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Generic Name: fulvestrant

Brand Name: Faslodex intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Upon relatively positive feedback found on many scientific papers about the well tolerance amongst the metastasic breast cancer patients, I have made my decision to gave Fulvestrant a go. However, even with the first dose I have experienced nightmare of hell. The pain that I've encountered was out of this world or equal to hell and my left side bottom nerve was damaged due to inappropriately injected injection. I stopped it immediately after that, but the damage with my nerve resulted with my left bottom muscle to collapse and now am in permanent pain on my left side and the whole left leg. Because of this very unpleasant and health damaging experience, I have decided to write a review and WARN other people with similar condition NOT to use this so called "medicine" or at least not to continue using it if they're experiencing very harsh side effects. From my experience, I have learned NOT to rely too much on the "scientific" reviews, rather more on personal experience of sufferers and your own. Hence, the "medicine" that claims to have more than a 50 very serious side effects CANNOT be called "medicine" at all, not to mention being approved and recommended by the "professionals".

I have been getting faslodex for a year. My oncologist says everything good . I get 2 injections a month. It hurts were they stick you at I put a heating pad on it does wonders. And my urine smells for 3days besides that I love faslodex over those horrible pills I was taking.

The side effects aren't as bad as Letrozole. Letrozole raised my blood sugars so high I had to stop. Faslodex does however make your pee smell hORRIBLE for at least 1 week afterward. It also has dried me up something terrible. Skin, vaginal, eyes, scalp and my sinuses. Right now my sinuses are so bad I have a headache, drippy nose, sinus pain. Dr's have given me 2 rounds of antibiotics and they have now helped. Steam, nasal washes and nasal gels have done nothing. ENT visit next.

Iâ??m still new to faslodex, Iâ??ve only had 3 injections. But I notice something very strange. For three days my urine and body odor smells like burnt car oil. Iâ??ve researched this and canâ??t find any similarities. My onc tells me sheâ??s never heard that and everyone is different. The smell is very strong and even bed sheets need to be washed after each injection. I have a bit of soreness and stiffness accompanying my stink. After 3 days all side effects have run their course. Only time will tell how my cancer reacts , Iâ??m hoping for positive outcome. I also take 200 mg verzenio daily .

It has kept me NED for going on 6 yrs now. Bad things are that if you have a bad back, it will aggravate it. More frequent UTI's and bad fatique. It also causes painful scar tissue.

For about a week after this injection I can smell what I can only describe as a burning flesh smell down below and my usual pain is trebled some times it really knocks me for 6 and I feel so tired and ill

While I have been using faslodex it has been extremely good in blocking my remaining hormones after having ovaries removed however I have had a lot more pain than usual from fibromyalgia and spondylosis ect. I have noticed every time I have my injection I get a foul smell almost like burning skin around me and my urine is very dark in colour for a week or so after does anyone else experience this? I find it embarrassing as someone commented even though I had sprayed with deodorant and perfume/aftershave.

I was on this drug for 9 months and my tumor doubled in size.

Faslodex saved my life. I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer in July of 2011. I was on a combination of Faslodex and Aromasin. After six years of great results, I had a bit of progression and replaced Aromasin with Ibrance. This week with be my 86th round of Faslodex. I don't have any side effects with it and the shots do not bother me at all. I don't know if I am just tough or that my nurses are just so good at the injections. I would like to thank AstraZeneca for this amazing drug. Because of it, I am here watching my grandchildren grow up, spending time with my children and enjoying life with my sweet husband.

Started treatment 4/20/15. Tumor makers decreased sharply, but have since gone up slighlty and how now steadied for the last 4 months. Very encouraging. Have had bouts of nausea and times when I am too tired to move, but these pass and the good times outweigh the bad. I remain active, walking the beach in the morning and horseback riding on weekends. Have excellent nurses and have had no ill effects from the injections themselves or issues with the injection sites.

Have been on faslodex along with xgeva for almost two years. Hot flashes are horrible I wake up soaking wet most mornings. Insomnia is taken care of with medication. Fatigue and injection site pain. Get headaches. Symptoms vary month to month and I haven't been able to figure out anything that is different each month. Had metastatic cancer in my patella. Not found elsewhere so it's working.

Has anyone travelled overseas with Vaslodex? I need an advise as I am going to be more than 6 hours in an airport before my next flight.

After reading all you reviews I am convinced that my leg and buttocks pain is partly caused from Faslodex. I have thought for the two years that I have been on Faslodex, that my pain came from Siatica from a herniated disc. Because my pain is mostly on the right side, it must from the disc also. The pain is so severe I really can't stand much more. What makes me mad is that I have been telling my onocology doctor about all this pain and he has never mentioned that it could be partly the faslodex. I have bone cancer right where the hern disc is also! Thanks for all your comments, They helped me a lot!!!

Dx is Stage IV, diagnosed Jan 2015. Started injections 2 x month with Faslodex + Xgeva. Suffering no pain ever at injection site. No side effects from injections either. C.T. Scan this week showed cancer has not spread. I am very satisfied so far; just feeling so very blessed. No pain at all.

To reduce injection site pain, I take 2 ibuprofen an hour or more before the shots, AND immediately before the injection, I take one dose of the homeopathic remedy arnica montana 30C. (A popular brand is Boiron - comes in a little blue tube. Buy it at a health food store.) Repeat either or both 4-6 hours later if necessary.

I was first diagnosed in 2005. Stage 1 arimidex for 5 years, but cancer returned in biopsy tract. Had mastectomy and chemo, then Tamoxifen. Breast Cancer returned to my skin in 13 months, so had more surgery and radiation: total of 56 radiation treatments to my left side. Took Exemestane for 2 years, but cancer returned to my right breast. Only 1 positive node. Cancer responded well to chemo so I was downgraded/upgraded to Stage 2. A miracle! I have now taken faslodex for 3 doses. Doing very well. Have noticed cramping in my toes! Seems to improve with calcium/magnesium supplements. Overall quality of life very good. Concentrating on getting my BMI down to below 25 and exercising 150 minutes a week, per Dr recommendation.

I have been on faslodex Since July 2014. I had the loading doses for the 6 weeks. I will call this "Breast Cancer and Hodgkin's Lymphoma Hell Weeks" Now I am progressed to shots once a month now at the time of posting this by 3 months. These shots are not without side effects. I have battled cancer now 8 times in almost 40 years. I have seen worse treatments in the long run this is somewhat better then chemo or radiation. The injections are very painful. I can honestly tell you I can feel every bump for 2 min. My muscles instantly begin to cramp throughout my entire body. By the time I get home I can barely walk. They give me a low dose injection of morphine before the injections to help manage some of the pain and cramping. This cramping has gotten worse each month. The first shot I was in bed for a couple days now the shots put me in bed at least 10 day to 3 weeks. I have to say so far the body muscle cramping seems to be the worst. I will further explain what I am experiencing. Within a couple hours my whole body begins to shake fairly hard for about an hour or two. It is short lived. The last 2 months I have hives a rash that is now sores it itches terribly. I am having issues with a pressure feeling before I go to the bathroom now. It is almost a pain and it is a rush to make it as I am having issues holding it. Any of you experiencing this? I am kind of young for this to be happening. My legs go numb and almost give out on me at the same time I get really dizzy and almost pass out. I am tired a lot, headache, back pain; muscle pain; loss of appetite, constipation; weakness, feeling tired; cough, hot flashes/chills, use a beach towel to absorb sweat while you sleep and wake up dry. Fluid Retention in my Feet,Bad stomach cramps, fevers, Flu-Like Symptoms, mouth sores inside and outside of mouth. These are the main ones that bother me the most. I was told my last visit I have to stay on treatments now for life. I wish you all luck! ~ Dr Rev Lynn

Original breast cancer in 2005, came back in 2012 started shots 1 year ago and all tumors are shrinking. The shots need to be warmed up, if not the pain is 2 weeks. My doctor and nurse are very good and careful to make me comfortable. Shots are not fun but it is working I have cat scans every 4 months.

After the initial 6 doses in 1 month treatment the tangerine sized stage 3 tumor (metastic) has gone but cancer marker remains at 52. Odd. Pain at the shot site depends on who gives the shot and where. I have been receiving 500mg each month. Do raise the shot leg to relax the glut muscle. Yes I have joint pain but nothing else. Good luck to us all!!

Have been on faslodex for almost a year. Side effects have eased with each dose . Only have soreness at injection site that is better with walking the day of treatment. My markers are almost normal now. Enjoying everyday activities and feeling good! Have been on several cruises and riding my bicycle.