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Generic Name: flurbiprofen

Brand Name: Ansaid oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have suffered from OA of knee, especially after spinal fusion surgery and need to go off of another arthritis medication. In conjunction with Synevisc One and 2 pills a day, I feel like a new person after suffering for months between cortisone shots. Recommend highly. No stomach complaints as I take medication for reflex as well.

Ansaid... I love this medicine. Taken with water (one tabet in a bottle of water) it reacts immediately, pain relief assured. I'm a 69 year old male that has had broken bones from head to toe... even spine surgery (1969), wonderful results. Started taken Ansaid for a damaged knee... talk about pain!!!! three days on 100 mg "ANSAID" (6 tablets) I was walking and working like a twenty year old. Another example, "broken elbow" from eight foot ladder fall, ouch... vertified crack through joint, painfull!!!.. four Ansaid and back to work and quick heal (knee and elbow)... demand this medicine by brand name (ANSAID)... the other blue tablet!

for gout it has been effective

used effectively for severe menstual cramping due to endometriosis, however had little or no releif of severe osteoarthritis of the ankle joints. Used regularly for menstual pain previous to birth of first child (aprox. 3yrs usage). Used in conjunction with darvocet in an attempt to combat arthritis pain (aprox. 1 yr.), gave up pain relievers, now rely on God for my relief. I've had more relief than with any medication- no secondary surgery (which was recommended by 2 surgeons more than 10 years ago),YET.