; it revealed a very high rate of electrocardio events. This medication was prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. I will return in one year to re-evaluate.

I take Zebeta to control tacycardia as a result of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). I take it in combination with Florinef. The two medications together help tremendously!

Has helped my blood pressure and in regulating my heart rate. The generic didn't work well for me. I had to switch back-so I pay the higher price. I too have experienced tingling in hands and toes at times.

I have taken the .5 mil now for 2 years and it has worked very well for me. So far, I have not had to raise my dosage. One thing that seemed to be very helpful, I take this at night before I go to bed, so I do not notice any dizziness etc. Blood Pressure is pretty stable, and heart rate is very good as well.

I was prescribed Zebeta for palpitations.  It works very well for this problem. My blood pressure is also lower, though it was not high to begin with.  However, I am wondering if maybe it has something to do with my GERD, as it started to get worse after I started the Zebeta.  I also have psoriasis and just discovered that this is contraindicated in Zebeta use.

Was put on this medication after by-pass heart surgery 2.5mg. Have no side effects.

Overall this drug has been a net positive for me. It has effectivly controlled my heart palpitations, which got up to 170-200bpm. It has allowed me to cardio exercise (run/jogg)for the first time in a year. It has not significantly lowered my high blood pressure. SIDE EFFECTS: I have had noticible numbness/tingling in my hands and toes, occasionally spreading to forearms even rarely my face. -Tired and lightheaded occasionally.

I started taking Zebeta about a month ago and saw results quickly with 5mg. However I still have some chest pains,but I might need a higher dosage, I'm planning on discussing it with my doctor in the near future. Besides that, Ive had decent results.