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Generic Name: immun glob G(IgG)-gly-IgA ov50

Brand Name: Gammagard Liquid injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

In 2009, after an extremely severe bacterial infection in the lining of my lungs causing fluid collection, Empyema Stage 3, a small section of my lower left lobe was surgical removed, called a Lung Decortication. I've been receiving IV treatments of plasma, Gammagard every 3 weeks now for nearly 4 yrs. The dosage had increased at reg intervals to try to get my IgG count upto a pretty constant mid-900's. Still not there, but have had far less bacterial infections during this period. Now, my last pneumonia was 1 year ago! My family, as myself, are Very Happy that these infusions seem to be making a Very Good difference!

Wonder drug! I was in the hospital every month for almost 2 years before I was diagnosed with PI. Upon receiving Gammagard infusions the reoccurring infections slowed dramatically! Slightly itchy and redness at the injection site and it is a weekly process, but worth it.

When I was diagnosed with CIDP, the pain in my feet was so bad that I did not think I could live this way. After get IVIG treatments, the redness and swelling in my feet went down, as did the pain. The pain is not completely gone and I take gabapentin for that. At one point Cigna, my insurance company would not pay for IVIG treatments and I was off for almost a year. My feet got worse and I could barely walk 2 blocks. I am now back on treatment and feeling better. There is no cure for CIDP, but this treatment has helped immensely.

This medicine has changed my life. I was always sick, always in pain. I felt better after my first treatment. Now when I have a cold, it feels like a cold, not like I can't function.

I have been on this drug for almost 2 years and don't think its working. Doctor wants me to stay on it. He doesn't know what else to do. Other doctors have told me he is right.


I have had Myasthenia Gravis for13 years. They started me on Mestinon 60mg (2 tab every 4 hours) along with an IVIG Treatment every 6 weeks) with these treatments I can live an almost normal life and continue working. They work for me.

New at home delivery system. Only takes about 1 1/2 hrs. Most Doctors don't know about this new system. A nurse comes to your home 3 times, then you are able to do it yourself, New equipment is sent each week. Your IGG level tested in 4 to 6 weeks.If levels are reached,treatment stopped.

I have several auto-immune diseases and a genetic immune deficiency, have been on replacement immunoglobin therapy for almost 5 years, been on Gammaguard for the past 2+ years, other than having to go sit for 4 hours and them be able to get a vein, because I don't want a port this has been great for me! I was unable to go out in public at all for over a year until I started this treatment because i would get sick, very sick, had Pnumonia 7 times in one year that I was hospitalized for. Now I can lead a most normal life with this medicine each month, every 28 days like clock work!! Side effects are doable too!

I have been treated for Multifocal Motor Neuropathy for 9 years. I have a 3 hour Gammaguard IV every 4 weeks at our local hospital. I am a very mobile 67 year old female. I have had no side effects that I know of.