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Generic Name: goserelin

Brand Name: Zoladex subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had Prostatectomy (Robotic) and I am on Zoladex now as my PSA started rising a little, but yet not within detectable range (0.017). As a precaution my Urologist recommended an Preventive Salvage Radiation and put me on additional Zoladex for 2 Years. I agreed absolutely, early Intervention the better the chances of cure. Almost done now with Zoladex ( 2 Injections more to come). I have NO side effects whatsoever and feel great. PSA down <0.003 (Machine limit). Very effective.

After bleeding for 2 years straight and severe pain for majority of the time I feel Zoladex was a life changer I have severe Hot flushes, bad headaches, forgetfulness, low libido, whole body aches, I sleep very little, & can have mood swing but I will take all of these symptoms over bleeding all the time and being in severe pain. I have just had my 5th out of 6 and I don't even find having the injection that bad

My wife was given zoladex 3.6 after 2 dose she is suffering from varicose veins in legs I really pray that her heart veins are not damaged. We have stopped the treatment this drug should be banned for other then cancer use. My wife was advised for HRT for preparation for IVR however we regret going to doctor who advised us a cancer drug and spoiled my wife’s veins and legs…

I am 3 months through my treatment on Zoladex and though has completely eliminated the pains, cramps, vomiting and irregular bleeding due to my endometriosis and adenomyosis, it has been so hard. I've been experiencing hot flashes, high anxiety levels, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain, constantly feeling tired and low libido. It has made me feel so emotional and insecure, but I know and understand that these are short term problems for something that will help me so much in the long term. So I will wait it out as I feel I can handle these side effects for another 3 months.

I'm on Zoladex and Tamoxifen been on the shot for 9 months at first it was horrible I was nauseous, severe headaches, bone pain. I am type 1 diabetic so bood sugars go out of control the week I have the injection. Side effects are easing up but still have headaches her and there. If the stops my reoccurrence of cancer. Then I'll stick to it!

Anxiety,hot flashes,insomnia,high blood preasure.depression,fatique and headache,sex libido almost zero.I am not going to take the second shot its a nightmare!!

In the beginning, this medication was awful. I had severe headaches, dizzy spells, feeling nauseous, and severe menstrual bleeding for the first three weeks. But now, after being on it for over a month, those symptoms have decreased and I feel more relieved. The only two complaints that I have right now are SERIOUS HOT FLASHES AND MUSCLE PAIN at its finest! If I could rid of those two side effects, I’d b a happy camper!

This drug has helped me be a boy when i was unhappy as a girl. As i am only 13 the needle is big a still hurts quiet a bit and the side effects are annoying but it stops my period and my boobs from growing. it has though created a reflex for me when ever someone tries to touch me near the stomache

Wasn't able to continue Tamoxifen due to side effects, and wasn't postmenopausal yet. My MD recommended an Aromatase Inhibitor with the Zoladex. I was afraid of some of the side effects listed, but agreed to try. I have been on this regimen for 9 months now. The bone and joint pain and inflammation of tendons is becoming unbearable. Have read lots of journals that describe the long lasting effects due to permanent changes in the brain, basically lowering the pain receptor threshold. I'm worried that I have traded one life altering event for one just as devastating.

I don’t usually leave reviews but I felt this was important to because there are so many unpleasent experiences written about this drug, but on balance I can honestly say it’s not that bad. I did not want to take Zoladex after reading up on it, I was very nervous of the side effects and I reluctantly started monthly injections for 4 months in preparation for surgery. The actual injection it’s self did hurt, but it gets slightly better each month. My first injection left a small bruise but none after that. It stopped my periods which for me was a huge relief not having to deal with so much pain each month. I didn’t get any side effects for about 3 weeks and I did notice about a week before each injection I was getting a little pain, which soon settled after my injection again. Side effects - hot flushes, sweaty and hot at night, difficulty falling asleep then tired in the mornings and muscle aches. Which doesn’t sound great but apart from the hot flushes not each of these side effects were daily. Short term it’s annoying but long term if it’s going to help prep for surgery and give you a better surgical result then it’s totally worth it in my opinion. I suffered no spots (which I was expecting as my skin can be bad) and no weight gain.

After 6 months of the subcutaneous injection, I (MALE) have severe breast pain and swelling plus my PSA has increased from 2.9 to 7.3 ? I am not too happy with this drug.

This is my 3rd lot of zolidex, I had it first to control my endo, (19 years old), then before I had a tcre , (26 years) which has now failed after 3 years it's growing back and now on it again whilst I wait for a hystorectomy, (30 years) i do get painfull stiff joints, hair loss and bad hot flushes but wouldn't change that for the pain and bleeding without being on it ??

I think this product should be taken off the market, I first took this product as therapy for prostate cancer. in 2007, neither the VA doctor nor the nurse who administered this offered any info on side effects. long term side effects are this drug had the effect of reducing my testosterone alright by completely eliminating my testicals the source of testosterone, I've been casterated. I have no, nuts, to say it crudely. I have no body hair and have continusly gained weight over the years, I have no sex drive and I am now impotent and have been since fist administered in 2007, no motivation,no ambition, "quality of life very bad without testosterone. if I could sue someone I would, did it help with the prostrate cancer? don't know my PSA is <.01 so that's good

I am a Vietnam Veteran, I had a PSA of 58.5 and the cancer had spread outside the prsotate. after radiation of 45 days I was put on Zoladex and will be for the rest of my life to control the cancer. I believe this drug has saved my life. I have hot flashes but I can take that to know my cancer is being treated.

I have been taking it for only 5 months. I experienced a few side effects at first, such as nausea and headaches. So far, no other problems has developed.

I know Zoladex is an important drug for my hormone receptive cancer but the side effects are terrible. I don't have much of a memory now, I can't remember short term stuff, my blood pressure has gone so high I am now on BP meds, I have absolutely no sex drive (only in my 40's) and unbelievable hot flushes and up at least 3 times a night. My hair has really thinned out, and I have aches and pains which are quite terrifying! But Zoladex is important in hormone receptive breast cancer, just a bummer about the terrible side effects.

trouble sleeping , back & chest pain ,breathlessness, concentration

low energy need 1 -2 1 hr naps daily hot and cold flushes sleeplessness at night enlarged breasts weight gain inreased restess leg syndrone some anxiety and depression some oss of mental acuity

I was started on Zoladex without any information about it except that it was a shot. About six weeks after the shot the side effects started. My libedo went to zero,I gained weight all in my belly, I had hair loss, but the worst were the hot flashes. Four an hour was common but the absolute worst was that the hot flashes drasdictly affected my Parkinsons. Up to this point I showed few symptoms by taking medications. The symptoms can no longer be controlled with medication. My balance has gotten much worse and I have uncontrolled movement of my hands and very often with my legs. I was set to have the second shot three months after the first,but refused to take it. It is now ten months after the first shot and all of the side effects are as bad as they have been. I think zoladex should be taken off the market

I had severe endometriosis and at age 28, underwent lap & laser, then 3 months of Zoladex, then a second lap & laser to get rid of any remaining endo. Side effects were tough - total menopause at age 28! However, the treatment worked like a charm and it was worth every minute. I followed a totally organic diet throughout and actually lost 10 lb while on this drug. I then fell pregnant within 6 weeks of my second lap & laser, and now have 2 beautiful kids and have not had any endo symptoms since. That was 8 years ago. I can't rate this drug (nor my first class OBGYN who did the surgeries) highly enough!