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Generic Name: ixabepilone

Brand Name: Ixempra intravenous

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The ixempra given to my mother is very dangerous and should not be taken as it was very toxic instead patient should go for light drugs amnd only take this chemo when no other option left.

I have had 5 treatmts so far maybe 2 more. My tumor has decreased slightly 1/2 inch After treatment Im tired low white blood ct bald, but overall bad 1 week good 2 weeks til next tretmt. This is my second time going thru chemo and will b my last Im giving it to Jesus totally done with doctors making all the money & my doctor stinks...Good luck to all who r suffering God Bless

I received 8 treatments along with Cytoxin. The only side effect I had was joint pain at the end. My pathology report indicated that it had little affect on my tumor (pure mucinous carcinoma). I also gained 25 lbs.

I have had 3 treatments so far and have been very sick after each one- even 3 weeks out still lots of nausea and cannot eat. Have lost 25 lbs so far. Very fatigued, lots of bone pain, quality of life is not good at this point. Don't know if I want to take it even if it is working....should have resulta of PET and MRI next week. Looking for anyone else who had had bad side effects and what they have done to minimize them.

I was part of a research group, this drug replaced taxol. Diagnosed stage 11 A triple negative tumor. First part of treatment was tough. Ixempra was the second half of treatment, and had fewer side effects. Some tingling in the feet and had trouble sleeping for a couple of days after treatment. I welcomed the energy and no sick stomach. The infusion time is long, but so far clean of cancer for three months.

see comments above. I am still stable with breast cancer in the lungs. I have been on Ixempra for 14 months now. I have no side effects to complain about.I feel very lucky to be able to have this drug. Another Christmas celebration is a blessing. Don't ever give up. Think that you are the exception not the average. God Bless you on your journey. Ginny

see 1st comment above. After second ctscan I was stable. I will have a third ctscan after next treatment. I have had few side effects so far. I am having some skin bumps and dryness on one eyebrow area. Hair regrowth has started again about end of second series of ixempra injections.

I have rec'd 5 treatments so far. Ctscan after 4 treatments showed 15 to 18 % reduction in size of breast cancer tumors which have gone to the lungs. I will have another ctscan after the 6th treatment. I have had many other treatments before this. Herceptin was my only treatment every three weeks for five years years. Original breast cancer 1997 recurring to the lungs in 2000. I have had continuous treatment since then. New drugs keep coming on line and help me for a while.