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Generic Name: fluticasone propionate

Brand Name: Flovent HFA inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This was my first time taking Flovent for season allergies. I mostly need a second inhaler March-June until tree season is over (I can't get Asmenex anymore). I was taking 2 puffs, 220 mcg every morning for two weeks. Within these two weeks I noticed a huge difference and went longer periods of time without using my rescue inhaler and I even woke up without all the extra congestion. However, there was one side effect......it gave me horrible acid reflux. It would happen almost every night at the same time, it was a feeling of fullness in my throat followed by hoarseness. I was even following a very bland diet thinking it would work but with no relief. My husband works in the medical field and he also noticed the changed since I started the inhaler. I currently switched to just one puff in the morning to see if that helps. This inhaler is great but beware is your suffer from GERD or reoccurring acid reflux.

This medication needs to re evaluated by the FDA especially the effects it has on some children. 1 of my children started having psychological problems and the other had behavior problems after they started the medication. They never had these issues before starting the medication. The doctors can't explain why this is occurring

One puff and I slept like the dead its amazing what open airways can do for a person. I am bright eyed/bushy tailed and ready to go the first time in over a year. Thank you Dr. Dek.

After a few months of being on this drug my son became depressed, angry, withdrew from everyone, little sleep, raging, unsafe thoughts, extreme pickyness with food. And our terrible dr talked us into doing it a second winter. What a mistake. Had to put our son on prozak. Terrible drug.

I seem to have mild asthma. I was coughing and wheezing, but that is gone. That's the good part. My hair has started breaking badly. Hair everywhere. I am also finding that my hands are shaking a lot. Constantly and it's getting worse every day. Never had happened before. I am a very healthy 66 year old. Coincidence? I don't know.

My 4 yr old grandson started using Flovent 44mcg in August without much success. Doctor upped the doseage to 110mcg at the end of Oct. Now, a month later, my grandson is a different child. His asthma is under control, but his behavior is terrible. He is super hyper, has trouble sleeping, screams, cries, talks back, in addition to throwing & hitting. I've reduced him to 1 puff a day until I can get in touch with his doctor.

My asthma has been pretty bad lately due to pollen and whatnot (I've been using albuterol almost every night). My doctor started me on this medicine in order to get my asthma under better control. The good part is that this is a very effective drug. I no longer required my albuterol after a mere three days on this drug. The bad part is that it royally screwed my mind up. I was always tired, yet wasn't able to sleep without medication. I became emotionally volatile; minor annoyances plunged me into depression and good things made me giddy. I always felt anxious. And, perhaps most distressing of all, it made me constantly angry. I became prone to violent fits of rage with little to no provocation and constantly felt like I needed to punch someone in the face. I talked with a few trusted people, and they all agreed that I should go off the drug and see if I feel any better. It's been ~48 hours since I last used it and I'm already feeling far more like myself. I'm having to use the albuterol every night again, though. But, unlike Flovent, albuterol doesn't turn me into a psychopath with a hair-trigger temper. Verdict: This is a potent medicine. I would suggest looking into this if most other asthma treatments have proved ineffective/intolerable. Granted, not everyone on Flovent will react exactly like I did; just bear in mind that this medicine can potentially change you into an over aggressive, insufferable twit.

Good for a few months but the medication started causing side effects in my 6 year old after being on and off winter and then off summers. The doctors do not have an answer and they do not relate his sore throat, rash in buttocks, face and headaches to this but this is the only medication he has ever taken unless the antibiotics also have bad side effects. The only thing is that if you look at flovent side effects those are exactly the ones he has :( we stop the med about a month ago but still is having the same problems.

My 5 year old son has been taking this for about a year and a half. While it does control his asthma symptoms, it has caused severe behavioral changes that seem to be getting worse. I am now searching for alternative treatments after reading about other children having similar side effects. This is very scary and I hope it is being investigated!

This has helped rid me of the congestion and goopy lungs/chest. I now have not needed to use my albuterol inhaler in about 3 weeks. Within a few days I was down to using the rescue inhaler once a night, now I breathe well and feel much better. Just have some hoarseness that I hope may resolve soon.

My daughter who is 18 months old has not had any severe troubles breathing since she started Flovent, however she has behavior problems, severe temper tantrums, anger and crazy mood swings. My other two boys 3 and 6 also take Flovent and are hyper after taking it but have showed no behavior problems. Her doctors are reconsidering keeping her on it because of the side effects.

Stopped the constant coughing. Stopped the nighttime coughing and chest tightness. Fixed my post menopausal symptoms

Since Aerobid is no longer being made, I needed a replacement (I took it with Serevent for many years). I tried this medication (Flovent) and got no benefit - only bad side effects. It caused uncontrollable, nonstop cough, rapid heartbeat, asthma attack, and wheezing. Also caused me to have almost lost my voice, sore throat, and leg cramps. I could only take this twice before stopping. Had to use my nebulizer to stop the coughing/wheezing caused by this medication.

My pulmonologist prescribed Flovent HFA & Ipratroprium for heavy phlegm. I used it for about 1 year and developed Atrial Fibrolation. After many heart specialists, there was no diagnosis. My heart was healthy. I searched WEBMD and found that Ipratroprium causes irregular heart beat and in these reviews I discovered that an 8 year old had the same problem. Also I became very hyperactive and couldn't sleep. After discontinuing use of these two medications my A-Fib is gone.

eye dr said it has caused me to have cataracts. no fun.

My three year old has been on it for about two months. Since he has been on it he has experienced severe night terrors and behavior changes. The dr. says that his lungs are quite clear now. We have decided to go down to one puff a day and see if that helps with the night terrors and behavior.

My 5 year old son has been using this inhaler for about 8 months now, only 1 puff a day after his last cold back in April. It has changed our lives. He started kindergarten this year and at this same time last year he had already been out of school twice for colds with his Allergic Asthma. I would never had thought that his symptoms would just go away and have yet to come back.