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Generic Name: hydrocodone-homatropine

Brand Name: Hycodan (with homatropine) oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It works.

Helps with coughing, helps you sleep and gets rid of headaches.

Getting over flu/upper respiratory infection. Delayed going to doc because I thought I could fight it. So freaking miserable so went to doc. Hate taking stuff, but this has helped so much. Did have some weird dreams, but just welcomed the sleep so much.

I end up taking this every time I get a cold that turns in to the "-itis" from the boobs up. It does suppress my cough well at night so my husband and I can sleep. I do get some weird side effects. I cant sleep when I take it, instead I have a twilight sleep, yet I still kinda dream/hallucinate at the same time -yet I am aware of everything all night, every time my hubby rolls over or the dog snores - whatever. It is a weird experience. I get the same thing from plain hydrocodone. So for me it is a trade off. No cough, can lay beside hubby at night (without him getting that "murderous" glint in his eyes because of lack of sleep from my coughing), but no sleep for me. Oddly enough I dont feel terribly tired the next am - though by the PM I am stupidly tired. I take this medication 2-3 times a year only when ill with a cough. Never more than a week at a time if it is super bad. I never experience any addictive feelings from it. (some people said that if hydrocodone makes you hyper you are more prone to addiction from it - not true for me) I am also a nurse, if that helps any.

Taking for extreme cough that caused chest and muscle pain due to bronchitis. I recommend taking it a few hours before you want to go to sleep. I feel a bit edgy immediately after taking it but then I start to relax and I'm out for hours. It effectively suppresses my cough much better than Robitussin with codeine.

I had the generic form prescribed for bronchitis that was irritating my broncheal tubes so badly I was caughing up blood. It reduced the cough dramatically but didn't stop it and I got slight chest pain for several minutes after the medication took effect but it's a good trade-off in my opinion. The only real problem I have with it is that I was instructed to discontinue my hydrocodone for my migraines while taking it which puts me in a black room in bed each day till I get over the bronchitis. I would recomend this drug for anyone that does not have chronic pain issues.

This medication has been a very successful relief from my night time continious coughing that went on two days before i finally went to dr. after trying over-the-counter meds.

What started as a slight cough turned into a persistent one that kept me awake. Went to Dr. and actually had bronchitis so I did not have an allergy as I thought. This syrup relieved the cough within 15-20 minutes and eased the muscle pain that I had accumulated over the past few days of hard coughing. Taken as directed the persistent cough is gone but I am still able to expel the by products of the bronchitis without any problem. Very pleased with the outcome.

Starting taking the liquid form yesterday. Had serious pain in my upper chest and back. Cough went away almost immediatly and the pain is almost gone less than 24 hours later. A lifesaver!

Very easy to use ,immediate relief from cough.

Was given this for bronchitis. Before the medicine I was awake all night coughing. Within 20 minutes of taking my first dose I wasn't hacking constantly and it feels so much better now that I am not trying to hack up a lung. Paid $22 for a 4 ounce bottle so it is reasonably priced. My insurance will not cover any cough medicines so I was really glad the doctor told me this was inexpensive. Would highly recommend this medication because it works!

I have pneumonia and a cough from Hades.At first I could not get the RX .because My Insurance would not pay for it .Then I was coughing so much My ribs, stomach and head were blowing up (that is how it felt) Blood vessels were breaking in my eyes .A friend said she would get the Rx for me. Thank God. although this med does not stop the cough completely It gives Me so much Relief I thank God for it . I do not know why the insurance I have has stopped paying for something that so many of us need to have. We have to suffer so much unless someone will help us . I have broken Ribs coughing so hard because I could not afford this or other meds for cough.I am so Happy to have the Relief this product has given me. Thanks

Does make me drowsy but I feel bad enough that sleep is a relief

stop the night time cough immediately but drug is highly addictive

i have been taking this for 3 days with no relief from my cough. i guess i am the weird one.

It knocked my cough out completely! On the other hand I am itchy all over and while it made me feel sleepy I am waking up every 15-20 minutes. This is a great cough medicine and I am disappointed that I will have to discontinue it's use.

This medication is very effective for suppressing a cough. It may cause trouble sleeping, so take it a couple of hours before bedtime.

Second bout with pneumonia in the last 3 months. was given this after the perles made me worse. It controlled the cough to let the antibiotics work. Not drowsy, but not wired either. Thankful for the cough relief, better then the codeine syrup if you have sensitive stomach