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Generic Name: Low-Ogestrel-28 (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestrel)

Low-Ogestrel-28 Reviews

For Birth Control "This is my second month taking Low-Ogestrel. Definitely has helped with hormonal acne breakouts. Still get a pimple every once in a while when I'm stressed, and it's around my period. The only thing I'm concerned about is having a brown discharge instead of my period during the placebo week."

For Birth Control "I have been on Low-Ogestrel-28 for a year now, and I am very happy with it. Before getting on birth control, I would have heavy periods, and my cramping was horrible. It was irregular too. Now I get my period exactly every 28 days. I don't cramp at all, and I do not have any side effects at all. My boyfriend and I feel safe with this birth control, and I haven't had any bad experience with it. I will continue to use this until I decide to have kids."

For Birth Control "I was on Cryselle for about a year before I was switched to Low Ogestrel. This pill nearly ruined my life! Within the first month I gained nearly 40 lbs. Then came the moodiness and apathy. By May, I felt literally insane. I had crippling anxiety, had zero interest in intimacy with my fiancé, and ended up in the ER with panic attacks. It was determined that I was estrogen dominant. *A pill only doesn't have to be exactly alike just within a certain range to be called “equivalent”.* While I’m sure Cryselle didn’t help, things spiralled on this pill. I was prescribed medications for anxiety and depression; I have NEVER experienced either of these in my life. I am now on multiple regimes to bring down my estrogen and regulate my hormones. I have lost half the 40 pounds in 3 weeks and am dealing with acne and weird body odor as my body gets rid of whatever was in this pill. The reviews mentioning anxiety especially definitely held true for me."

For Birth Control "I had a mirena before I switched to this which made my life living hell. I told my doctor I had really bad emotional side effects to the mirena and she prescribed me this. I've now been on it for about 3 years and I love it. Gives me no mental side effects or mood swings. Doesn't give me acne, and I have never spotted on my active weeks. I honestly don't even have anything negative to say about this, it's honestly worked super well for me."

For Birth Control "I was on Apri for a while and had no problems with it but early this year I had a problem with my periods and was possibly diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) but my OBGYN disagreed, however she switched my birth control to the Low-Ogesterel 28. My period is super light and very short. I'm a model/body builder and have had no acne/weight gain which is very important for me. And still maintain a high libido. LOVE it. Almost afraid to switch. Would only switch to get less periods a year. However my period was replaced with a brown discharge which was concerning but got it confirmed as normal."

For Endometriosis "I experienced increasing endometriosis pain for 4 years which culminated in two months of extreme continuous pain. I was reluctant to try anything that changed my hormones due to negative experiences with birth control in the past. I was given Low-Ogestrel when I went into the ER for the endometrial pain. I took it that night and woke up pain free the next day! This one tiny pill gave me my life back. I was astounded. I had slight nausea for the first few days but that subsided and I have experienced no other side effects."

For Birth Control "Been on this pill for about 6 months. Went on it for two reasons: 1) Irregular/missed periods 2) Contraception Purposes It has been very effective in regulating my periods. I get them on the third placebo pill, every month, like clockwork. They use to be horribly painful, and I now only get occasional moderate or light cramping, with much lighter and shorter periods (3-4 days). So far so good as a contraceptive. I am in a monogamous relationship, and therefore this is my only means of protection. The only issue I've had is that it caused some nausea, particularly when I haven't been RIGHT on time with it (few hours late or something). Overall, a very good pill."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for about 5 years after being switched through so many in about a 6 month time frame! Happy to have found this on, my doctors have tried to switch me since the name brand I believe was taken off the market at one point. It's not worth breakthrough bleeding and yeast infections I've experience with other pills. I am about 10-15lbs heavier but I'm in college and my diet sucks. Periods are clockwork, starts in 4th day of sugar pill off by start of new pack....when I'm stressed or not sexually active I have no periods at all. Moodiness has been the worst of it all, mostly around mid-cycle to end. Other than that I refuse to switch!"

For Birth Control "I switched from Loestrin 24 to this pill because I was having spotting for 3 weeks out of every month. As soon as I started this pill, the spotting stopped and now I only have my period from the middle to the end of the last week of pills (4 days). Overall, I have few side effects besides some bloating at the end of the month and a pretty bad headache the first day of my period. I did gain 5 lbs. within a few months of starting this (on top of 5 lbs. from Loestrin), but a few months ago I started a modest diet/exercise plan and have lost 6 lbs. fairly easily. Well worth it for pregnancy prevention and regular periods!"

For Birth Control "Told my doctor I wanted to try another pill after my old pill was giving me migraines during my placebo week. She said I could take this and skip the placebo week (and my period). I did have some break through bleeding 2-3 times, nothing as heavy a real period, no cramps. Didn't have any negative side effects. However noticed my breasts grew nearly a cup size. Can't complain."

For Birth Control "I've been taking this birth control since I was a freshman in high school. I'm 19 now and I'd have to say I've really had no problems. I started Low-Ogestrel 28 after having major problems with some other I tried out. You might have some nausea for the first few months but it goes away once your body gets used to it. I had terrible heavy periods and hormonal acne and it makes my period way more regular. I know the exact day and time my period will start every month and they are shorter and lighter. Plus I've been in a serious relationship for a long time where we don't use condoms so I know it works lol. 10/10"

For Birth Control "These are my first birth control pills. I had heard about the weight gain and such but it never happened to me. I am really happy with the pill. During my pre-pill life, I had cramping and lots of gas and mood fluctuations during periods but during this pill I have very predictable periods and almost no mood imbalances or unusual pain. Since I work out regularly, I experienced no weight gain at all."

For Birth Control "I started this pill back in February and for the first couple months I was fine- no side effects. And if you’re looking for a pill to regulate your period, this one works wonders. I never got break through bleeding either. However, after the first couple months was over I slowly started getting into a funk. My mood is just “numb” all the time and I never want to get out and have fun anymore. My anxiety is a 10 when it was usually a 4. Now I know everyone’s bodies are different so they’re going to react differently to this medication, but I can’t stand not being able to focus or like.... be happy. I’m getting off of it finally and switching to another type so wish me luck. Side note: This birth control also does its job in the pregnancy prevention category VERY well if you take it on time. I never had to worry on this pill."

For Birth Control "After being on Tri-Nessa for at least a decade with no problems, I was switched from Tri-Nessa to Low Ogestrel because I was experiencing very heavy bleeding during my periods. The Low Ogestrel did fix the heavy bleeding but at a cost. I've been on L.O. for 6 months and have been experiencing depression, mood swings, acne on my chin and pimples on my scalp.At first I attributed these things to the beginning of menopause, but after really thinking about it, it just seemed too coincidental that these things began when I began taking a different pill. This morning I googled "side effects of Low Ogestrel" and am finding pages of stories just like mine. I already have a call into my dr. and will switch pills."

For Birth Control "I have been on this pill for a year now and I noticed my skin is getting progressively worse. I never had bad skin before and now even on Proactive it's bad! I also have very dry eyes from the pill. My Doctor even put punctual plugs in my tear ducts and my eyes are still dry. I also noticed that it makes me sweat a lot more than I normally do."

For Birth Control "I was very fond of this birth control for many reasons. I was put on it a few months before I turned 17, and since I was about 12 my skin had been very bad. This medicine combined with my dermatological medicines kept my skin smooth and completely clear for months on end. My periods were never very painful and only started on Wednesday or Thursday with light bleeding and cramps. I was never moody and did not gain any weight at all, it might have actually regulated my weight. The only downside (and reason I'm switching) is that I had extreme vaginal dryness to the point where during intercourse we had to reapply lube at least three times. Sex became painful and unenjoyable for me so I am switching to a birth control with less estrogen in it."

For Birth Control "I was switched to this medication after being on a birth control that worked wonders for me. My doctor was sure it would help me with some of my skin issues such as eczema. However, it made everything a million times worse! Not only did my skin break out in rashes on my wrist and face, I had pimples all over my body, had horrible morning sickness to the point where I could barely eat anything all day, and it made me extremely moody. I was told that the pill caused my hormones to go out of whack and send me into a state like a pregnant teenager. It was horrible. If they work for you, that's great but they're not for me."

For Birth Control "I've been on these for 6 months, I'm a very petite person and ever since I was 17 I've had crazy bad cramps and acne. I've tried a few different kinds of pills but the low- Ogestrel 28 pills made me sick, cramps never went away and even got worse. My acne got good within a few months but then got bad again. My sex dive has decreased and I hate that, it also has messed with my hormones and I'm already emotional so I'm ten times more upset when I don't need to be. I don't have a good appetite anymore and it making me more sick, also made me throw up when I take them to late. My period goes from 4 days to 2 days, then a week, its all over the place and I would like a steady cycle. so in all these pills are to over the place not really helpful."

For Birth Control "I had my period for a month straight after taking this for a couple weeks. Then when that was finally done and I got my period again, the week before I was extremely bloated and constipated. I have had no sex drive, when my boyfriend tries to be physical with me I get disgusted and my anxiety and depression has been horrible. Along with that I have nausea almost every time I eat. I've been miserable. Worst birth control I have ever taken."

For Birth Control "I have been on this medication for a week after switching from my old pill. I was getting more and more nauseous each day until I woke up on the 7th morning of taking it to horrible nausea and vomiting. I will not be continuing to take this pill."

For Birth Control "I got switched to this pill because I was beginning to have severe cramps on my lutera pill. I liked this pill for the first 3 months as I noticed my boobs grew, my acne completely cleared up, and I my cramps were gone. However, during this time period I noticed about a 10 lb weight gain that only occurred while I was on the pill (I lost 8.7 pounds while on my sugar pills one week). I also noticed that I was really emotional and got upset about everything and I never cry, ever. I know everybody has different reactions to medications, but I would suggest not even trying this pill because the pros were not worth the cons."

For Endometriosis "I have been on Low-Ogestrel pill to help treat my endometriosis for a little over a month and I still suffer from nausea and queasiness, to the point where if I smell food it gets worse. I hope it gets better however I have not had pain since I've been on the pill. Does anyone have a remedy to help with the horrible queasiness please do tell!!"

For Birth Control "I have been taking this pill for 7 months. The first 3 months were the worst as my body was adjusting and I was so bipolar and nauseous. Now...it honestly worsened my acne from mild to moderate painful cysts. No weight gain. But honestly this pill has left me an emotional wreck. If I'm not angry I am sad or easily irritated. Happiness is rare. And I break out even worse during my period in places I never even broke out before. Not the worst but not the best. Definitely switching pill brands."

For Birth Control "Stay far away from Low-Ogestrel-28 that is all I can say. This birth-control has made me the most unhappy human being. I cry at random times, my mood swings are unreal, and I’ve gained so much weight. I’ve also started getting acne. I am switching asap"

For Birth Control "I started taking this birth control when I was about 15 because I had such terribly painful and long periods. Almost immediately (it does take a few months for your body to adjust) it make my periods regular, short, and virtually no pain. I will admit if I take the pill hours late or forget a pill my moods go crazy and my skin breaks out. If it take it perfectly I love it so much. I'm now 27 and I've been in a serious relationship for 7 years and have had no pregnancy scares. I recommend this to anyone who is willing to take it perfectly at the same time everyday and wants light periods. It is also free on my Carefirst health insurance plan."

More about Low-Ogestrel-28 (ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Low-Ogestrel drug information
  • Low-Ogestrel (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Cryselle, Elinest, Ovral, Lo/Ovral-28, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Low-Ogestrel prescribing information

Other brands

Cryselle, Elinest, Ogestrel 0.5/50, Turqoz

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition