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Generic Name: ethyl chloride

Brand Name: ethyl chloride topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

the only thing that cured my ringworm.

Ethyl Chloride has made having blood draws and venipunctures virtually painless, as opposed to being torture for me without it. I would never consent to another needle stick without first being treated with this product. I carry a can with me at all times in case of emergency. I would highly recommend this for children, elderly, or anyone who has problems with pain from needle sticks.

Provided complete numbing of injection site (one time use at dr.'s office), however, after 48 hours, severe itching occurred and bumps are rising under the skin.

Our hospital uses Ethyl Chloride Spray to reduce pain inserting IV catheters. However, I have heard anecdotal reports of mold growth within the product. Any data to support this? Is there a recommended storage requirement? Is there an expiration date once the cannister is opened?

I was given this medication for a wound on my head that is caused by oily hair. This wound itched constantly I could not keep from scratching it this spray quit the pain and the itching.