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Generic Name: daptomycin

Brand Name: Cubicin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had a antibiotic resistant staph infection in my sinuses. Doctor had me get a PICC line and I treated myself every day with Cubicin. I made sure to take Digestive Advantage every day (double dose 1 in am and 1 pm). The only side effects I had were extreme fatigue and I never wanted to eat. Lost 10 pounds over 4 weeks. Other than the fatigue and lack of appetite I had no other issues.

I am in my 6th week of using the drug and I have experienced three main side effects. Two out of three don't really bother me, those being slight diarrhea and an itchy scrotum. The third one is one that I have never found mentioned in my researching the drug. That one is hair loss. I look in the mirror every morning and can't belief how thin my hair has gotten on the top of my head. For God's sake, I hope the heck it grows back.

This medicine has caused severe stomach cramping diareah and leg pain. I have not been able to eat anything but liquids and use crutches to walk.

This was given to my son after Vancomycin very, very slow drip for a staph infection that was in his blood and incision (deep). Other broad spectrum antibiotics are off the table for my son - he's allergic to most of them. The only problem that I see that he encountered (he cannot speak), was that his hair was falling out...like a lot of hair falling out. His pillow was covered as well as it being on his chest and clearly noticeable when looking at his head. He was on the antibiotic IV for approx. 1 week and then put on doxycycline (oral).

I have MRSA. I am on day 50 of a 55 day treatment. I am having cold sweats, I am tired and there is a lot of pain in my legs. I thought it was from my spinal surgery, but now I am not sure. I am feeling sick to my stomach a lot.I have no idea if this stuff is working or not. All I know for sure is I am glad I am almost done, because the longer I take it, the sicker I am getting.

i am a nurse of 34 years with lupus, RA, and fibromyalgia. i had a rt above the knee amputation, due to MRSA infection in '05. MRSA keeps recurring, so when i landed in the hospital again with gen.malaise the docs bypassed vanco and went to cubisin. On week four of six now. this weekend, i went from up in the wheelchair to being bedridden, unable to talk to the nurses, when i was awake, which was not often. couldn't eat or drink, vital signs not good, nurses couldn't get an iv line when my PICC crapped out because i had swelled up with huge amounts of edema. i also experienced excruciating pain in both legs, especially when turned. lots of muscle spasms. this happened just when doc added baclofen, which has it's own side effect issues. i believe that the combo exacerbated side effects of each and made them worse. now i am weak, very tired, still having some 'lightning-strike' spasms and stump pain. if it gets the MRSA out of my blood system it will be worth the troubles, but only then.

I received 7 days of I.V. Cubicin. Was extremely fatigued, dizzy and nauseated. Also need to report vivid, strange dreams. It did, however, clear up the skin infection caused by Strep from a spider bite very effectively.

Was on both cubicin and cefepime iv for 7 weeks. Not a good experience. sick all the time. don't eat eggs. Made me extremely sick. still weak and become nauseated easily. chills and fever still persist. blood test showed infection gone. but wound still has drainage. just made me to sick. had allergic reaction to meds. rash and swelling of hands to where my skin is now peeling cracking on my fingers.and face. not a good experience at all.Lips are also all cracked and peeling.

I'm into my fourth week of IV treatment. Although I'm having several of the side effects-headaches, diarrhea, fever and chills, increased muscle and back pain, weakness, breathing problems... Even with all of this, I am healing well. Quicker than with Vancomyicin. I don't like being on either of these IV therapies, but what are ya gonna do? The side effects with both are bad. I guess it's a small price to pay for keeping my foot though.

Have had a PICC for tpn for 6 1/2 weeks and dev fevers for the last 2 weeks, then diarrhea. Dr admitted me thinking inf in PICC, urine was ok (recent uti) blood cultures inconsistent. Had allergic react to vanco, was on IV cubicin, azactin and po Flagyl in hosp. NO fever the whole time I was there until the last night. They changed the PICC and within 8 hrs fever returned. Came home yesterday am with home infusion to continue 2 more weeks, but after reading all this info online, I stopped taking it. Dr is an idiot but pharm keeps me updated on labs etc. Since starting this crap, fevers are worse, serious headache, worse gi problems, anorexic from gastric bypass 8 yrs ago, hence the tpn.If I have to remove the PICC and can't have tpn, the only alternative is a feeding tube which I refuse. I also have MS and the websites say it's contraindicated. The harass me for being on pain meds and xanax, then give me drugs to cause pain and anxiety. I think the inmates are running the asylum. I'm not the least bit ok with taking this garbage, especially if a repytable company like Eli Lilly stopped developing it because of the adverse reactions. I need a lot more info, but it's a Friday night, so can't reach anyone til Monday. I don't like being used as a labrat!! I'm also a nurse for 30 yrs. This is not the right drug for me.

I acquired an infection in my right foot traveling up to my knee after clearing away bouganvillia cuttings. The thorns are toxic and can result in the affects of an ant bite up to cardiac arrest. I almost had my right leg amputated below the knee until a wound care doctor prescribed cubicin. Five weeks of other antibiotics and stays in three hospitals were not effective. In 3 days cubicin cleared the infection.It was followed by a week of inconvenient IV therapy that tookcare of the problem. Bless this doctor! ( I think I paid for their BMW's.)

I have been on cubicin IV for two weeks and already my blood work shows the infection is gone. I had a slite headach right after I took it for the first few days but that past and I have not had any other side effects.

My 17 yr old daughter is receiving Cubicin I.v at home for atleast the next 4 weeks. One week in and she is having most the side effects ie.. nausea/vomiting, muscle/joint pain, fatigue etc.. however one not mentioned is hair loss, its coming out by the handful. I haven't heard if anyone else has experienced this. efficacy of this new drug is great, but it is very hard on the body.

I have been receiving cubicin now for 3 weeks. I am scheduled for 3 more. I am experiencing insomnia and extreme fatigue. I am tired and weak. Also I am unable to regulate body temperature. Hot then chills, combined with cold sweats.

I'm having some of the side effect's. Chest pain headache's very bad and it make's me have anxiety. And I'm very weak since they started it.

had spinal abcess and rocephin treatment failed and resulted in more surgery. This seems to be keeping the infection away but I have muscle cramps, difficulty sleeping and although I lost weight with the initial therapy I am gaining weight now even though I eat so much less than I used to because the cubicin leaves a nasty taste in my mouth,...

I was diagnosed with MRSA in the sinus.Have been administering IV infusions of Cubicin daily for 6 weeks through a PICC line. Infection is much improved. Will continue for another 2 weeks. Only side effect is fatigue which probably also linked to the infection. I tried oral antibiotics for 10 weeks prior to the infusion therapy - each oral antibiotic would work for a few days and then the infection worsened. At this time I am feeling much better and would opt for this type of treatment if ever an infection of this type occurred again.

I've had a yeast infection, then the nausea and diarrhea started. I've been very fatigued lately. My muscles are sore all over. I've been on it this time for 3 wks and have 3 more to go. Was on this stuff last yr for 5 wks and don't remember feeling this crappy.

have 2 more weeks of IV therapy,, but having problems with weird dreams and can't sleep.. anyone else having this problem???

have been on this IV drug, now for 8 days, so far no problems, it is being used to treat my heavy case of MRSA