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Generic Name: golimumab

Brand Name: Simponi subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had been using it once a month for ulcerative colitis for 4 years. Worked well for that condition, but have now developed vitiligo. There are increasing reports of people developing vitiligo when taking these TNF blockers. Just something to think about if you are deciding - if I had known this could happen, would have never used Simponi.

After 2 months terribly allergic. All the RA meds I am allergic to. Hope it works for ohers.

I have ankylosing Spondilitis and have been taking Simpono with the pen injection for about 5 years. It has been a wonder drug for me. I have experienced a few side effects, such as Psoriasis on my scalp, if I get a cod it is really bad because of decreased immune system. But I am so happy to have found it.

so far so good, very easy to use no problems

Over 10 years of RA I had taken every biologic modifier plus MTX, Celebrex, and low dose steroids. Some worked better than others but I hadn't had problems with side effects. Then I took Simponi (2 doses) and it DESTROYED my immune system, wiped out my neutraphils altogether. Zero. It caused me to be additionally diagnosed with Lupus, neutropenia, and Leukemia. After 4 100mg infusions of steroids, monthly extensive (and expensive!) blood tests, and "lock down" isolation for four months (the girl in the bubble) I began to recover. After 8 months bedridden with exhaustion and malaise, I no longer had Lupus, neutropenia or Leukemia (all induced by Simponi). I reported all this to the FDA. Just so you know...

I have Psoriatic Arthritis, and have been on Simponi injections for a few years. I was on Enbrel before that. Enbrel was wonderful, but I am needle-phobic, so weekly injections were stressful, and I also had injection site reactions. On Simponi, I have had no injection site reactions, the time it takes to inject is about ten seconds or less, and the once-a-month injection is a breeze. However it's effectiveness is not as good. I don't have as good of relief of pain, and I have had some psoriasis spots come back. I would recommend this injection for someone who has a lesser degree of problems/pain.

I experienced headaches and dizziness at the beginning, nausea - that may be down to overcoming needles! First shot, it was immediate, with syringe. Had the injector pen for next 4 shots and learned, as someone stated previously, that it wasn't dispensing full dose and I could sure tell! Taking this alone, no MTX, for AS not RA. This is my 6th month so hoping being back on the syringe is the answer and won't need to add MTX. Overall, feeling better.

I've been on simponi only for a month but right now everything work very well for me. Almost all the pain is gone and i feel almost the same i was before the arthritis. Let's hope it last...

got headaches and made me very tired. did not work as well as Enbrel (made me pale/yellow skin) or humira (the best of the 3) that gives one energy and eliminates my conditions for 2-3 weeks with impressiveness. the drug is way overrated based on price. to be blunt: tried it for 4 months, will no longer ever be using it again.

I have been on Simponi now for 8 months along with MTX. Just recently I have experienced alot of nausea after my injection. Trying to overcome this because so far the drug is helpful.

I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis when I aw s42 I am now 57. I have been on simponi for close to year now. I used to be incredibly stiff and tight all the time and now I barely have to stretch. Little to no pain. I have my life and smile back! The only side affect I have experienced is that I seem to be very susceptible to staph infections. Nothing too serious as yet, but I have had to take antibiotics several times. One was in my ear and the other in my nose and a couple on small cuts on my hands.. Worrisome but worth it. I guess I just need to be super careful and wash my hands constantly.

The pen is difficult for me to use because of the damage in my hands. Sometimes I struggle for awhile to push in the lever.

I was diagnosed with AS about 2 1/2 years ago. I took Humira for about a year and it just stopped working. I started on the Simponi and noticed a difference the same day. I was able to stop taking Tramadol except for very occasionally. I have felt like a normal person with the Simponi. I started to notice after about 3-4 months that I wasn't have full relief for the entire 4 weeks, maybe started having pain again 2or 3 days before the next injection was due. I have been on the Simponi for about a year and a half and have now started noticing that its almost a full week that the pain returns (3 weeks of relief rather than the 4). Tramadol helps and as with AS without meds its always worse in the morning and eases during the day. If you are contemplating starting Simponi, I would encourage it. I have had no side effects, except for only going 3 weeks instead of 4. I am able to walk 3-4 miles aday, bike 12-16 miles, and work 12 hour shifts as a nurse. I talked with my Rheumatologist about the waning effects, he said to give it a little longer and continue my weight loss (lost 70 pounds) and see if it gets better.

Taking an injection one time a month is ideal for me. The injection itself is less painful than all of the others for me. I strongly suggest to go with the pre-filled syringe so you can control how fast the medicine goes in. Super important direction on packaging that some people forget about is leaving the shot out on the counter for at least 30-60 mins. before injecting it. My pain scale is 0(no pain) to 10(huge pain) I went from a solid 10 with no treatment to a 4 with mtx, then a 2 once starting Simponi. By the time I started Simponi, I lost muscle tone and much of my strength so building that up gave me new muscle pain, was a little bit hard on my joints. The side effects can be serious but sitting around, not moving, not doing anything might be worse for your body. I've been a faithful user of Simponi for 3 yrs and have had nothing bad/serious happen to me.

Started taking it 2 months ago. got good results in pain relief and Psoriasis clearing. The only draw back is that it's a monthly injection and it's effects start to wear off after 2 1/2 weeks.

i am a 37 year old female with psoriatic arthritis. i love that this is supposed to last for 4 weeks. i also love the speed of the actual injection(i'd say it takes about 6 seconds), that it has little sting during, and that i have zero injection site reactions. i just wish it was stronger, lasted longer, or was fda approved for shorter periods of time, like 2-3 weeks. i feel like after two weeks, i'm ready for my next injection. i'm researching new medications at this time.

I have had ankylosing spondylitis since 1980 and up until 5 years ago was taking indocin. I felt the need for something else so I started Humira. That stopped working so well after 6 months so I began using Simponi and have been administering 1x month injection ever since. I also take one daily indocin pill (75mg sr). My only issue has been that ever since starting simponi the effectiveness starts wearng off after three weeks. Myt work around is I take 2x daily indocin during the 4th week to help with the inflamation. I have considered Cimzia based on my Doctors comments but after reading reviews have decided to stay with simponi. No side effects for me. I am a very active 52 year old man golfing, dancing, even went bungy jumping in New Zealand.

I have been on methotrexate pills and injections, enbrel, humira, remicade, and a couple of others I don't even remember the names of. I was 14 when I was diagnosed, and didn't get any results until I was 17 and was put on Remicade, which worked wonders, but I developed a very bad allergy to it, so my doctor put me on Simponi. It works very well for the first 2 and a half to three weeks of use, but the last week or so it wears off and I have pain and stiffness again. I will say that in between stopping Remicade and starting Simponi, I had severe psoriatic athritis in more than 20 joints and couldn't walk, now, I am almost a normal college student! I'll also add, however, that I have chronic MRSA infections, which didn't occur until I went on this medication. Taken care of by my derm, to be honest it is worth it to be able to walk!

I love that I only have to inject once every four weeks, because I hate injections. And the duration of the injection is only a couple seconds. It doesn't sting much during the injection. I haven't had any injection site reactions (I did with Enbrel). However, the effectiveness of this drug is not as impreesive as Enbrel was. I have Psoriatic Athritis and Psoriasis. The arthritic pain is still there, although not as bad as without the medicine, and I've had a couple flare-ups, which I never had on Enbrel. The Psoriasis is mostly gone, but there are some persistant spots. I wish this drug was stronger, or perhaps was done every two or three weeks.