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Generic Name: diphenhydramine HCl

Brand Name: Benadryl injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have sickle cell anemia , It’s a blood disease which causes me to have lots of pain so the hospital I go to always gives me morphine and the morphine makes me itch so when I get the iv Benadryl I won’t itch also I’m allergic to “ blood and blood products” so when I have to get a blood transfusion the doctors/nurses gives me iv Benadryl along with Tylenol which is really a life saver when my blood cells are low the iv Benadryl helps me not to have an allergic reaction.

Side effect - loss of taste - 49 days and counting: I was given this one-time injection to counteract the side effect of another medication. I was told that a bitter or metallic taste might be felt. That effect occurred immediately. To date, it has never subsided. Everything tastes bitter and strange! I had no idea that this taste side-effect might be permanent! I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if it has ever abated for them.

My dentist used it as a local or dental work. It was injected in my cheek. It burned terribly. Numbed it for about 30 min. Then my cheek and throat swelled. It is now two days later and it is still swollen, despite an IV and prednosone.

I got Benadryl IV for itching from Dilaudid. It caused uncommon side affect of burning in my IV site and blood vessels because it was pushed too fast and undiluted. Also, while speaking to the nurse, the benadryl literally took my breath away. My chest tightened, and I couldn't breathe or speak for a few seconds. I lost my voice for a few seconds and felt my heart race. It felt like something had sucked all the air in my lungs and I could not take a breath for a few seconds, and my blood rushed to my head. It's very scary. My blood vessels near the IV injection site turned bright red and burned so bad, like a chemical burn, that I couldn't stand it. I yelled to the nurse,"normal saline! Quick!" It was at a 10/10 pain. It took a few hours for the red streaks and pain on my arms to go away. Now I make sure it's diluted and slowly administered. The bronchial spasms were puzzling to all the medical staff. It does provide a euphoric feeling and help diminish pain so I could see how it can be addictive if you allow it to be.

I'm a cancer patient and I've been fighting Hodgkin's disease lymphoma and part of this disease is itchiness of the skin and during treatment nausea and vomiting. I take plenty other medication while at home and in the hospital, including very strong pain medication like dilaudid 2mg which is suppose to be the strongest for patients. It's not ver strong to me, but I feel like benedryl is better and I would like to be able to have it at home thru injection. I haven't asked but I will.. I'm not sure if it's habit forming like ppl are claiming because once I'm released from the hospital I don't have withdraw from it or anything. Great drug.

I take it IV 1ml/10mls saline. Pretty much every time it causes my heart to start pounding. It freaks me out but every medical person I've told thinks its weird and says they've never heard of that before : /

I was prescribe benadryl 1ml in 9ml of Normal Saline and a mistake was made I got bendryl 1 m in 8ml of Normal SALINE

My 2 1/2 year old was given this after open heart surgery to relieve itchiness from other pain meds. She got addicted and when she was no longer receiving it she began hallucinating and having strange fits. I would make sure that if you or your child will be given this medication that you consider the risks. I thought that because it was Benadryl and commonly used medication that it was fine but had no idea that it could cause temporary psychosis!

Nurse in ER gave 25mg IV Benadryl for Vanco severe skin reaction...told her I was sleepy...sent me home within 20 min...I drove self...Went immed. to sleep at home DANGEROUS and I'm a nurse

However, It was given to me IV by a nurse in the ER for reaction to Vanco. ...I became very sleepy...They discharged me within 20 min, even tho I told her I was sleepy, drove self home, fell asleep immediately.WRONG TO DISCH SO SOON

Hate to say this, but the drug is addictive, and should be used with the same caution as other addictive medications.

Caused trouble swallowing - lump in throat

I suffer from RSD/CRPS, a severe pain syndrome and because it affects my autoimmune system, I get yearly MRSA/CELLULITIS infections. The only antibiotic I can tolerate, is IV Vancomycin, along with the IV Benadryl to stop what is called the "Red Man Syndrome" where it causes people to become red all over. It stops that reaction, along with the nausea and pain from the RSD/CRPS. I call it my wonder drug since I can't take Anti-Cholinergenic meds, such as Droperidol, Compazine or Phenergran as they induce what is called an Anti-Cholinergenic Drug Induced Pyschosis. Not a fun side effec. You don't know who you are, where you are, you become Psychotic, imaginaing anything and everything and it's like every nerve fiber is on fire due to the RSD/CRPS. Many medical personnel feel it is addictive, although it is only an anti-histamine. I don't get a high off of it, nor even feel it, it just stops my nausea and helps my pain significantly. All I can do is taste it when it's given IV and it tastes horrible. I wish I could break the stigma of it being addictive.

I was given Benadryl IV push for a migraine. It made my BP spike and my heart pound. It was very scary.

used to treat asthma

I had a very bad case of hives with no apparent cause, and they covered the entirety of my body, including my lips and face. Finally I couldn't handle the itching and pain in my feet, hands, and lips anymore. I went to my doctor who gave me an IV and gave me a dose of this as well as a steroid. I was given 50 mg of the benadryl and it started working right away- as well as making me very tired, and a side effect they hadn't seen before- I was giggly for about five minutes. Now the itching is at a minimum and I was prescribed Atarax and Prednisone for management. I feel and work much better after that IV- even though I'm a little tired, it's a lot easier to focus than if your whole body constantly itches, even when you're taking over the counter Claritin and Benadryl. You do have to get it via prescription or in an IV, so it's hard to get your hands on.