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Generic Name: leucovorin calcium

Brand Name: leucovorin calcium oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

part of mycoplasma protocol along with dapsone i take folinic acid aka leucovorin calcium to help with side effects. its really expensive but it works based on my genetics aswell it could be useful for mthfr mutation 1298c

My urine smells like medicine. I don't see this as a side effect but it makes me wonder.

I do not feel any benefit and wonder about the need

I have been taking methotrexate followed 24 hours later by leucovorin calcium oral. Have not experienced side effects of methotrexate by using this combination.

I was taking MTX for RA oraly and my stomach could not take it-Leucovorine helped somewhat but I still had to start giving myself injections of the MTX and I still take the Leucovorin.