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Generic Name: flavoxate

Brand Name: Urispas oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Since I was a baby I have suffered from water infections I was on holiday in India went to the doctor with yet again a water infection he took a urine sample tested it for 7 days he said it was full of antibiotics gave me some Urispas and for 3 years I haven't had a single infection I got them of my doctor and I found it hard to find a chemist who could get them but did and have never looked back they have changed my life I am 100% better I call them my miracle cure

This has changed my life I was giving this to me wile I was in India i got to the point were my life was getting affected and I was struggling working with being so ill I have suffered with What I was told was recurring UTIs I was taking antibiotics for years and also ever week not had any in my system for a year and half soon as I feel any pain I take one and it’s gone

It only works whilst in your system. It was recommended to me by a pharmacist when I shared to her that I have UTI. The mornings are the worst with painful bladder difficulty emptying my bladder. Once medication kick in only then I am able to empty my bladder. Today I am on my last dose and the UTI still persist.

i have had the medication but still do not see any difference in my frequent urination.

I have interstitial cystitis & could not afford the other med Uribel so i decided to try this. I feel very shaky & very drowsy. Will not take this again! Bad experience!!

Yes - this drug is a true blessing! Thought I was having bladder infections - all my life... Finally - relief!!! Only thing i notice is sometimes if I take too close together or on empty stomach - I get a little nausia... but if you are reading this - we can collectively say... big deal! Good luck!

I have a history of kidney stones, and during my last bout I had lithotripsy treatment. Afterward, I had a ureter stent for almost a month. I don't know if it had anything to do with the stent or not, but I constantly felt like I had to pee. I would only get relief during the few seconds that I managed to dribble something out. I tried Pyridium, but it did nothing...and was messy! My pharmacist recommended Urispas and my physician wrote me the script. It was great! It worked fast and no yellow mess!

Over the last 5 years I have tried many meds for painful bladder spasms and urinary frequency (sometimes as often as every 30 minutes). Two months ago my doctor prescribed Urispas. I got relief from the very first dose. Other meds helped for a few weeks then seemed to quit working. I have taken Urispas for two months now and still get great relief form the pain and frequncy. I have not had any side effects except occassional bouts of drowisness and slightly dry mouth when I have to take the higher dose. I would recommend this drug to any one.