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Generic Name: crizotinib

Brand Name: Xalkori

Xalkori Drug and Medication User Reviews

It saved my life for more than 2 years now, my CEA level dropped from 40 to 5,8. It gives me hope and cannot thank the team who invented it enough, thank you soooo much!

I have been on Xalkori for 39 months for stage IV lung cancer. I have experienced a few side effects. I did have vision problems, some nausea and constipation at first. Now those are just about normal. The only problem I am having now is lymphedemia of my legs. I'm very happy that Xalkori is suppressing my cancer.

I have been on this for almost 2 1/2 years. I did initially have trouble with diarrhea but that has gotten better with time. I do have a very slow heart rate but can manage that ok. I have Edema in my feet and ankles (one side more than the other.) my vision has actually improved for some reason.

I have been on this drug for ten months..no terrible side effects...my ct scans show my cancer to be nearly gone. My once large lymph nodes are no longer considered to be pathological

this treatment i beleive is kiiling my mother faster than the cancer would have the swelling as made her unable to walk...now body shutting down from no circulation

I have been on this treatment since August 2013. No sever side effects. Minimal nausea when taking on an empty stomach. I also have some issues with swollen feet and legs. My last scans showed marked decrease in the size of lymph nodes and plural effusion

I've been on Xalkori for 8 months. This is the 5th and by far the easiest treatment I've been on since being diagnosed with Stage IV cancer 26 months ago. I really can't identify a side effect and feel good most of the time. I'm regaining some strength and have even gained some weight. And I've had great results. The last CT scan showed all of my lymph nodes are normal in size, the pleural effusion is very small and the cancer in the lung has decreased. I couldn't be happier! I'm just praying that I can take it for a long time.

After six months, I have shown "significant improvement" in both lungs, have no shortness of breath and much more energy -- all without side effects! Certainly the easiest chemo ever, and by far the most effective that I've had in more than seven years!

i have experienced nausea and vomiting, visual disturbances; sometimes seeing dark images out of the corner of my eye and when going from a dark room to a lit one. i am pleased that xalkori has reduced the size of a lymph node on the bronchus of the right lung and so far has kept the cancer from spreading elsewhere. i realize this is not a cure, but if it keeps the cancer stabilized in the right lung, i will be very happy.