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Generic Name: dinoprostone

Brand Name: Cervidil vaginal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

First delivery at 27yrs old and was to be induced at 40wks 3days. This drug was the hardest part of my delivery. It felt like fire being inserted, I'm pretty sure I kicked the poor nurse and it only brought me from 2cm dilated to 3cm. I was in excruciating pain the entire time it was in, I finally relaxed after they started the epidural and delivered 2hrs later.

This should not be prescribed lightly! Having it put in place was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt, topping my child's birth. It was extra pain, stress, and crying than was justifiable just to speed things along. I do not recommend this drug unless absolutely necessary.

My cousin was given this 2x's and it didn't work she ended up having to have a C-section, now I'm in the same boat, they just took one out and now they will "be back soon" to do another. Starting to feel like cerdivl is just a way to keep you in the hospital longer so they can charge you for a longer stay. >:-(

I was 27 at the time of use. The doctor induced me to work around his office hours. I thought he was just checking me and next thing I knew I was in horrible pain due to his inserting the Cervidil. I was in horrible pain for at least 18 hours before giving birth. I ended up running a fever and begging for an epidural that I never planned on having and did not with my first child. Over a month after birth I ended up with extreme bleeding and large blood clots which another ob-gyn termed as just an infection and normal. I had horrible painful menstrual cycles with large blood clots monthly until 5 years when I stopped having any at all. I have not been able to get pregnant since the birth of my daughter in 1998. I would never recommend this to anyone. The pain I went thru still haunts me today.

I do not like it has to be inserted by hand. It made me very uncomfortable and gave me a burning sensation each time. However it did what it was designed to do. I had to have it twice.

I was induced for having very high blood pressure at 38 weeks I was given cervadil for three days 12 hours at a time. On top of potocin in an I.v. extremely pain full contraction. I was checked at 330 and told if I didn't have any progress by then I was going to have an Emergency csection . my water broke 30 minutes later. My epidural only worked on the right side of my body. It was so pain full. I'm never being inducded with that ever again. I tried signing my self out of the hospital it was so bad.

My cervix was softened but was not dilated at all, I am a 37y/o who was overdue at 42 weeks and the placenta was producing a ton of amnio fluid and my care provider was concerned that would cause baby to present in a dangerous way. I was given two options to begin the process; we chose Cervadil because it was removable and therefore a bit more controllable than the other IV option. It was not meant to induce, only to ripen my cervix but I was cautioned that it could induce. After about 6 hours it did cause my water to break and to go into active labor. I was allowed to go to the bathroom and move around, but I also went natural, no epidural. I had seven hours of contractions, and about 45 minutes of active pushing. This was my FIRST child, and I'm of the impression that this was a very FAST birth. I would say the side effects for me were nausea and a bit of heartburn, but they put something in my IV to treat those. They were shocked that I was dilated at 9 so quickly. I ended up with 2nd degree tears, as I opted for no episiotomy, and I think this wouldn't have happened if the Labor wouldn't have been so fast, but I'm actually thankful that it wasn't 24 hours long like some first time births I've heard about. Also, my baby's face was a bit bruised because of the intense, fast birth, but he's totally fine :) I would recommend this drug to another mother, though I have no other birth experience to compare it to.

I went in 20% effected and .5 cm dilated. I was given Cervidil at 7pm and was told to get some sleep while I could and it would be removed in 12 hours. About an hour after I was given this medicine, I began having very very strong contractions back to back. I couldnt rest at all in between but despite the contractions, I still wasnt dilating. I then began to vomit every hour or so. There was absolutely no relief or resting while the cervidil was inserted. You are not allowed to walk around pr even get up for the restroom very often. My blood pressure began setting off the alarm around the 10 hour mark and my daughters hate rate began to rise as well. When they finally took it out, I was still only 2cm dilated and I was extremely swollen. I did end up delivering vaginal two hours later without any other medication. I wouldn't recommend cervidil to anyone!

We ended up with a c-section anyway. Im sure it doesnt work on all. It seems the baby has outbursts almost every night around the time of cervidil use. He is now 3yrs old. Post traumatic stress or coincidence? Would not recommend.

It caused me to go into labor. My contractions peaked and would not come down. I thought I was dying. My placenta split in half from the intense contractions. I would not wish for anyone to go through this type of labor.

I was given this to "ripen" my cervix for my first time pregnancy. I was hyper responsive to it and I too could not urinate. At the time I was also given Ambien to help me sleep, but the combination just made me hyper and groggy. I am very sensitive to all medications. The Cervidil was removed 5 hours later and my cervix never did get to the stage need to begin labor. The ease of the medication was great, it was just that I was not ready.

I think this is better for a 2+ pregnancy mom, when the kid just wont get out. I had this with my second and will be repeating it with my third. If they dont remove the cervidil after contractions start they will be very very strong. I had to tell them to take out mine. I had her in four hours, very strong contractions and a little bit of nausea. If you have had a full natural labor before this will be a breaze, and a breath of fresh air. because I was told that if your ripe it will actually move labor along alot faster. and your less at risk for a c-section and complications than with a pitocin drip.

I was given this drug to induce labor and told that it would not make my labor any worse. After only 2 hours on the drug, I was double peaking, had no breaks between contractions, and was vomiting so much they had to give me an IV. It definately got my labor going, but I thought the drug was way too strong for my body.