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Generic Name: chlordiazepoxide HCl

Brand Name: Librium oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

was producing gas. blowing up like a balloon .once or twice a week, so bad i had trouble breathing. gastroeteroligist gave up he tried everything but failed after 4 years of trying and wanted to send me for a study. our family doctor put me on 10 mg twice a day, now i eat anything i want and no problem. stomach problems was also my mothers big problem.i went from 195 lbs down to 174 now back to 184 but would like to lose 4 of those. who knew this would work for digestive problems. i don't drink or smoke or do drugs so that was never the problem.

I was given this medication by an er doc because i was going through ativan withdrawals. long story short I moved and couldnt get a doctors appointment for a week to get a new prescription of ativan and my old doc wouldnt prescribe me just enough to get my by until I was seen by my new doctor because I was no longer his patient. I was prescribed with severe anxiety/ panic disorder 5 years ago. I was given librium at the hospital. It helped the first day I took it. I was instructed to take 2, 25 mg (twice a day as needed) for three days until my doctors appointment. Second day I took them I was fine then it started wearing off. So i took another around 9 hours after taking the 1st one and starting going into severe panic mode my heart started racing. Today will be my third day taking the medication. This medication doesnt help with anxiety at all in my experience! Ive experienced hyper activity, the "jitters", faster heart rate, confusion, forgetfulness, more irritability, going all day in a dream like state, I have trouble falling asleep, i can't sit still it makes me bounce off the walls almost as if im on speed,It has made my anxiety worse and this medicine scares me "Sh**tless" STAY AWAY FROM THIS STUFF!

Librium stays in your system a long time. I noticed a week after i got out of detox i started going into withdrawals. I had felt great and didnt know what was going on. I realized it was the librium going out of my system. Treatment places need to have a much better tapering program.

I used Librium to help with alcohol withdrawal. It took away the shakes, bed sweats, hallucinations and the deadly DTs….I had to go through a second round of the drug after relapse….Don't quit cold turkey if you have been drinking heavily….see a doc and get the librium…the Dt's can kill you….and ask about Campral to reduce cravings….please don't go it alone.

I have been to 2 rehab facilities, and 2 ER visits for my alcoholism. This last visit to the ER was for pancreatitis. I was in for a week, and was prescribed Librium for 2 weeks, with a slow taper towards the end. It did what it was meant to do. Cut down anxiety, lessened cravings, and gave my body time to recover. What some people on here don't understand, is it isn't a drug to stop us alcoholics from "wanting" or "craving" alcohol. That is up to us individually to do. There isn't a miracle drug out there that will stop us from thinking the way we think. It's a constant battle to stay sober for many of us. Even though I am an Atheist, I still attend AA meeting so that people of like minds can help give me the tools to stay sober. It's just as much mental, as it is anything else. Librium helped me once I fell off the wagon, and had to go to the hospital when my pancreas swelled 4 times the size it is, but I took my last pill two days ago, and with the tools I learned in rehab, and the support of family and friends, I haven't had one craving. We alcoholics will never stop being alcoholics. The "Just one." mentality doesn't work for us. If you want to be sober, there is support and understanding out there, but it won't come in a pill form. This pill did what it needed to do. Cut down on my shakes (as an alcoholic, most of us think that if we have a couple of drinks to get rid of the shakes, we will be fine, but when does it ever stop at "Just a couple."?) I take Citalopram, Trazadone, Hydroxazine, Zofran, and formerly Librium. Some to battle depression (also a cause/side effect of alcohol), but nothing will stop the cravings except my own mind. So, stay strong. Keep the path, and don't "rely" on medicine to fix you. Work on fixing yourself.

causes constipation..will wean off gradually via doctors advice..

I wouldn't have been free of alcoholism without taking Librium.

I have PTSD (since early childhood-not diagnosed as a child due to doctors not knowing what it was)and this medication has worked for me for the past 51 years. During that time I was off of it periodically (pregnancies). I do not have to take it every day as in SSRIs and have had no side effects whatsoever. It has no addictive qualities for me as some medical communities predict. It is a great drug if you need to be able to function normally when you have high anxiety. I also am able to think clearly when stressed.

have taken librium over 20 years, seems to calm me down, have a lot of anxiety.

A great help with the cramping from irritable bowel - severe. Some grogginess but manageable.

after taking for alcohol I still the shakes

takes the edge right off. helps to calm my adrenaline. however after reading the side effects and going through another very difficult time i think some of the negative side effects are increasing as i use the drug.

I was started on this medication because it was supposed to work along with my Alprazolam. i.e., 2mg NTE 4bid. for sleep, I was more than excited to use it. Plus it may help with ringing in my ears (Pagets disease). After being on it for over 18 mos. I feel its just another Benzo that's harming my kidneys; so I decided to go off of it.

Took to help sleep, did nothing!

not workinghing at all ive been taking xanax for 7 years

i do not have an alcohol problem,but have an opiate problem, i feel this medication is not for my problem.

This is not a drug you should take while receieving methadone treatment it can put you in a state of mild stroke like symptoms I took 2 doses in two days for anxiety and it almost killed me I told my doctor I was on methadone and he gave me a prescription of 10 mg an it did not agree with me so be careful an always question any medication when taking different medications together because it can do serious harm to you