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Generic Name: medroxyprogesterone

Brand Name: Depo-Provera Contraceptive intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started this form of birth control after the birth of my second child. I bled for the first 6 months it wasn’t all so good. And then it turned to a brown that was constantly there which smelt really bad. That was probably the last 2 months of the bleeding I mentioned. After that my periods had stopped completely and I loved that. It was so convenient and I didn’t have to worry about anything. After the first year, that’s when the weight began to come on. I gained 15 pounds after the 1st year. I loved the weight though because I was always so small. Like 115 pounds. But then it began to go all to my stomach and that’s when I knew I had to quit this. My bones were getting weak, I was weak in general, my stomach was gaining all the weight. Probably water retention I don’t know. It was like a love / hate relationship with the depo honestly. It worked for me 100% but made me miserable. After I quit it took about 4 months for my first period to return and the period wasn’t Normal it was more lighter.

I have been on the shot for 1 year 5months now.. Honestly speaking when started I experienced a lot of problems.. Prolonged periods, spotting time to time..back pain even now I still experience the back pain... Above it all I can't really complain about it no weight gain so far... It's effective cause me and my boyfriend we no longer use protection... I love it..

I just got the stupid shot less than a month ago & I am freaking miserable!!!!! I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND this! I keep having severe pain in my pelvis, back, and stomach, like more consistent and severe than I've ever had!! & Once you get the shot however it's going to effect you, you have to deal with for the next three months! I literally cry and scream in pain bc of this devil shot! Seriously would not recommend! The pain is so awful!!!

The first shot I got, I only experienced bloated stomach issues. Fast forward 3 months later for 2nd shot. I started getting the worst anxiety. And right chest pain and tightness. I tried to ignore it and just thought I needed more potassium. It got so bad and almost daily where I had to go to Er and make.sure I was ok. Thank God ,I was. Just suffering adverse side effects from it. I do not recommend it at all. No matter your age. Take the pill ,atleast you can discontinue that. I prayed for 1 month so it would leave my system. And still wonder why ! Do they have this option of birth control. It's horrible.

As a Navy wife, the clinic almost forced me to take this shot after having my daughter. My daughter is 26 years old and my healthy metabolism has still not returned! I am an athlete and active person trapped in a body that wonâ??t stop storing fat!! I have 1/2 stomach, had liposuction, and lost over 50 pounds 3 times since that shot. My metabolism has not been the same since I took that shot. Iâ??m now suffering from thyroid issues, which I believe is directly linked. Use an IUD instead of this dangerous drug.

I am writing this review in hopes that at least one woman reading this will heed my advice. Do NOT take this birth control. I was on this for about 6 years( no symtpoms during, and the effectiveness did work). I was not informed through planned parenthood of the negative side effects after discontinuing this birth control. I am 1 year and 7 months from my last shot. I have had constant spotting with two full periods a month. With that being said..it is pretty much a constant feeling of either on my period, or about to start. I have insane moods swings, horrible breast tenderness, cystic acne(never even had that as a teenager), and then I started developing issues with my joints, eyelid proptosis, extreme fatigue. I just got a new diagnosis of Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease... borderline Lupus. I am absolutely convinced that Depo has contributed to this. It is not in my family history, nor did any of this start until the horrible post discontinuation Depo symptoms. This medication should be taken off the market. I believe in due time it will be, but for the mean time.. Try another birth control. I have been on others before that have no affects during or after. Whatever you decide. Please research first. I don't believe I was informed of the long term effects of this medication... other than possibility of bone mineral lose(which I took calcium/vitamin D the entirety of my treatment time). I assumed that if a provider was able to prescribe it, that they must be divulging the whole picture..I could go on for hours on the negatives of this birth control. DO NOT TAKE THIS.

I have been on the shot for going on 8 months, after 3 applications almost 4 next months, thereâ??s more bad then good to say. Yes pregnancy has been prevented but I feel side defects have made me unhappy with my choice. I always had a fast metabolism my whole life, and Iâ??ve gained 20 lbs since beginning! My sex drive has completely disappeared and itâ??s taken a tole on me and my relationship. Gratefully my partner understands... Mood swings and frequent headaches. Skip a period every other month, and when I do get a cycle itâ??s irregular timing. I may get off of it as I feel itâ??s done more bad then good...

I am 16 and decided to go on the depo to fix some very painful and nauseating periods, as well as contraception. I had it in January. I am still bleeding because of it today. Everything was okay for about a month, and then I got some spotting. I was fine with that as I thought it would stop after a little bit... boy was I wrong... the spotting turned into bleeding. I have been getting increasingly depressed and insecure due to the bleeding. Finally, my dad called the nurse and she prescribed me Tranexamic Acid and I finished a 4 day course on Monday, which did decrease the amount I was bleeding. I am now having a regular period, which the nurse said would happen. If after 7 days it doesn't stop, I have to get a scan to make sure everything is okay. If you are in the same position as me, then try and get whatever meds you can to stop this as it is horrid and can go on for up to 2 years after the injection wears off. If you are deciding, do NOT get this injection. It is not worth the risk if it doesn't agree with you. Good luck <3

I’ve been on the shot for over 6 months now and don’t have any complaints. I haven’t had a period since I started it! No cramps, no blood, pretty much the only thing I deal with is the emotional cycle, which I can deal with just fine. When I get the shot, for about a day everything tastes weird. It makes my hip/leg feel weird but I found that walking around and staying rather active the day of the shot helps a bunch! The shot is super quick and doesn’t hurt at all, at least for me with a high pain tolerance. Oh, and I’m not pregnant at all! Me and my boyfriend don’t use any other form of protection and I’ve never even had a pregnancy scare. I used to be on the pill for 3 years and I like this even better. It has increased my very low sex drive, and no longer experience vaginal dryness. Overall, everything is going well! I would definitely recommend this form of birth control.

On 9/13/19, the nurse gave me the 1st depo shot but she didn't said nothing about the side effects. I spotted until 1 wk before thanksgiving. Then I bleed every other day. I gained a few pounds, no sex drive, vaginal dryness and had some strong cramps. On 12/29/19, I went to the ER and the doctor said Depo is making me bleed and it should stop within couple months. After that day, I bleed heavier everyday

I took depo to stop heavy periods, help with migraines, and most importantly as birth control. My period stopped around month 7 and i only cramp occasionally. My migraines have improved considerably. HOWEVER, the first 6 months I had severe anxiety and depression. Since the initial adjusting it has been great!

I have been on this drug for about two months now and the side effects are horrible I get dizzy and weak and Iâ??m already getting pain from it I have also lost my appetite instead of gaining weight I have been back and forth to the emergency room thinking I had something wrong with me but the test come back normal I have also had severe headaches and abdominal pain since I have lost my appetite I now have low b12 and stomach problems due to this I will not be taking this anymore!!

I’m 19 yrs old.On my first shot n I’ve been bleeding non stop having even more terrible mood swings having terrible body pain an acnes even more I haven’t gained any weight I so wish I did research on this before taking the shot

I started on June 14th and I was excited because I didn't have a cycle for six weeks. All of a sudden July 27th I started spotting until August 1st. I have been bleeding extremely heavy and passing huge clots every day since August 1st. I use several pads a day and have messed up my pants several times. I'm due for my second injection on August 29th but I will not get it again. Absolute torture and torment. I am having horrible mood swings and the constant heavy bleeding has made me extremely depressed. All that bleeding will make you want to harm yourself. It's extremely difficult to get through this. I really hope the bleeding stops soon; like yesterday! Complete nightmare! I wouldn't recommend the depo to anyone! Horrible! TAKE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!

I have been on the depo shot since 2014 And it’s 2019 it helps perfectly I have a high sex drive still no periods and no side effects it depends on the persons immune system and health if it works

Getting the depo shot was one of the WORST decisions I ever made. First off, forget having sex. Second, for three months, I bled heavily. Every. Single. Day. I passed several large clots and went through several pads. I couldn’t even leave the house without being fully prepared with several pads and a bathroom always nearby. The depo shot was a living HELL for me. Sure, it did what it was ultimately supposed to do. But it was not worth the pain I went through for three months. I switched to an IUD and that has been so much better for me. Please consider anything else before getting the depo shot.

I was very weary of starting Depo Shot after reading many bad reviews. I have had a great experience so far! I am on my second shot, so about 5 months in. After the first month, exactly 3 weeks in, I had bleeding for 3 weeks straight and bad cramps! However after that I have not had a period since. I love how easy it is to use. My boyfriend and I do not use protection of any sort and I have not since gotten pregnant! I do have daily headaches, but I cannot be sure if it is the birth control to blame. However, most doctors do not allow this birth control for more than 2 years due to its ability to decay your bones. Overall, great experience! Don't let the bad reviews scare you away and give it a shot! (no pun intended)

I started using the depo shot in my 20's and i loved how it was effective almost immediately after given,I didnt have to second guess myself like with pills and it lasts 3 months. I had no period for 3 months when I used it. It was my go to. My best friend decided to try it as well and she had a horrible experience. She bled the entire 3 months, gained weight, broke her out...every womans body is different. For me, this was the right b.c. I havent used it since my 20s but I now have a 4 year old and am thinking of using this again asap.

This birth control has ruined my life. I have had 2 shots. I am depressed, spotting almost daily, bloated, have frequent mood swings, anxiety attacks, gained 10 pounds in one week, all over body pain, headaches, have thrown up, have no sex drive. DO NOT TAKE THIS SHOT

Very effective. My period stopped completely within 2 weeks.