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Generic Name: glipizide-metformin

Brand Name: Metaglip oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started taking in November 2016 and by January I started having pain in my abdominal area, the pain was on my skin like a sunburn-sensitive to touch in all 4 quadrants. a belt was very irritating even a tee shirt was bugging me. I was on separate pills for 8 years and never had any symptoms like this. Doctors, CT scans, could not find the problem even endoscopy showed no signs. So I stopped the metaglip and went back to normal pills Metformin 500mg glipizide 10 mg. now the sensitivity is diminishing and nausea stopped as well another problem that was scary. I hope I didn't damage my organs. The good new is they found a tumor on my kidnry from the scans, getting that frozen

I've been taking this for over 6 years and it has kept my BS levels near 100 and my A1C in the mid 5's

i have had no unusual side effects with this medicine compared to avandia that scared me away taking that drug

I had some loose bowels since I've been taking this medication. Nothing that I can't control.