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Generic Name: ceftaroline fosamil

Brand Name: Teflaro intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Post surgery mrsa infection from knee scope we were given teflora Iv for home. After one week my wife started with low grade fever and flu like symptoms. Over the few nights she started vomiting and diarrhea, the fever grew 102.6 and finally she became unresponsive and transported to the hospital. Her blood levels were extremely low and she suffered with dilution. All tests for bacteria were negative. Fours days later doctors believe it was the Teflora not the bacteria that caused her condition. On day six we are still waiting for white cells,platelets and red cells to increase. Although blood tests were done twice during home med series no cell counts were done. We are still waiting for answers!

I had an alleric reaction with a bee sting it got really bad i was hospitalized they tried 10 different IV antibiotics they didnt work the Dr tried Teflaro it started to work so i was released then had to got to a outpatient IV clinic i took it for about a week it made me really nausas everytime Dr said it was nessary so i kept taking it until it started making a rash over 80% of my body every time i got it I got worse so they took me off it,I think it was good that i took it but better i stopped!!

No side effects whatsoever. Marked reduction of infection after first three days of use. No discomfort during diffusion.