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Generic Name: meclizine

Brand Name: Antivert oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

3rd time having an episode of vertigo, seems to do the trick. But i'm out like a light not long afterwards.


I take these only as needed when spinning starts. Spinning causes nausea and I can't stop throwing up. Therefore, I cannot keep the pill down long enough to work. When it finally stays down long enough, it works well to keep the nausea at bay. Makes me very sleepy.

I use it to treat occasional vertigo. It works but it also makes me very sleepy.

I have not try thuis nedication yet I have veritgo really bad and dr just order it for me, i have lost 90 percent pf hearing in my ear and im very dizzy, will this medication work for me also have ringing in my ear.

I was prescribed Meclizine because I was suffering from Dizzy spells. It did nothing for me. The spells got worse, but ultimately stopped after I quit taking the meds and flushed them. Before you take this drug, get a second opinion.

Had vertigo due to inner ear problem it has helped just can't take three per day or else it keeps me sleeping all the time. Has helped the ear noise also that I have from tinnitus. Does not stop the noise but makes it better still learning more about how it works for me.

It has not helped my vertigo at all

I have vertigo that comes and goes and Im not sure if this drug helps me or not. I feel dizzier and very very sleepy. It knocks me out for the count. I cant function when I take it.

Did not work nor did it ever work in the 40 years I have had this problem.

Had my first attack of VERTIGO this past summer. I would get up from the bed and went down on the pillows. No control to stop it. Sitting along time waiting to see the DOCTOR, got up and my HUSBAND caught me before I fell. Did have repositioning which did away with the VERTICO. Then all of a sudden every time I get up from my bed and walk a little, I get dizzy. So the DOCTOR put me on ANTI-VERT 2 TIMES A DAY. I get tired but it is working and I am also trying PHYSICAL THERAPY. I am hoping one day I can stop taking the ANTI-VERT. However, I was told once one has VERTIGO, they always have it but it may not be active. Really thrilled about this!

I have some antivert - it has expired can I still use it?

My vertigo comes and goes...when I feel the sensation come on I take and it really helps. I still feel a little woosy but it is so much better than feeling sick.

Have permanent vestibular neuronitis, have perfussion treatments with steriods, also was taking scopace 2 -3 times a day. discontiued so put me on meclizine Have never been able to take benadryl. gives me a super buzz and hyper. really strung out and drunk feeling, act goofy. I have tried several and this is a life time condition. Ear disconected from brain due to head injury. Cannot take any form of this drug so what to do? I am not alone with this reaction because I have allergies I have tried to used benadryl could not take that drug. Third drug I have tried. Thanks for any help

Made my dizziness worse and I was like a walking zombie all day! I only took it at night! Not the 3x a day the dr. prescribed Also, I have blurry vision that hasn't gone away.