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Generic Name: colesevelam

Brand Name: WelChol oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I struggled with severe IBS-D for nearly my whole life. I had been to several Dr's, had every test imaginable done multiple times, tried so many meds and nothing worked for me. No matter what I ate I would be in pain and sick in the bathroom for sometimes hours. My overall health was always very poor because of the constant diarrhea and I was just weak all the time. I started going to a new Dr who prescribed me this after a colonoscopy about a year ago and it has been a miracle drug. I have only had a flare up on maybe 3 occasions in the past year and those were while being sick with a viral infection and once when I was traveling and ate white castles a few days in a row. Other than that I have been great and my overall health is getting better. I take 3 625mg tabs nightly.

I had my gallbladder removed and experienced diarrhea so doctor prescribed 1 625 mg pill a day. Felt week, anxious and foggy brained. He lowered it to half a pill a day. Now I feel nerve pain between my shoulders. Going to try to get off this and try something else, or nothing. DO not like the way I feel on this, although it cured the diarrhea and I have no stomach issues. ALso sleep well

Take this for diarrhea associated with gall bladder removal. This changed my life. I have taken for 10 years! Here is what you need to know:1) you must take it with food or it won't work. 2) it causes constipation which is why people like me take it!! Eat more fiber if necessary to resolve the constipation 3) it will give you heartburn if you don't eat or drink enough when you take it 4) I suggest taking it at least 2-3 hours before bed to avoid heartburn 5) it's expensive but worth it - always check wechol site, goodrx, WebMD, etc for discount cards. If you have had your gall bladder removed and frequently need to run to bathroom or are constantly planning your day based on the availability of bathrooms, this will solve your problem! If you avoid foods because your gall bladder was removed, this medicine will remove that issue unless you're eating really, really bad foods. 6) if your triglycerides go up, you can reduce your dosing without stopping the medicine. 7) make sure you drink enough water every day - this is important!!

Taking generic for high cholesterol. Take 3 pills after lunch. Waiting for blood tests to see cholesterol numbers. I don't take at dinner because interacts with vitamin

Have taken for only three days for chronic diarrhea. Has caused me to lose control of my bowel movements at night and wake up to unfavorable results. Will not take anymore.

The pills are huge, hard to take and expensive, but I can't tolerate a statin and this drug has reduced my cholesterol. Only side effect is occasional dyspepsia at night.

Drug works well, but so expensive. Mfg. sure has us over a barrel about price, and no generic in sight. I can't take statins, so this is my only alternative. Even with m/c part D, co pay is now up to close to $500 for 90 days. Where is the extra help when seniors need it? But, drug does do what is stated it will do.

I take this due to high cholestrol. Very expensive however Optum RX sent a letter saying a generic may be available in the next 6 months. Makes me very tired and have been having back and side pains. No blood test sine taking it but hoping for the best.

My triglyceride got to 1905 after taking this medicine for 2 month. Before I tart taking Whelchol triglyceride were 410.

My cardiologist recommended Welchol because I have fibromyalgia and statins made my muscles hurt even more. The drug has lowered my cholesterol but to my surprise, it has solved my digestion problems. I no longer get heartburn or GERD, and food gets digested much more quickly. The only problem I have with it is the expense. I don't take 6 a day because it's just too expensive, I take two. I'm sure that my cholesterol numbers would go lower if I took more per day.

very hard to swallow and it takes my appetite

I am using the powder form and after almost giving up on being able to swallow it mixed with a variety of juices, water, etc. I found that mixing it in the blender work -- at least I'm able to swallow it. I use apple juice and, for me, the diet or "lite" versions of juices don't mix well. Not sure why.

Been battling high cholesterol for years. Statins give me severe body aches. I have multiple sclerosis so don't need any more discomfort. I've been on Welchol over a year and after 3 months my numbers were great. I use it in conjunction with ZETIA. Didn't work without the ZETIA, but on Zetia alone, didn't bring my numbers into normal range. Dislike taking six giant pills a day, but little problem for the good it does me.

My insurance company will no longer let me take Vytorin or Crestor so I have been taking this drug for over a year and my cholesterol is still in the 200 range. Thanks UHC!!

I have been taking Welchol for almost 2 months and my Dr hasn't check me for results

The drug has been effective in lowering my chol numbers. It is a bit of a pain to take with everything else I take but I work around it by taking this 4 hours before and 4 hours after I take the other stuff. One thing that keeps happening to me though is I keep getting bladder infections. I read last night that could be a rare side effect. I wanted to hear if anyone else out there is having this issue.

headache, muscle weakness, sick to my stomach, just an overall not with it feeling. Do not like this medication.

Can not take Statins because of the side effects it caused. On Welchol for 2 months now, Have not had a second blood test yet.Been having headaches with eye problems and been very tired.Take the powder in orange juice and using a whisk works well to mix.Will continue to take until I see what my numbers look like.