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Generic Name: exemestane

Brand Name: Aromasin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been a heavy steroid user for years, you name it, ive tried it. From low dose to high dose as well. And of all the things out there I've used to help with insanely high estrogen, Aromasin works the best. Ive been using it for 10years or better. No pain, no joint issues, no lethargy, just sick gainz in the gym and diced to the bone.

I was lucky - small lobular tumour, lumpectomy, radiotherapy. My problems started with Letrozole. Horrific pain in joints, couldn't walk, adn severe depression. Hospital changed me to Aromasin, which at first was a relief. But the anxiety and depression are doubled. I feel i've lost my life. I'm 68. I have decided after three and a half years of a five year treatment plan, to stop my treatment. I already have antidepressants that are nothing against Aromasin. I'm glad (in a way) to read other reviews. I htought i was just old - until i read what others are suffering. It is time for me to take my chances. Two weeks ago i stopped taking the Aromasin. I feel happier, less stressed, and in the real world again, such as it is. I am a painter and Aromasin has made me feel emotionally dead for this time. I will take the risks. Quality is more important at my age. If i can't paint, - life is severely diminished.

I thought it was just me having all the same side effects. Muscle and joint pain is so horrible I can barely get out of a chair. No sleep, weight gain, sweating beyond hot flashes. Literally, it's hard to do my hair because it's wet from sweating after I blow dry it. Sex drive...gone. Completely. Emotional too. When I get up in the morning I can hardly walk my feet hurt so bad. I think I'm going to stop taking it. I'm only 56. This is no way to live. Anastozole was worse. And I get vertigo a lot.

Was on arimadex 3. 1/2 yrs. Bad joint pain weight gain. Higher blood pressure. Started aromasin last week. Killing my stomach, bloating miserable. I asked my oncologist to check my hormone levels he said it would not be accurate. I had stage 1 lobular no lympnodes involved. Plus its expensive. I'm done. Will consider arimidex on and off. Quality if life important. I'm constantly second guessing my self.

I had severe issues with bone pain and many nights of not sleeping. After a year of trying and not improving, I have been switched to Tamoxifen. Praying for better times and no breast cancer

I had a mastectomy and started aromasin. My lymph nodes were clear. I have had a tough time with this drug. Hot flashes, hands joint pain where I sometimes can't use a few fingers or they lock up, bladder issues where I feel I need to go but I do not have any bladder infections. Also had an issue with hearing and leg cramps but those 2 problems went away. I took aromasin about 2 months and stopped. It has been 2 months since I stopped and still having hot flashes, joint pain and bladder problems. My surgeon and oncologist say aromasin is out of my body and the issues are not related to the drug, REALLY? I did not have any of these problems before the drug. My family doctor thought kidney infection and I have tried 3 different antibiotics with no relief. I am now taking an anti-spasm drug for the bladder problems. I am also putting out white cells in my urine but no infection. My doctor ordered lab tests and everything was normal and my rheumatoid factor was negative (oncologist said I have arthritis which I know I don't). I feel this drug caused damage to my bladder and joints but most (not all) doctors, nurses and even pharmacist say no and the drug only lasts in my body 60 hours and the side effects would have been gone in 2 weeks. A few doctors said it is possible there is damage from the drug and it may take months to heal and one said maybe the pain never will go away. My oncologist wants me to try something else but as long as I feel this bad I refuse to take anything else.

I am only 6 weeks into this medication and I can't fall asleep or stay asleep if I do fall asleep. I sometimes have chest discomfort and have to take a few deep breaths to feel normal. Hot flashes like crazy during the first few hours after taking. My appetite is off and I am not hungry at normal times of day. This is throwing my glucose readings all out of whack. Not sure how long I will stay on this med before trying a different one.

This medication is unbearable. My family insists that it is the right thing but the pain and depression is so bad.i have told my Dr. But she looks at me like I am crazy. Don't know if I can stand it much longer.

I was diagnosed in Oct 2014, had a lumpectomy and 7 weeks of radiation. I was first prescribed Arimidex which I could not tolerate. I was so dizzy I could not get out of bed. I was then prescribed Aromasin and was fine for a couple of months and then started to experience stomach distress and now I have chronic diarrhea. I can't leave the house if I have had anything to eat that day. I have a colonoscopy scheduled just to be on the safe side, but I really believe that my problem is the Aromasin. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

The muscle/joint pain is excruciating. It is to the point of intolerance. Also, my alk. phos has been elevated which has prompted me to stop this drug and seek further options. I can't remember the last time I slept through a night on this medication.

I was diagnosed with stage 1 node negative in October 2013 had lumpectomy, chemo then radiation I was then put on tamoxifen for about 4 mths with no side effects. My oncologist then changed it to ariimidex was on it for a year. The pain became so bad he took me off of it. Now I took aromasin for four days and was rushed to er. I now have a lump on my collarbone has anyone experienced this. Please post if anyone has any info. Thanks

I was diagnosed with stage I breast cancer and it had gone outside the ducts. I had a lumpectomy and four weeks of radiation. My oncologist put me on Anastrozole. After two weeks the side effects were typical of what has been described by others so she switched me to aromasin. This drug proved to be even more negative. The newest side effect was chest pain and trouble breathing. Also I was recently diagnosed with a dilated ascending aorta. That is "new to me" as I have always been a very healthy person. Of course it could be age and genetics but I have my doubts. Radiation on my right breast and drugs seem to have the potential for damaging the heart. I realize the likelihood of damage to the right breast is less. Regardless I am off the meds for a while. Just not worth it. I will see my oncologist when I return from Florida i the Spring. It chest pains persist will see a cardiologist here. Yes, these drugs save lives and I am not a baby.....just not willing to live like this.

Started this drug in June 2015 after chemo, bilateral mastectomy, radiation. Initially was prescribed Anastrozole and had too many debilitating side effects. Oncologist then prescribed Aromasin and what a difference. The joint pain, bowel issues, massive hot flashes on this drug are nothing compared to the other. I already had osteoarthritis, so that pain has been relieved with Celebrex and walking every day. I haven't gained any weight, yet my waistline has completely disappeared. Hopefully, it will all be worth it. It costs a fortune, over $300 a month.

I was given Tamoxifen and then Arimidex and now Aromasin. I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have been on and off these medicines because of the side effects. They have all been terrible. WHat good is living if you can't enjoy life because of the side effects of these medicines. With Aromasin, it first appeared as if it was going to be okay. However, after a few months all the side effects started and they just keep coming. The joint/muscle and bone pain is almost unbearable. I gained 1o pounds, am extremely fatigued and have no ambition. I have fractured my elbow in 3 different places (haven't had a fracture since middle school), and the hot flashes never stop. About 1.5 months ago I had vaginal bleeding and I have had a hysterectomy. NO one knows what caused that. The latest side effect the depression - is probably the worse. This came on a few weeks ago and has become severe. So severe in fact I stopped taking it today. I am calling my doctor to let them know. I have never in my life experienced depression and for it to be as bad as it is (crying all the time, moode swings, even thoughts of siuicide ), to me- makes it not worthwhile. I will go back to clean eating, and lots of exercising. IN my opinion I would rather do this naturally, feel good and take my chances. I want to enjoy any amount of time I may have left with my family, and I want to be able to do it pain free. I wish all of you the best and prayers are with everyone who must suffer from cancer and all the medicinal aspects of treatments. I urge you all to research natural alternatives rather than suffer. I will continue

In discussing whether this medication has worked, I do not know as it has only been a few months. How will I ever know anyway?! One thing I do know is that I gained 8.4 pounds in the first two weeks of taking it even though cutting down on food after the first couple pounds were put on. The study shows how many people gain more than 10% of their body weight, but talks nothing about weight gain less than that. I would have to gain 14 pounds in order to be in that category >10%, but I am now eating less than 900 calories a day just to maintain the weight gain I already gained. I have not experienced any joint pains that I thought I would because of my existing conditions of arthritis. For that I am glad! The weight gain needs to definitely be addressed by the company or at least explained more fully because at 140 pounds I should not even gained 5 pounds let alone 14 pounds. Their ">10%" misleads doctors and patients into believing there is only a small number of folks affected by weight gain. That is quite possibly because of folks like me that have all but stopped eating to just maintain the gained weight...so that we never reach the 10% category!

I can barely type. Joints are stiff I feel Cancer would be easier to deal with .. I am 35 can't get out of be my knees lock. Omg this is horrible.. Headache, depression can't sleep.. Hell..

I took Arimidex for 3 months and finally changed to Aromasin . This is my second year of Aromasin and the side effects I find most intolerable are the lack of energy and depression. I stopped the drug for the month of August and regained my energy level and mood elevation. In the middle of December , I stopped it again. I've now restarted it and take it daily. Needless to say my oncologist is not in agreement with my routine. I will say the swollen hands & feet, hot flashes,achy joints & brain fog diminished after taking it for 1 year.I also monitor my diet closely and have eliminated soy and other hormone prone foods. Hang in there, it could be worse. ( I haven't tried kelp, if side effects worsen, I'll give it a try.)

I was taking tamoxifen after I first had breast cancer when my breast cancer came back I was first placed on armidex. I had a horrible time with bone pain,fatigue,nausea and diarrhea. The worst problem was the devastating depression and anxiety. It got so bad all I wanted to do was cry. I was afraid to leave my house. I called my Dr,she told me that these were not side effects from the armidex. I told her that I since stopped taking armidex for a week and I was feeling better already. She reluctantly agreed to put me on aromasin, within a week the side effects started up again. I already have the knees of a 89 year old,according to my orthopaedic surgeon and I to get both knees replaced. I can't spend the rest of my life like this. I'm 48 now and she wants me to stay on this medication for the rest of my life. I read in someone's comment that their Dr said what is more important the quality of your life or quantity. I'm going for quality!!! With all the other side effects from this medication I would probably die from a stroke before cancer,if my Dr would look at all my other risk factors maybe she would see that. My husband says that it's their job,the Dr,to push these medications down our throats. I'm beginning to believe him and I've been a nurse for over 20 years. I'm going to tell my Dr it's my body and it's my choice!!

This pill, aromasin has been a godsend to me. The other meds I took had me bedridden for 2 years. Because I had breast cancer twice in the same breast and refused Tamoxifen, My choices are limited. But Aromasin has saved me. I take a calcium pill that is timed over the day and releases thruout, that was the only thing I forgot in the beginning of taking it, but now i'm settled with that. I have gotten heavy, but heck, being alive is worth it. I don't have anymore choices, but am so glad that this aromasin is working so well. I'm 65 next week, and I honestly didn't think I would make it, but this god saver of a pill has me happy again. If this doesn't work for you, switch. I had a friend that took aromasin and switched to aromadex and is better with that. It was the aromadex that tormented me for 2 years. We all have different body make-ups, search for your life saver. Godspeed.

I am also taking Aromasin for post breast cancer care. Like a lot of others, the side effects have included joint pain. For someone who plays piano and golf, the pain in my hands was miserable. However, I started taking kelp to help offset some of these symptoms, and it has helped immensely. In fact, any residual pain can be relieved with Advil. Hope this tidbit helps someone.