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Generic Name: oxazepam

Brand Name: Serax oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I take it at 10pam then wake up at around 2pm and wide awake.

I use this drug to help me sleep. I only take one at night. I do not take any during the day. So far it has worked great for me. I have been taking it for several years.

56 yr/Woman/social anxiety/anxiousness/and with little warning,I'll experience panic attacks. Med is a "life saver", take two 10 milligrams/day. Had MD's who wanted to "try something else", so tried Valium, Klonopin, Xanex(sp?). These DID NOT WORK well and had side effects, so they did return to the Serax (generic). I have no side effects, such as drowsiness or concentration difficulties, only relief from a life-long suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. If anything, it seems to provide more clarity in my thinking. Rarely take more than prescribed, sometimes less. Also very helpful when I am having a really difficult time sleeping because of anxiousness. Although I no longer drink alcohol, I was a pretty heavy social drinker for some time. I really didn't take the med much when drinking, but don't recall that it caused a problem, however I do not recommend taking any med of this sort with alcohol. This med is especially helpful when having to do things, such as teach a class or address a group, something that was almost impossible for me to do without fear of a panic attack or extreme nervousness. I have no reason or plans to discontinue its use unless I find that I no longer need it, and this would only become known to me by noticing that I was simply taking less of the med daily. I think it is great, and based on my experience with the other prescriptions I've had for anxiety, don't understand why it isn't prescribed more often. Most people I know have never heard of it, but they all have heard of Valium and Xanex (sp?), which I think have terrible side effects and are much more addictive.

Its been a life saver for me !

This med has been used by me for many years to relieve anxiety and occasionally to get a good nights sleep. I use it sparingly far anxiety attacks. My usage is about 50 tablets per year, but it really helps when I have problems. I do not suffer from depression or alcohol abuse. Using. It the way I do it is not habit forming in any way. 30 years ago I took it for agoraphobia and it worked.

Used when having dental work done, helped with anxiety.

when my doc quit its sad that they make statements for alcohol withdraw every doc i interview first question are you an alcoholic that made me anger in 1987 i was told i had chronic fitige in bed for 1 year i was one of the first i was in the denver debase i could not take other drugs they tried to give me i still take less 4- 10 mg a day for my anxiety and muscles all the years i have no side effects the new drug are un forgiving and really bad it works lots of people tell me to try the new drugs i say "why if you have sugar why do you take insulin "

suffer from chronic anxiety, shortness of breath, profused sweating, Serax helos when yaken in small doses like 15 milligram, up to 4 pills a day, that's only 20 mg but it should be enough for the average person.

I suffer from anxiety and sometimes shortness of breath, also profoused sweating and Serax does help.

I've had trouble with tense muscles as well as insomnia. This drug has helped me without causing excessive somnolence.

This medication has made my life so much better as I suffer from anxiety

I have been on Serax for 40 years and know exactly how it will affect me. I have taken up to 90mg to get me thru an MRI. It is the only drug that has ever done every time what it's supposed to do. If anybody knows of any long, long term effects, I'd like to know.

It doesn't get a five star rating yet as I've only been taking it for three days following a TIA, or mini stroke. As a very heavy drinker, I needed some help, and so far, added with occasional Ativan, it seems to be working.

I have diabetic neuropathy and have had a complete hysterectomy,gallbladder removal, and broke my shoulder and arm 4 months ago. The broken bones have not healed. The Serax works great but doctor will not prescribe enough. I take 4 10 milligrams pills a day and 1 hydrocodone. I take 40 units of insulin twice a day.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

no side affects given by me phys.

my doctor prescibed this after i was diagnosed with parkinsons and was freaking out as i could no longer teach. originally i took it 3 times a day then reduced it to once a day. over time i have quit takingit except when my foot cramps up too much or when i am in extremely anxious conditions (about 1 time every week or two). it works well at relaxing my muscles.

what is the differant dosages

I was a hard drinker at least a fifth of booze a day.. Since I started serax I havent had a drink in 30 days..I dont realy understand how it works but it has saved my life.